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TipTopJob ranked in Top 10 for Twitter Followers Growth

We were contacted by SIGNL this week to let us know that TipTopJob is ranked in the Top 10 for Twitter Followers Growth, which is obviously brilliant news and something that we want to share.

We ranked #7 of 1,463 Recruiting by SIGNL companies by SIGNL in July 2014.

SIGNL's algorithm analyzes millions of data points including web/mobile traffic, social buzz, company growth, and more to identify companies with the highest momentum.

TipTopJob’s page is updated with new jobs, new clients, employment news, reviews, survey results, PR activity and more. If you are not already following us on Twitter, you can do so by following this page: https://twitter.com/tiptopjob. 

For more information on this you can click through to the SIGNL site: http://signl.com/award/public/tiptopjob/recruiting-2013-dec-b-twitter_follower.

Have you been made redundant?

Being made redundant is a highly stressful situation so we have put together some useful pointers on what you should bear in mind if you are faced with it...

- Redundancy is difficult not only for you but for the employer who has to make that decision to go through the process and actually do it. 

- Other people in the company will also be feeling it whether they are also being made redundant or not .

- It is difficult for everyone. 

- It should not be taken personally. 

- Ask questions so you understand what is going on and you know where you stand. 

- Speak to professionals so you feel comfortable with the process and know what to expect.

- Think ahead and start searching for a new job straight away. You can start going for interviews whilst you are working your notice period. 

- You are not alone. Redundancies happen all of the time. It is stressful and traumatic but there are many resources to help you get back on track. 

- Try to think positively and that you will find a new job. There will be something else out there for you and it may in fact be a blessing in disguise.

Redundancy can happen for a number of reasons, such as, when a merger occurs, companies suffer big losses or reduced profits, there is competition or maybe there is a requirement for different skills within a company. Whatever it is, it will not be down to your skills and abilities and redundancy should not effect your confidence to do your job properly.

If you have suffered, you can seek professional advice to help you get through it but normally your company will assist you in finding a new opportunity.

39% think the directive management style is the most motivating

In a surprising recent survey conducted across our network of sites, we found that 39% of those responding felt that the “directive – do it my way” approach to management was more motivating over any other style. It was the most popular response by 12%.

Second to the “directive” approach was the “participative – everyone has input” which we thought would actually take the first position. 27% felt that was the most motivating.

The “pacesetting – do it myself” approach was the least popular with only 4% of respondents choosing it and the “affiliative – people first, task second” ended up with 6%.

11% chose the “authoritative – firm but fair” and 13% chose the “coaching – developmental” option.

When putting this question together, the obvious answer to what motivates you the most would be the “participative – everyone has input” in our eyes but it seems that people need more direction than that to motivate them at work.

What do you think ?

Win 3 Months of Advertising on TipTopJob

Over the next week, we are running a competition for all Clients using TipTopJob to enter into a World Cup Competition to win 3 month's of FREE job advertising.

This is how it works....

Pick a number between 1 and 32. Your number relates to one Nation taking part in the World Cup. If your Nation wins the World Cup, you win our Competition and receive 3 MONTH’S OF FREE JOB ADVERTISING.

The rules:
- You need to be using TipTopJob currently.
- You choose one number between 1 and 32.
- Your number equates to a World Cup Nation in our table.
- The company that was allocated the Nation who wins the World Cup, wins our Competition.
- The winner is granted 3 month’s of FREE job advertising on TipTopJob after their current advertising contract lapses.
- One entry per company.

To enter, simply email sales@tiptopjob.com as soon as possible with your number. Be quick as there are only a limited number of places available.

Good luck!

Boss Meet Up = Motivation

Our latest survey results reveal that 78% of people find that having a meeting and catch up with their boss about their work and progress helps them to stay motivated.

We tend to agree! Taking the time to go over the work you have been doing with another helps to re-set and re-focus. It can help to iron out issues and it is a good time to have any outstanding questions answered. Having a meeting with your manager may involve the praise and recognition everyone needs to spur them on at work as without that, it is easy to lose interest in daily tasks.

Many other motivating factors at work come from communication that a catch up with a manager brings. This may include the simple ease of communication with a boss, trust, inspiration and respect.

