TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

Jobs live on Career Rocks

We are pleased to announce that all of our job postings in India can now be found on Career Rocks. In an attempt to spread our wings and drive new talent to our vacancies, we partner with new organisations all of the time.

India is a market that is consistently bubbling and to have all of our jobs within India listed on this site is a great move. 

We currently have 1,992 vacancies live in India and this is growing day by day as we continue to market our jobsite as a free portal to post unlimited job vacancies on in.TipTopJob.com.

If you or anyone you know are advertising jobs in India, please do point them in the direction of our site. It is quick and easy to register and your jobs can be live within minutes.

On the other hand, if anyone is in need of a new vacancy, then it is simple and easy to register as a jobseeker, upload a CV, set up Email Alerts and apply for jobs online.



National Hug Your Boss Day

National Hug Your Boss Day is fast approaching and due to be celebrated on Friday 9th September. Will you get involved this year? We hope so!

The philosophy behind National Hug Your Boss Day is to promote healthy working relationships with not only your boss but also your colleagues. We figure that if you are working alongside your boss and colleagues for on average 8 hours every week day, then you may as well enjoy spending that time with them.

We have been collating interesting facts and stats over the years and we will be releasing some more for 2016 before we celebrate on Friday 9th. Help us to build some interesting data by answering the survey questions on the homepage of TipTopJob which are currently changing regularly.

We also have a Facebook page and Twitter page that you can follow to keep abreast of information as well as a dedicated website with pages for Facts, In The Press, Articles, Quotes, Picture Gallery, Video Gallery and more.

New articles surrounding motivation and relationships will be live before Friday 9th to help with supporting, building and developing relationships at work. Keep your eyes peeled.

To celebrate this year, all we want you to do is give your boss or colleagues a BIG hug. Capture it as a picture or video and share it with us on social media using the hashtags #nationalhugyourbossday #nationalhugyourboss #hugyourboss. It could not be simpler and it will add to some fun at work :) Help us spread the word. 


National Hug Your Boss Day

Boeing bans Pokemon Go at work

With the launch of the new Pokemon App last week, yesterday Boeing decided to ban their employees from playing it in the workplace. One employee was reportedly hurt playing the game and there were over 100 phones using the App. It sucks up bandwidth and takes up important work time.

Available on today's Smartphones, the game allows players to use GPS and lets players hunt around for virtual creatives in a real space.

Outside of the workplace, surely this new game is only going to lead to accidents and disasters? Players get so involved and forget about what is going on around them in the "real" world. It is bad enough that people walk around with their heads in their phone whilst emailing and texting but when they are so absorbed in a computer game and they are aiming to catch a Pokemon, there are likely to be serious accidents. Have you witnessed anything on the edge?

You can see the full story about Boeing banning Pokemon here.

Tell us, have you experienced work colleagues playing the game around you? Are you playing it at work? Is it distracting your day to day activities? 

Corporate Jargon Explained

You are sitting with your friends having a catch up when they start talking in riddles and using abbreviations or random words you have never heard before! Corporate jargon otherwise known as corporate lingo, workplace jargon, business speak to name a few is often commonplace amongst large corporate companies and especially those originating in the USA. For some, it can be frustrating to be lost amongst such language so we have collated some common terms and provided you with an explanation for each. There are many references to such jargon which include using abbreviations, nouns, verbs and adjectives. Here they are……….


COB – close of business
CSW – completed staff work
EOD – end of day
FTE – full-time equivalent
FY – fiscal year
HIBBIS – heads in beds, butts in seats
KPI – key performance indicators
NDA – non-disclosure agreement
PCP – previous corresponding period
POS – point of sale
PQQ - pre qualification questionnaire
RFP - Request for Proposal
RFQ - Request for quote
RIF – reduction in force
SBU – strategic business unit
SME – subject matter expert
TCO – total cost of ownership
TTT - this time tomorrow
WC – week commencing
WE – week ending
YTD – year to date



