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A clear demand for creating rewards and incentive schemes

Our latest study asked workers what they thought could improve their relationship with their boss. There was a clear majority of people who felt that creating rewards or incentive schemes would help.

We also gave the options; socialising outside of work, discussing/airing problems/issues and regular meetings as alternatives to what we felt may improve an employees relationship with their boss.

The results were as follows:

Socialising outside of work - 5% 
Discussing/airing problems/issues - 10%
Regular meetings - 16%
Creating reward/incentive schemes - 69%

Here at TipTopJob, we thought that through socialising with your boss that it could improve the relationship but the results tell us that not many agreed :)

Amazingly, creating reward/incentive schemes was the most popular! Maybe employees felt that if they were rewarded and incentivised they would have more communication, feedback, guidance, respect and therefore feel closer to their boss which would then build a good relationship with them.

We would love to hear what you think about these results. Tell us here....

Courtesy and Respect are Top Boss Qualities

Our latest findings reveal those all-important qualities our bosses portray. "Courtesy & Respect" come top of the pile with a massive 46% of employees choosing that as the most important quality in their eyes.

Second to "Courtesy & Respect", came "Clear Communication" with 22% selecting this quality as the most important to them. Some people feel they need that ease of communication to perform their job to the best of their ability.

17% wanted their boss to "Allow freedom to do their job" over anything else. The sheer thought of constant nit picking and overseeing drives some people crazy!

9% felt that "Valuing input & ideas of others" was key to them but at the bottom of the list came "Being Available" and "Respecting Privacy". 4% selecting these options so they are seen as being important in a small sample of employees.

How would you rate your bosses qualities now and does this match up with how you rate the qualities in order of importance to you? If so, does that mean you have the job of your dreams? Tell us here....