TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

Relationships with colleagues

With National Hug Your Boss Day being celebrated next month, we are now gathering data around relationships at work so we can share new statistics and facts.

We are currently asking our users, if they think their relationships with their colleagues could be improved. Do you think they could? Even just a little? Or are they either fine as they are or do you think they are so bad you do not even want to bother to try to improve them? 

Whatever situation you find yourself in, let us know and help us build a picture of the current state of relationships at work today.

You can find the survey on our homepage of the website or you can CLICK HERE through to the page. Thank you in advance. We appreciate your input :)


Over a third avoid CV/resume writing professionals

Our latest study found that just over a third of jobseekers believe they can write their CV/Resume themselves and do not need the assistance of a professional.

On the other hand however, 39% of respondents have used a professional CV/Resume writer. 28% of these individuals were also really impressed with the outcome, saying they were brilliant and would use the service again as well as recommend them. The other 11% were not so impressed but did use the services to help them in their job searching process.

A large proportion, 27%, said that they have not used one in the past, but would definitely consider it in the future.

The professional CV/Resume writing services around are a massive support for those who do not know where to start with updating and reviving their most invaluable tool when searching for a new job. Although it seems that many find this updating process easy and are self-able, many are not and therefore these professional services come in very handy to a large percentage of the population.

Here at TipTopJob, we value these services highly and have partnered with some professional CV/Resume writing companies. If you are based in the UK or in Countries that use a CV, you can link through to GetInterviewsUK or if you are based in the USA, there is GetInterviewsUSA where they focus on updating your resume. Get Interviews offer a FREE CV/Resume review to start with so why not give that whirl now? Do not forget to let us know how you get on and make sure you remember to upload your brand new CV/Resume onto your account on TipTopJob!!!!

Results of the survey are illustrated below....


Jobs cost over £3,000 a year

Have you seen in the news this morning that having a job will cost you more than £3,000 per year for UK workers?

Some latest research has found that UK workers are paying £91 billion or £3,405 each per year to have a job which works out to be about 16% of the average worker's net income. 

Public transport, fuel, mortgages, childcare costs and the cost of food and drink have all risen and contribute to this fact.

What do you think about this? Are you finding costs rising and it a struggle?




CV/Resume assistance

Have you had help with putting your CV or Resume together recently? We are looking into what kind of help you may have had and want your input :)

Our question is asking you to choose between the following options...
- Professional Service
- Friend/Family
- Internet Research
- Myself

Take THIS LINK and make your selection to help us find out the most popular choice of help.