TipTopJob Blog

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67% know their company history - is this really that important?

Do you think it is important to know the background of your company? Do you even care? Or are you one of the 67% of people who DO know the history!

When applying for a new job and you are invited to an interview, it is hugely important to research the company, its owners, history, growth, changes, staff, its industry and anything else you can find out. An interviewer could well ask you questions surrounding the topic so it is good to have the knowledge for this reason but also because if you are applying for a new job there, you probably should have the desire to know what kind of company you could potentially be employed by.

Researching this kind of information helps to give you an insight into the culture, values, ethos, mindset, vision etc so can be useful in deciding whether it is the kind of company that would suit you!

33% of employees DO NOT KNOW their company background but what exactly does this mean? Does it mean they are bad at their job? Not necessarily. Maybe the culture, staff, values etc do not matter to them and they can perform their job without having to know anything more about the organisation itself.

Knowing the history of the company is definitely more important to certain industry sectors and employment levels, such as, Managing Directors, Project Managers, Account Directors and such like. 

We would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. What job do you do and do you know your company's history? Comment below.....


Thank you for support National Hug Your Boss Day!!

A huge thank you goes out to all those companies who got involved with supporting National Hug Your Boss Day. We had a tremendous amount of people getting involved. It really does show us how people really think healthy working relationships are so important!

We had pictures being shared all day from everywhere in the World with some very large companies sharing the love with us including, Skype, Haven, SAS, the CIPD, Haribo, Virgin Trains, Fox 24 News, Fox6 News, WICS Morning, Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream and Manchester City Football Club.

Such a fun day celebrating such a great cause for working individuals.

The website will be updated shortly and we will be announcing next years date in due course.

Until next year, make you sure you work on those relationships in the workplace and build and develop them in every way you can!

TipTopJob ranked in Top 10 for Twitter Followers Growth

We were contacted by SIGNL this week to let us know that TipTopJob is ranked in the Top 10 for Twitter Followers Growth, which is obviously brilliant news and something that we want to share.

We ranked #7 of 1,463 Recruiting by SIGNL companies by SIGNL in July 2014.

SIGNL's algorithm analyzes millions of data points including web/mobile traffic, social buzz, company growth, and more to identify companies with the highest momentum.

TipTopJob’s page is updated with new jobs, new clients, employment news, reviews, survey results, PR activity and more. If you are not already following us on Twitter, you can do so by following this page: https://twitter.com/tiptopjob. 

For more information on this you can click through to the SIGNL site: http://signl.com/award/public/tiptopjob/recruiting-2013-dec-b-twitter_follower.