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My boss is the reason I want to leave my job!

We are investigating the reason why you may want to leave your job and if it is because of the boss! Here are our latest findings...

40% of people want to leave their job because of their boss. 16% of these do not agree with how he/she works, 15% do not like him/her and 9% say their boss bullies/harasses staff. 

60% of the respondents like their boss and are not considering leaving their job.

If you were one of the users that responded within this 40%, let us know what it is exactly that you do not like about them or what you do not agree with? How are you handling your situation? Sharing your own personal stories and letting others know may help and support others who are struggling and finding working life difficult. 

How many hierarchies do you have to report through?

32% of employees exist in a company with 4 or more hierarchies of reporting. Latest research into the number of hierarchies within businesses also found that 25% have 3, 23% have 2 and 20% have 1.

The graph below illustrates the results of the survey highlighting the differences between the number of bosses and the number of hierarchies. We can clearly see that there are more employees with just the 1 boss that they report into and there are more companies using 4 or more levels of hierarchy.


Desktop, Tablet or Mobile access to jobs via the internet: A Global Comparison

Have you ever wondered whether job searching via the Internet in Kenya is dominated by mobile access and how it compares to the users across the UK? Or if the residents in the USA sit at a desktop computer looking for a new job more than those in Russia? No need to wonder any longer as we can now reveal some interesting stats and facts illustrating the differences between 186 Countries across the Globe.

So, it turns out that the Internet users in Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Gabon, Cuba and Chad use desktops to search for jobs more so than mobiles and tablets. In fact, 97% of people in Kyrgyzstan use a desktop computer. 93% in Russia, 89% in Gabon, 86% in Cuba and 86% in Chad.

Mobiles were used the most in Sudan, Kenya, Palau and the Falklands. 94% of users in Sudan chose a mobile over a desktop or tablet.

Interestingly, Internet users in New Caledonia were the only users more likely to use Tablets. In St Lucia, Jersey, Guadeloupe and Greenland, tablets were used more than any of the other Countries analysed.

The UK and the USA rank right in the middle when it comes to its usage of the desktop and mobile. The UK found 57% using a desktop versus 33% a mobile and the USA, 52% versus 43%, respectively. A similar result was found in Australia with slightly more internet users choosing a desktop in comparison to a mobile; 49% v’s 41% and India; 50% v’s 48%.

The stats turned on their heads for a few other Countries where there were more mobiles being used. For example, in the UAE, 43% chose a desktop to job search over 53% a mobile. In South Africa; 38% v’s 51% and Japan; 43% v’s 49%.

The data comes from the usage of TipTopJob over the last 6 months and compares the sessions from 186 Countries. You can see a full breakdown in the chart below.

Source: TipTopJob.com