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How to make sure your Linkedin requests are accepted

Have you tried to connect to people on Linkedin but still find they will NOT accept your request? Maybe there is a genuine reason like they did not receive the email from Linkedn to let them know about your request or the person just has not logged into Linkedin yet. Either way you cannot do anything to overcome these factors but there are OTHER things you should definitely make sure you are doing so as to make sure you are doing everything you can in your power to achieve as many connections as you possibly can. So what can you control?

Your Profile
Is it complete? You need to ensure you have a current job title and history or people will likely not want to connect. A good quality photo helps, history of employment and endorsements will give you a level of value in others eyes. Try to complete as MUCH of it as you possibly can.

Your Message
Do not send a one size fits all message to the person you want to connect to. This will just look like you are trying to build the number of connections rather than show that you want to connect to that specific person. Do not use the default Linkedin message when connecting. Make sure you enter in the person’s name and address them properly. If there is any common ground between you, explain that along with why you want to connect. Make the message meaningful and show how your connection could be mutually beneficial.

Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar
This is always a huge factor in any professional documentation.

Company Loyalty
Having friends at work can increase a person’s loyalty to the company as it is a big factor in deciding whether to leave and move onto a new job or not. People are not loyal to a company but to the people they work with.

Get The Name Correct
Some people will ignore a request if you are unfortunate enough to make the mistake of getting their name incorrect. Double check who you are connecting with before sending your message.

Do Not Sell
If your connecting message, just introduce yourself and connect. Avoid discussing any products or services that you want to sell in this first message as it could well and truly put some people off accepting. It can also be a little off-putting for people to receive a sales pitch straight after a connection so just be careful how quickly you approach them in your follow up.

It may seem like you have to invest a little time into each connection but if you want to build a genuine relationship, this is vital. Do bear in mind though that some people will never connect to others unless they work with them or have worked with them and know them properly so do not be offended if you fail to achieve some connections. Just keep building by connecting and your network will certainly grow!

You can also find this article on our website.