TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

Valentines Day is approaching

So, with Valentines just under a month away, we are asking our visitors, what gift they would prefer to receive 'at work' from their loved one. Does anything come to mind? Champagne, chocolates, flowers?

To help us to gather data to find out what people prefer, CLICK HERE to cast your vote.....

Do not worry, if receiving gifts means you would die in your arms, we have an option for "Nothing". So, do tell us how you really feel :)


What makes you stressed at work?

Our latest survey asked what people felt contributed most to every day stresses at work.

After asking over 500 people in this survey, we found that most people had “too many demands put on them” at work that meant they felt stressed! 25% of responders selected that contributing factor.

The second most contributing factor was “not enough support” of which 22% of the responders chose.

16% selected “the actual role and content of the job”, 14% “not being heard enough”, 13% “relationships at work” and 8% “changes at work”.

The workplace is a stressful one in everyone’s very busy lives where individuals need to make enough money to pay bills and survive in a tough old world. It is interesting to look into WHAT aspects cause stress for most people but this would obviously vary from individual to individual. Our survey has revealed that the most popular cause of stress are the demands we are faced with at work!

What is making you stressed today?