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TipTopJob's summary of statistics from January....

Here is a summary of some of the statistics from January in terms of Jobseekers, Jobs, Applications and Searches.

Throughout January we saw the largest increase in jobseekers in the Purchasing & Supply Chain, Charity and Legal industries. It still stands that IT, Engineering and Health, Nursing and Social Services have the highest number of jobseekers in total.

There was a 75% increase in the number of jobseekers registering in the UK from December to January. We continue to have the most number of jobseekers registered in the UK, USA, India, South Africa and Canada.

The most jobs were registered in Health, Nursing & Social Services, Advertising, Marketing & PR and IT. Electronics saw the largest increase from December to January and Transport, Logistics & Distribution and Utilities & Services saw the some of the largest increases over that period as well.

In January, Catering & Hospitality topped the bill for the most number of applications in one month. This was closely followed by the IT and Engineering jobs posted.

South Africa generated the most number of applications in January – double that of the jobs in the UK.

Construction jobseekers conducted the most job searches on TipTopJob throughout January by almost double of the jobseekers in the Retail & Wholesale industry.

For more information on statistics, please email us at sales@tiptopjob.com or marketing@tiptopjob.com.

Summary of Stats in December

At the end of November, we saw the largest growth in terms of jobseekers in the Government & Public Sector, Customer Service & Call Centre, Catering & Hospitality and Retail & Wholesale industries in November. Information Technology, Engineering and Health, Nursing & Social Services continue to be the industries with the largest number of jobseekers registered in them.

In terms of job numbers, the Charity sector, Recruitment and Work From Home saw the largest rise but the Health, Nursing & Social Services industry was the industry with the largest number of jobs posted in it in November.

When looking at Country data, South Africa had the most number of candidates registering in November compared to any other Country. The USA, UK, India and Canada were also at the top. The United Kingdom however, continues to hold the most number of candidates.

The USA still has the most number of jobs being posted in it.

For more information about our  statistics, please contact our Marketing or Sales teams on marketing@tiptopjob.com/sales@tiptopjob.com.

Summary of Statistics in November...

After some analysis, we would like to share some statistics when it comes to changes in “job” and “candidate” figures across our industries from September to October end.

We now have 54,852 MORE Health, Nursing and Social Services jobs,  48,713 MORE IT jobs and 30,464 MORE Sales jobs on TipTopJob compared to the end of September.

Construction had the largest rise in jobs from the end of September to the end of October – 188% increase. Transport, Logistics and Distribution saw a 137% increase.

IT holds the largest number of jobs in total today – a total of 227,486 jobs. Health, Nursing and Social Services is the second largest with 211,216.

When referring to candidate data, the industry with the largest percentage increase for the same period was the Manufacturing sector with 38%. Utilities and Services was the second largest with a 15% increase.

The IT industry is the largest still with a total of 431,408 candidates. Engineering is second largest with 328,745 and Health, Nursing and Social Services third largest with 270,750 candidates.

When looking at our Country data, we can confirm that we have the majority of vacancies in the USA – a total of 837,560 jobs were posted in October. The UK was the second largest – 39,201 jobs. Following on from this was Germany (38,322 jobs), France (15,208 jobs) and Canada (10,889).

The largest Country for candidate figures was the UK with 666,587 candidates and the USA holds 586,208 candidates. After this, India has the next largest number of 368,352 candidates and then South Africa with 150,640 candidates.