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6% cannot stand their colleagues

Our latest review on how colleagues felt about each other sadly found that 6% cannot actually stand who they work with. Even though 6% is not a huge number, it is still a proportion of individuals who do not enjoy working alongside their colleagues. 

On the happier note, a total of 74% fortunately "liked" or "loved" them (of that 74%, 33% LOVED their colleagues). This is great news for the morale, motivation and productivity of those organisations because if colleagues actually like each other, they will enjoy being around each other, be happier in their daily activities and therefore ultimately the company wins all around.

So, what is the advice to those who hate their co-workers? If it is really making you feel unhappy at work and you cannot concentrate on your work, then maybe it is worth talking to your manager/boss about changing your seating arrangements so you are either away from those you do not like or with people that you prefer to be around. 

If there are multiple people that you cannot stand at work, then maybe it is worth considering a change in your role or even company. Maybe the industry you are in does not suit your personality and fit in with the kind of people you want to be surrounded by. Hopefully, it does not require a job or career change, but if it does, do not forget to check out the roles we have on our site and apply online there. 

Here is an illustration of the full survey results that we found....



Excellent and Great co-worker relationships

We have just collated some very positive results about co-worker relationships and how people feel they get on with one another at work.

When asked to rate their current relationships on a scale from the options; Excellent, Great, Good, OK, Poor or Awful, almost 100% said they were Excellent or Great! 

To be more precise, 47% rated their relationships as Excellent and 45% Great. Only 7% said they were good and less than 1% OK. No one rated their relationships at work as Poor or Awful........ which is great news!

Here at TipTopJob, we like to promote healthy, working relationships and this survey is proof that today, relationships at work and more than good. This makes us very happy! 

#excellentrelationshipsatwork #relationshipsatwork #greatrelationships #happyatwork #coworkerrelationships


Hugs in the office lead to...

Our final survey relating to National Hug Your Boss Day is complete and results are out! 

We asked our users if they thought that a hug could lead to an office romance. It was almost a 50/50 split in responses with only a fraction (53%) more thinking that YES, it could lead to romance. 

Well, of course it could, but does that really mean the romance has come about because of the hug? No probably not. If you have an office fancy, then you have an office fancy. Maybe a HUG just makes you feel like you want to make something out of it.

On another note, if you are having an affair at work, do you avoid hugs in front of co-workers to dodge suspicion? Or are you not bothered about people talking?

Have you been involved in an office fling? Did or do you hug at work? Tell us more....