TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

72% search for a job from their mobile at least one per day

With the increasing use of smartphones, it is not surprising that in our latest survey we found that over 72% searched for a job from their mobile at least once per day.

Not only that, our survey found that 28% of people actually search several times per day and 19% every hour. 25% said they searched once per day!

On the other end of the scale, only 17% said they NEVER searched from their mobile. As the months and years go by, this figure will reduce further. More and more people are moving to use mobiles for more than just telephone calls and text messages. Smartphone provide the ability to do so much more from a mobile with increasing speeds and ease.

So, where do you sit? Are you one of the 17% who have never searched for a job from your mobile? Do you think you may do next time?

If you are a regular user, do you use apps or the internet pages of job boards? And what else do you use your smartphone for other than phone calls or text messages?

We would love to hear what you have to say about this very prevalent topic.


Unemployment in the UK down

The total number of unemployed people in the UK is now at 2.33 million following the latest fall in the number of people not working. The unemployment rate continues to be 7.2%.
The number of those unemployed within the age group of 16-24 fell by 29,000 taking the total number at 912,000 which is the lowest level since 2011.
The official statistics show that the number of people in employment is at a new high of 30.19 million. Also, another positive statistic is that over the past year, the number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance has fallen by more than a third of a million.

New Infograph for TipTopJob Numbers

We have this week put together a new Infograph about TipTopJob numbers. In it we have highlighted the number of jobs posted in February and our total number of jobs, the total number of candidates on the database, the number of jobseekers registering and the CV views per day, how long people spend on our site, the % of new visitors, the % of candidates that register who also leave a CV behind and finally the number of jobs that get email alerted out.

Check it out on our site here.

Affiliate Program

In our bid to expand worldwide and obtain local presence in each Country, we have launched a new Affiliate Program to find businesses and individuals to sell TipTopJob services in their chosen area.

We are looking for Affiliates or Joint Sales Partners depending on the type of business they are. Businesses can add TipTopJob to their portfolio and sell the services to existing clients or new clients. Individuals are invited to set up by themselves or with a team to sell TipTopJob. The Affiliate would be allocated a specific area/territory/country.

It is a simple way to earn extra revenue for a business as it is a simple add-on to what they would already be doing. The ideal business would be another job board, recruitment business or publisher that already have a sales team but this is not limited. Affiliates can earn up to 60% of everything sold.

The Affiliate would be allocated a defined Area which could be a Territory/Region/Country which would be discussed and pre-agreed.

We have set up a website dedicated to our Affiliate Program which can be found here: www.tiptopjob.biz.

For those interested and want to find out more, you can email us on biz@tiptopjob.com or call us on +44(0)1628 207350. Just give us a call and we can discuss whether this is something you can get involved in or not.

This is an exciting opportunity for anyone wanting to join us in our International expansion.

TipTopJob's summary of statistics from January....

Here is a summary of some of the statistics from January in terms of Jobseekers, Jobs, Applications and Searches.

Throughout January we saw the largest increase in jobseekers in the Purchasing & Supply Chain, Charity and Legal industries. It still stands that IT, Engineering and Health, Nursing and Social Services have the highest number of jobseekers in total.

There was a 75% increase in the number of jobseekers registering in the UK from December to January. We continue to have the most number of jobseekers registered in the UK, USA, India, South Africa and Canada.

The most jobs were registered in Health, Nursing & Social Services, Advertising, Marketing & PR and IT. Electronics saw the largest increase from December to January and Transport, Logistics & Distribution and Utilities & Services saw the some of the largest increases over that period as well.

In January, Catering & Hospitality topped the bill for the most number of applications in one month. This was closely followed by the IT and Engineering jobs posted.

South Africa generated the most number of applications in January – double that of the jobs in the UK.

Construction jobseekers conducted the most job searches on TipTopJob throughout January by almost double of the jobseekers in the Retail & Wholesale industry.

For more information on statistics, please email us at sales@tiptopjob.com or marketing@tiptopjob.com.

Thoughts on the Bulgarian and Romanian changes....

After the recent changes to allow Bulgarians and Romanians the right to work freely across the EU, we asked our users the question "How will allowing Bulgarian and Romanian immigrants to work anywhere in the EU impact other European workers’ abilities to find a new job?".

The results have just come in and 50% of our users feel there will be a positive impact on other European workers abilities to find a new job. 29% believe that it would create no change and 21% felt there would be a negative impact.

Studies have predicted that it could mean a shift in labour wages for lower paid workers which would mean a negative impact to those in lower paid jobs. All predictions/suggestions are speculation though and it is difficult to know exactly what affects there will be until it happens.

How do you think these changes will affect jobseekers? Let us know your thoughts....

Happy New Year

Welcome back to everyone. We hope that you enjoyed a well deserved Christmas break but it is now time to get back into the swing of things.

As a belated Christmas present to you, we have extended our free job posting trial offer into January so you can make the most of the January madness. This offer allows you to post as many or as little number of jobs as you like up until the end of the month.

For more information about this, please get in touch with our sales team on +(0)1628 207350 or email sales@tiptopjob.com.

Merry Christmas

We would like to wish all of our users a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope that you all take a well deserved break over the next week or so.

Our offices will be shut at the end of play on Monday 23rd December 2013 and we will re-open on Thursday 2nd January 2014.

For anyone wanting to search and apply for jobs, there is nothing stopping you. The site will still be available and there are still over 500,000 jobs to search through. Why not use your free time to update your CV and upload it into your account and apply to a new job ready for the new year?

As for any advertisers, the site is still there are available to use.

We hope you enjoy your Christmas break and look forward to a busy 2014.

From all of us at TipTopJob

Cheeky Christmas kiss leads to promotion at work

In our most recent survey, we asked our users if they were hoping for a kiss at their Christmas party this year and if a kiss could lead to a promotion in the New Year.

We found 43% of respondents are hoping to kiss a work colleague at the office Christmas party and that 1 in 3 people felt that if they managed to kiss their boss at their Christmas party it could lead to a promotion in the New Year. Are people really that desperate to exploit this kind of behaviour in an effort to build their career?

Our survey asked over 1,000 users in the lead up to Christmas.

It is a funny way of thinking because really only the outcome of having too many drinks and kissing work colleagues is embarrassment and awkwardness when it is time to go back into the office.

We would love to hear about what happened at your Christmas do? Did anyone embarrass themselves? Did anyone kiss the boss? Let us know….

Summary of Stats in December

At the end of November, we saw the largest growth in terms of jobseekers in the Government & Public Sector, Customer Service & Call Centre, Catering & Hospitality and Retail & Wholesale industries in November. Information Technology, Engineering and Health, Nursing & Social Services continue to be the industries with the largest number of jobseekers registered in them.

In terms of job numbers, the Charity sector, Recruitment and Work From Home saw the largest rise but the Health, Nursing & Social Services industry was the industry with the largest number of jobs posted in it in November.

When looking at Country data, South Africa had the most number of candidates registering in November compared to any other Country. The USA, UK, India and Canada were also at the top. The United Kingdom however, continues to hold the most number of candidates.

The USA still has the most number of jobs being posted in it.

For more information about our  statistics, please contact our Marketing or Sales teams on marketing@tiptopjob.com/sales@tiptopjob.com.