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CV / Resume done. What next?

Our latest research tells us that recruitment agencies do not get a look in compared to job boards and direct applications to specific jobs and organisations.

After a month of asking jobseekers what they do once they are happy with their CV / Resume, we found that 45% choose to upload it to a job board and make online applications via their systems. 39% apply directly to company opportunities and lagging way behind is the option to use a Recruitment Agency with only 12% taking that route.

There will always be a market and desire to use Recruitment Agencies especially within certain specialist industry sectors so it really does come down to what kind of jobs are being applied for. Many jobs can be found on job boards so it is quick and easy to make job applications online in this way where the CV/Resume can be saved within a users account. On the flip side of this though, some companies will never publish their vacancies on job boards or even enrol an agent, so direct applications to companies would be the chosen avenue.

Where have you found the most success when applying for a job? Tell us here.....

6% cannot stand their colleagues

Our latest review on how colleagues felt about each other sadly found that 6% cannot actually stand who they work with. Even though 6% is not a huge number, it is still a proportion of individuals who do not enjoy working alongside their colleagues. 

On the happier note, a total of 74% fortunately "liked" or "loved" them (of that 74%, 33% LOVED their colleagues). This is great news for the morale, motivation and productivity of those organisations because if colleagues actually like each other, they will enjoy being around each other, be happier in their daily activities and therefore ultimately the company wins all around.

So, what is the advice to those who hate their co-workers? If it is really making you feel unhappy at work and you cannot concentrate on your work, then maybe it is worth talking to your manager/boss about changing your seating arrangements so you are either away from those you do not like or with people that you prefer to be around. 

If there are multiple people that you cannot stand at work, then maybe it is worth considering a change in your role or even company. Maybe the industry you are in does not suit your personality and fit in with the kind of people you want to be surrounded by. Hopefully, it does not require a job or career change, but if it does, do not forget to check out the roles we have on our site and apply online there. 

Here is an illustration of the full survey results that we found....