Everyone is different when it comes to what motivates them at work but what is clear is that most people need to have that regular catch up with their boss whether it is face to face or on the phone.

What do you think?

41% need to see their boss at least every other day to stay motivated at work

Our recent survey about motivations at work have found that 33% of people need to see their boss every single day to stay motivated at work. 8% felt that every other day would suffice which means that a massive 41% need to see their boss AT LEAST every other day in order to maintain motivational drive.

16% think a few times per week would keep them motivated, 20% say once per week, 2% say once per fortnight and 8% say once per month.

The survey also found that 13% did not need to see their boss at all which probably accounts for those self-motivated individuals who have bosses that work from home or in another office on the other side of the Globe. 

With technology today, companies employees do not need to work daily from the same office but it is clear from this survey that we need to be careful about splitting up too many of the workforce as many individuals feel they need to work closely with their boss in order to stay motivated.

Let us know what you think?

Do you work in the same office as your boss and need to see them to stay motivated?

Or are you someone who likes to have your space and can drive yourself on?

72% search for a job from their mobile at least one per day

With the increasing use of smartphones, it is not surprising that in our latest survey we found that over 72% searched for a job from their mobile at least once per day.

Not only that, our survey found that 28% of people actually search several times per day and 19% every hour. 25% said they searched once per day!

On the other end of the scale, only 17% said they NEVER searched from their mobile. As the months and years go by, this figure will reduce further. More and more people are moving to use mobiles for more than just telephone calls and text messages. Smartphone provide the ability to do so much more from a mobile with increasing speeds and ease.

So, where do you sit? Are you one of the 17% who have never searched for a job from your mobile? Do you think you may do next time?

If you are a regular user, do you use apps or the internet pages of job boards? And what else do you use your smartphone for other than phone calls or text messages?

We would love to hear what you have to say about this very prevalent topic.


Unemployment in the UK down

The total number of unemployed people in the UK is now at 2.33 million following the latest fall in the number of people not working. The unemployment rate continues to be 7.2%.
The number of those unemployed within the age group of 16-24 fell by 29,000 taking the total number at 912,000 which is the lowest level since 2011.
The official statistics show that the number of people in employment is at a new high of 30.19 million. Also, another positive statistic is that over the past year, the number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance has fallen by more than a third of a million.

You called me WHAT?!?

64% of people in London have come across a jobseeker or recruiter with a rude/hilarious/funny name. Have you?!?

We also asked those living in Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Manchester and Bristol and compared the results.

Only 3% of those in Leeds had come across a rude/hilarious/funny name in the recruitment market which was the smallest % out of all of the areas asked.

11% in Birmingham had, 9% in Manchester, 8 % in Bristol and 5% in Glasgow.

London homes the most diverse set of cultures so it is bound to have "stranger" names.

What is the rudest, most hilarious, funniest name you have come across?!?

Thinking of being an Architect?

Are you considering a career as an Architect?

Are you unsure what is involved in day to day life as an Architect? Do you want to find out more? Is it right for you?

Well, we are here to rescue you as we have put together some information about being an Architect. Hopefully this can help you to make the decision as to whether it is the right career choice....

So, what is an Architect?

Architects work within the construction industry and participate in the design of new buildings, expansion or modification of an existing building, or on the restoration and protection of creative industries. They usually deal with individual buildings or large redevelopment projects but they can be responsible for the design of the surrounding landscape and space.

Architects work in close cooperation with their customers and users to ensure that the design meets their needs. They usually control a project from start to finish and work closely with building professionals, including surveyors and engineers.

And, what does an architect actually do?

Work activities generally include some of the following:
- From set off, develop ideas with customers and set budgets;
- Dealing with professionals to assess the environment and impacts on the ground;
- Assist in site selection;
- Work closely with site contractors to ensure specific standards are met and that the building is sustainable and aesthetically pleasing;
- Prepare detailed work plans and specifications;
- Prepare applications for planning and construction management;
- Ensuring the project runs of time and budget;
- Address any difficulties and problems that may occur;
- Use of IT design and project management.

We have plenty more where this has come from. Click through here to read the full Architect Job Profile / Description page on our site and find out about the entry requirements, training, skills required, how much you would earn, what hours you would work and what career progression there is.

Should you have any further questions, we would be pleased to help where we can at marketing@tiptopjob.com.
