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I am NEVER late for work

A few weeks ago we asked the users on TipTopJob, how many times each week they were late for work.

When breaking down individuals arrival at work, we felt there are four different types of people....
1. those who are always at least 10 minutes early, never rushing or stressed.
2. those who walk in dead on start time and never before.
3. those who are literally running in, hair wind swept panting either on time or just after.
4. those who are notoriously late with one excuse or another.

Our latest survey run over several weeks, found that 73% say they are NEVER late for work. Excellent figure and we are delighted that these are the people using TipTopJob :)

Sadly though we did discover a % of people who are late, whether that was 1,2,3,4 days or every single day of the week. 13% admitted they are late 1 or 2 days each week, 5% 3 to 4 days and 9% say they are late every single day!!!!

So tell us, do you work with these late comers? And if so, how are they disciplined at work? Is it acceptable to be late in some companies and does it just not matter? What would happen to you if you were late at work? 

Demographic Data in July 2014

As of July 2014, our demographic data is summarised as follows....

64% of TipTopJob is Male.
Education Level

38% are qualified to a degree or equivalent level. 29% have a high/secondary school qualification, 18% are qualified to a higher degree level and 6% to a professional qualification level.
Experience Level
35% of our database has 6-10 years of experience within their field, 16% have 3-5 years, 13% have 2 years, 6% have 1 year, 6% have 11-20 years, 5% have over 20 years, 3% are graduates and 1% school leavers.
Employment Level

33% of our database have registered as an employee, 15% as a team leader or supervisor, 12% as a manager, 6% senior manager, 6% as self-employed, 5% as a trainee, 5% as a temporary employee, 3% as a director and 1% as CEO/owner.

The top 4 industry sectors in terms of jobseeker numbers are IT, Engineering, Health and Office. IT accounts for 12% of the database. 9% of jobseekers are registered within Engineering, 8% in Health and 6% in Office. The next 3 industries in order are Accountancy, Construction and Finance.
You can also see this summary on our website here and find graphical representation: https://www.tiptopjob.com/displaycontent/sectionid/27/contentid/1481_-demographics-2014