Blue sky thinking: Idealistic or visionary ideas
Cascade: Array of possible actions to take in response to a problem: protocol
Check in the box: complete the task
Flavor of the month: the current popular activity/person as directed by the company/client/management
Hub: an idea which other ideas are linked to
Joined-up thinking: Discussing the viewpoints of each organization and coming to an agreement or compromise
Kill two birds with one stone: doing one action will result in achieving two goals
Low-hanging fruit: Tasks that have the greatest positive effect for the least effort, used when promoting new projects to show the advantages
One belly button to push: Reduced number of suppliers
Raft of measures: A collection of proposals or schemes
Tent pole: the task or item most likely to delay a project or consume the most resources
Silver bullet: One solution for everything
Under-pinning: The foundations of an idea, which helps another related scheme or proposal
Womb to tomb: An idea or program that is killed before it has a chance to grow or flourish



Baked In: Same as "included," in principle. Something which has been "baked in" is implied to be impossible to remove
Boil the Ocean: An effort or task which is perceived by the speaker to be impossible or impractical
Build Capacity: Take actions which produce no useful output immediately, but increase the amount of useful work which can be done in the future
Cover all directions of the compass: Try to make things acceptable for all stakeholders

Finish reading this article in our Career Centre.



Would you clean for the queen?

We read yesterday that the Queen is currently recruiting for a new cleaner to help keep Windsor Castle clean and tidy.

The job would consist of making beds, polishing antiques and laundering linen and according to the newspapers, they would be required to work 6 days per week, 5 hours per day. There is no accommodation on offer and the chosen individual will need to be happy to undertake a range of activities.

The current salary offered is £27,000 per year for the job. Would you do this job at this salary? 

How many hierarchies do you have to report through?

32% of employees exist in a company with 4 or more hierarchies of reporting. Latest research into the number of hierarchies within businesses also found that 25% have 3, 23% have 2 and 20% have 1.

The graph below illustrates the results of the survey highlighting the differences between the number of bosses and the number of hierarchies. We can clearly see that there are more employees with just the 1 boss that they report into and there are more companies using 4 or more levels of hierarchy.


12% report to 4 or more bosses

With National Hug Your Boss Day fast approaching, we are turning around our survey questions rapidly to gather lots of interesting data to report. Do help us by casting your votes on the homepage of the website.

Last week, we asked how many bosses you report into. Surprisingly, we found that 12% report into 4 or more bosses. 

However, more obviously, there were 54% of people who only report into the 1 boss, making it a little easier for them.

26% report into 2 bosses and 8%, 3.

Having many tiers a hierarchy is fairly common practice but the number of bosses you directly report to is different and can clearly vary from company to company. 

So, all of you out there that report into more than the 1 boss, would you prefer to have just 1 boss to report to or do you find multiple reporting OK?! Do tell us here.....

Courtesy and Respect are Top Boss Qualities

Our latest findings reveal those all-important qualities our bosses portray. "Courtesy & Respect" come top of the pile with a massive 46% of employees choosing that as the most important quality in their eyes.

Second to "Courtesy & Respect", came "Clear Communication" with 22% selecting this quality as the most important to them. Some people feel they need that ease of communication to perform their job to the best of their ability.

17% wanted their boss to "Allow freedom to do their job" over anything else. The sheer thought of constant nit picking and overseeing drives some people crazy!

9% felt that "Valuing input & ideas of others" was key to them but at the bottom of the list came "Being Available" and "Respecting Privacy". 4% selecting these options so they are seen as being important in a small sample of employees.

How would you rate your bosses qualities now and does this match up with how you rate the qualities in order of importance to you? If so, does that mean you have the job of your dreams? Tell us here....

Free International Job Advertising in 84 Countries

To focus our efforts in marketing across the UK, we have now switched ALL International job advertising for the rest of the 84 Country domains that we cover to FREE. 

This allows all Recruitment Agencies and Direct Clients the opportunity to post anything from a single job to unlimited jobs.

A Recruiter simply needs to register as normal on the site and choose their local Country domain e.g. de.TipTopJob.com for Germany. This will automatically allow the Recruiter to then proceed to post jobs. If using a job posting board, the login details need to be passed onto the board and posting can continue as normal. For multiple uploads via CSV or XML, Recruiters will need to get in touch with TipTopJob. Otherwise, everything can be done online.

Our full list of Country domains can be found on the website here.

The only Country that is not allowing FREE job advertising is the UK. However, new advertisers within the UK, can request a FREE TRIAL for unlimited job advertising before purchasing any packages.

For any questions, please do get in touch with us on +44(0)1628 207350 or email sales@TipTopJob.com.