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43% use ONLY a mobile for job searching

Our latest survey reveals that a massive 43% ONLY use a Mobile for job searching via the Internet. 

We asked over 2,000 jobseekers, when they visit a jobsite, what they normally use. We provided a number of options and combination of options to include the following:

- Mobile?
- Tablet?
- Desktop?
- Mobile+Tablet?
- Mobile+Desktop?
- Tablet+Desktop?
- All 3?

The results tell us that the Tablet is the least most popular device to use. Only 4% ONLY use a Tablet, 5% would use a Mobile + Tablet and ONLY 1% would use a Tablet + Desktop. 

No surprises when looking at the Mobile data being the most popular. As we have seen 43% would use ONLY a Mobile device, 5% a Mobile + Tablet but more popularly 15% use a Mobile + Desktop. 

12% reveal using all 3 devices at some point or another when searching for a job on the Internet.

With the growing use of Mobile devices across the World and easy access to Smartphones, it is no wonder that Mobiles are more popular. People are able to access the Internet on the go, anytime, anywhere. We wonder how much these stats will change and grow by next year - we predict at least a 10% increase in mobile usage!


How to use Facebook to help you in your job search

Facebook is the largest social network that allows individuals to connect with friends and acquaintances and re-connect with people from the past. As networking is the best tool for finding a new job, Facebook can be very effective in helping you to open new doors.

Tell your friends that you are looking for a new job. It is important that everyone knows your situation otherwise they are non-the-wiser. If your friends know you are looking then they are likely to let you know about any relevant roles that come up of interest to you. Keep updating your status about things relating to your job hunt so people do not forget your situation e.g. “interview went well this morning”.

Instead of just updating your status, use “Notes” as these tend to stay on people screens for longer. 

Make sure your Facebook profile is private. Under your Account, Privacy Settings you can choose “Friends Only” so that potential employers who search for your name cannot see your details, photos or updates. 

Facebook’s list feature means you can create lists of people in your network and customise the privacy settings so professional friends can only see what you want them to see. This means you do not jeopardise your chances of getting a new job if you are connected to a potential employer and you do not want them seeing certain things. 

Facebook may be more for fun but do not over-look how effective it can be when looking for a new job. Because the people in your Facebook network are generally people you know better than the other networks, you are more likely to be recommended jobs by others if they know you are looking. Do not be afraid to embrace Facebook in your search for a new job.

Most jobseekers look for a new job as they want more money

In our latest survey question about searching for a new job, we found that most respondents want more money and that is why they are searching for a new role. 27% of jobseekers selected “More Money” in the questionnaire.

Second to that was a “Career Change”. 18% were looking for a new role to change careers and try something new. 16% “Disliked Colleagues/Manager” and that was why they were job searching.

The other options and response rates were:

- Bored/don’t enjoy current role – 14%

- Re-locating – 10%

- Sacked/asked to leave – 8%

- More responsibility – 5%

- Better career prospects – 2%

Why are you looking for a new job? Is there another reason not listed above?

Is money always on the top of your agenda?