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How to use Facebook to help you in your job search

Facebook is the largest social network that allows individuals to connect with friends and acquaintances and re-connect with people from the past. As networking is the best tool for finding a new job, Facebook can be very effective in helping you to open new doors.

Tell your friends that you are looking for a new job. It is important that everyone knows your situation otherwise they are non-the-wiser. If your friends know you are looking then they are likely to let you know about any relevant roles that come up of interest to you. Keep updating your status about things relating to your job hunt so people do not forget your situation e.g. “interview went well this morning”.

Instead of just updating your status, use “Notes” as these tend to stay on people screens for longer.

Make sure your Facebook profile is private. Under your Account, Privacy Settings you can choose “Friends Only” so that potential employers who search for your name cannot see your details, photos or updates.

Facebook’s list feature means you can create lists of people in your network and customise the privacy settings so professional friends can only see what you want them to see. This means you do not jeopardise your chances of getting a new job if you are connected to a potential employer and you do not want them seeing certain things.

Facebook may be more for fun but do not over-look how effective it can be when looking for a new job. Because the people in your Facebook network are generally people you know better than the other networks, you are more likely to be recommended jobs by others if they know you are looking. Do not be afraid to embrace Facebook in your search for a new job.

Over a third avoid CV/resume writing professionals

Our latest study found that just over a third of jobseekers believe they can write their CV/Resume themselves and do not need the assistance of a professional.

On the other hand however, 39% of respondents have used a professional CV/Resume writer. 28% of these individuals were also really impressed with the outcome, saying they were brilliant and would use the service again as well as recommend them. The other 11% were not so impressed but did use the services to help them in their job searching process.

A large proportion, 27%, said that they have not used one in the past, but would definitely consider it in the future.

The professional CV/Resume writing services around are a massive support for those who do not know where to start with updating and reviving their most invaluable tool when searching for a new job. Although it seems that many find this updating process easy and are self-able, many are not and therefore these professional services come in very handy to a large percentage of the population.

Here at TipTopJob, we value these services highly and have partnered with some professional CV/Resume writing companies. If you are based in the UK or in Countries that use a CV, you can link through to GetInterviewsUK or if you are based in the USA, there is GetInterviewsUSA where they focus on updating your resume. Get Interviews offer a FREE CV/Resume review to start with so why not give that whirl now? Do not forget to let us know how you get on and make sure you remember to upload your brand new CV/Resume onto your account on TipTopJob!!!!

Results of the survey are illustrated below....


77% still looking for work prior to Christmas

In our latest survey, we can reveal that a huge proportion of individuals are looking for a new job, NOW, before Christmas.

In the past, it has been fairly common to delay the job hunt until the busy January period and enjoy the Christmas build up and the winding down but our latest survey results tell us otherwise.

77% of those asked have stated that they are looking for work with ONLY 23% waiting another few weeks to kick it off.

Does it make sense to make the fresh start and concentrate on getting your CV/Resume updated and applications out in January? Why are you waiting?

Tell us here....


Tips to survive the office Christmas party

With the Christmas party season kicking off this week, we thought it suitable to review some tips to surviving it and investigate whether employees "hated them and do not go", "go but prefer not to" or totally "love it and always go"! 

Our latest study found that 47% of employees do actually LOVE a Christmas party and always attend. Well, why not? It is an excuse to socialise with your work colleagues, enjoy food and drinks paid for by the company and have a night out!

On the other hand though, 25% unfortunately hated the thought of going to their Christmas party and find an excuse not to go. Are you one of these employees? Come on, tell us what your excuse is this year? On top of this, 28% go because they feel that they have to but prefer not to.

If you are one of those people avoiding the celebrations at Christmas with your work colleagues  have a read over the following tips to help with surviving the night:-
- drink a glass of water with every alcoholic drink;
- have a cut off time - pre-book your taxi home and stay safe;
- make sure you either eat before you go out or eat the food that is provided;
- do not go overboard with your choice of outfit and reveal too much flesh;
- pace yourself with the amount you drink and avoid any shots;
- stay away from office politics and gossip as it can get out of control on a night out when everyone relaxes;
- enjoy some dancing but avoid provocative dancing with your work colleagues and bosses;
- avoid posting onto social media throughout the evening;
- try to steer the conversation away from work.

If you can keep some of these pointers in mind, you are sure to enjoy your Christmas party without facing any uncomfortable situations. Have fun, stay safe and be merry!

christmas party survive it


I am NEVER late for work

A few weeks ago we asked the users on TipTopJob, how many times each week they were late for work.

When breaking down individuals arrival at work, we felt there are four different types of people....
1. those who are always at least 10 minutes early, never rushing or stressed.
2. those who walk in dead on start time and never before.
3. those who are literally running in, hair wind swept panting either on time or just after.
4. those who are notoriously late with one excuse or another.

Our latest survey run over several weeks, found that 73% say they are NEVER late for work. Excellent figure and we are delighted that these are the people using TipTopJob :)

Sadly though we did discover a % of people who are late, whether that was 1,2,3,4 days or every single day of the week. 13% admitted they are late 1 or 2 days each week, 5% 3 to 4 days and 9% say they are late every single day!!!!

So tell us, do you work with these late comers? And if so, how are they disciplined at work? Is it acceptable to be late in some companies and does it just not matter? What would happen to you if you were late at work? 

