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30% already in dream job


Latest research tells us that 30% of people are living the dream and have landed their actual "dream" job. This is such fantastic to read and highly motivating for many to know that it is obtainable if they have not managed to find it themselves.

Within the same study, another positive finding was that on top of this, 22% are about to start their dream job as well. We really believe that sometimes, that dream job, maybe does not exist until later on life when you understand yourself better, begin to know what you enjoy and what you are really good at. So, do not be heartbroken if you have not found that dream job yet because you are unsure what it even is. Be patient and it will come.

Unfortunately, there were a percentage of people who could not find it for one reason or another (33%) and 15% never get offered it. Our advice is not to become discouraged. If you know what your dream job is and you are trying to secure that, then keep trying and do not give up. You will finally find yourself in it as long as you work hard and do not lose that determination. And as we have mentioned before, be patient if you do not know what it is yet. 

Wouldn't it be great to re-do this survey in 6 months time, to find that 100% had found their dream job?

We would really love to hear what these dream jobs are, so please do share that with us below.....


4 out of 5 would take demotion or pay cut for dream job

In a recent study, we found that 4 out of 5 individuals would take a demotion and pay cut to secure their dream job.

Taking a pay cut may not be a viable option with the current increase in the cost of living but IF it is affordable many would take the jump into a job of their dreams. Not only will moving into the perfect role help with overall job satisfaction and happiness moving forward, it could also help to path the way to further career progression in the future. At times, taking an initial step backwards can help to achieve a persons longer term goals.

This, however, can be a very difficult decision especially if you have a family, mortgage and other financial commitments. So, how can you make the decision? Here are 5 top tips to work out if you should take the leap.

1. Work out financially if it is a viable option and whether you can realistically cover the cost of living. If you can, then it is worth a shot!

2. Sit down with someone impartial and go over the pros and cons of staying at your current role versus moving on. Someone impartial will help you to think about things you may not have!

3. If the move is a total career change, then have you thought long and hard enough about whether you will enjoy the role you are going for. It is a huge decision so it is important to spend a good amount of time deciding if your skills will fit truly. Maybe consider volunteering to give yourself some practical experience.

4. If you are considering a location move, talk to your family and ensure they are all happy. This especially goes for the children, if any are involved. It may take some time for them to consider the move and come to terms with it but it is important to consider how everyone else will feel.

5. Be confident once the decision is made. Even if you have a small wobble it is important not to outwardly show these nerves or worry and to knock them on the head straight away. If you have spent enough time making the decision to change your role, this should not even be an issue.

Good luck!