Companies restrict career progression

Most employees find that it is "The Company" that hinders career progression over anything else. In our latest survey we asked what most employees find holds them back from moving their careers forward out of a number of given options including "The company", "The Role", "Colleagues", "The Boss", "Their Skills" and "Their Confidence".

37% of responses selected "The Company" as the main reason for hindering their progression. Second to this were the individuals "Skills" of which 22% responded. Next, 14% selected "Confidence" from the options available - amazing that so many people have a lack of confidence that holds them back in their career!!

"The Role", "Colleagues" and "The Boss" were at the bottom of the pile. Only 6% chose "Colleagues", 8% "The Boss" and 12% "The Role".

Whatever the reason, career progression is so important to keeping an individual interested in their job and willing them to work for the company for the longer term rather than just the short term. The fact that most employees are stating that it is "The Company" holding them back shows that there are potentially no opportunities to progress within the company they are working for so the only option for promotions or advancements would be to move elsewhere. Have you got experience of a company hindering your career progression? Tell us the details here....

Facts and Stats by National Hug Your Boss Day

Since the beginning of the year we have been collating survey results around workplace relationships to help with research behind National Hug Your Boss Day. We have been able to gather some fantastic and interesting findings.

For example, we can tell you that...................

- 16% want to laugh at their boss when they are told off
- A third of employees think their bosses top weakness is being impatient
- Most employees are happy if their employer is happy
- 96% would NOT kiss their boss
- 85% would NOT date their boss
- People working in the Advertising, Marketing and Media industries are more likely to socialise with their boss.
- Employees in the Accountancy, Finance and Legal industries are least likely to socialise with their boss
- 47% rate their relationships with co-workers as excellent
- No employees thought their co-worker relationships were poor
- 72% of us feel we are "hard" workers
- Most employees feel "courtesy and respect" are most important bosses quality
- A third of employees would swap their boss for President Obama
- Only 1% would want to swap boss for Piers Morgan
- Three quarters of employees have shouted at their boss in anger
- Most of us want a "calm" boss
- 2/3 of Americans LOVE their boss in comparison so almost 100% of those in China

This is just a snapshot of some of the great Facts and Stats. There are 80 new items on the website. You can check them out on the website here.

Here are the graphical representations from a handful of the survey results....

It is National Hug Your Boss Day.....this Friday!

Only 3 more days to go until we celebrate National Hug Your Boss Day.

National Hug Your Boss Day was created by TipTopJob.com back in 2008. The idea behind launching the day was to promote healthy workplace relationships. We believe that if you are happy to hug your boss then you are more than likely enjoying your job and this in turn may lead to better morale/motivation at work and therefore productivity. We are not saying this is always going to be the case but it is the logic behind the fun!!

We figure that because you spend most of your waking day with those at work, why not make it a more enjoyable experience by getting along with everyone and trying to develop the relationships you have?

Our mission is to promote healthy working relationships worldwide and provide assistance to those who need help to better their relationships with colleagues and managers.

All you need to do is send us a photo of you hugging your boss or colleagues to hugyourboss@tiptopjob.com, upload it to our Facebook page or share via Twitter using the hashtags #hugyourboss or #hugyourbossday. You will also see your picture featured in the Gallery on the website within the next few weeks. We are also seeing plenty of videos being shared so if you prefer to record your hugs, we really appreciate the extra effort and enjoy watching them!

So, what are you waiting for.....get hugging :)

New articles live

We are pleased to announce that a number of new articles are now live on the National Hug Your Boss Day website. In our attempt to highlight relationship issues at work and resolve problems, we have written some advisory articles for you.

You will find articles for the managers/bosses and more for the employees.

Head over to the National Hug Your Boss Day website and click through to the "Motivational Articles" page. You will find articles on a multitude of topics, for example, "5 ways to manage your boss effectively", "How to deal with your employees office affair", "Clear signs that your boss is taking advantage of you", "10 things that really annoy your boss and solutions", "What behaviour is acceptable at work", "Sure signs you have a great boss" and more.

If you want to see something specific that we have not covered, please feel free to email us directly. We would love to hear from you. 

We hope we can help many of you out there to deal with relationship issues at work and make them better to allow your working life to be more enjoyable :) Let us know if we have helped you deal with or overcome anything.

79% have never shouted at their boss

You usually hear about the boss shouting at their employees but have you ever thought about an employee who shouts at their boss?

Our latest survey results reveal that 79% have NEVER shouted at their boss, which is a promising figure showing most of our users do respect their boss or have never had the need to express any negative emotions towards their leader.

Although the majority sit in this bracket, we do still have 21% who HAVE shouted at their boss in anger at some point in their career. Although we have not dug down into why, we can assume that it may have happened for a number of reasons.

Did the boss do something to provoke the attack and did the boss deserve it? Maybe the boss has shouted first? But even so, should the employee then shout back? How could this make the employee then feel after the action? Do they resign and leave or apologise and pretend it never happened? 

Whatever the reason behind shouting, it is not the best course of action, even if it is a reaction to a poorly behaved boss. Our advice is that if a boss has acted in this way to you, then remain calm and approach your boss with a professional attitude. Take some time before you speak to them to gather yourself and calm down if you need to. You do not want to make other employees uncomfortable and you certainly do not want to ruin your chances of a decent reference in the future.