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6% cannot stand their colleagues

Our latest review on how colleagues felt about each other sadly found that 6% cannot actually stand who they work with. Even though 6% is not a huge number, it is still a proportion of individuals who do not enjoy working alongside their colleagues. 

On the happier note, a total of 74% fortunately "liked" or "loved" them (of that 74%, 33% LOVED their colleagues). This is great news for the morale, motivation and productivity of those organisations because if colleagues actually like each other, they will enjoy being around each other, be happier in their daily activities and therefore ultimately the company wins all around.

So, what is the advice to those who hate their co-workers? If it is really making you feel unhappy at work and you cannot concentrate on your work, then maybe it is worth talking to your manager/boss about changing your seating arrangements so you are either away from those you do not like or with people that you prefer to be around. 

If there are multiple people that you cannot stand at work, then maybe it is worth considering a change in your role or even company. Maybe the industry you are in does not suit your personality and fit in with the kind of people you want to be surrounded by. Hopefully, it does not require a job or career change, but if it does, do not forget to check out the roles we have on our site and apply online there. 

Here is an illustration of the full survey results that we found....



76% want more flexible working but are they allowed?

In a recent study, it was revealed that 76% of workers would prefer to have a more flexible approach to their working location.

We asked over 1000 employees about whether they would want to work from home and if so, how much time would they settle for. We found....

- 25% are happy working at the office
- 8% would like to work one day per week at home
- 26% would like to work 2 to 3 days per week at home
- 41% would like to work more than 3 days per week at home

Although, there is a decent percentage of employees who are happy to remain working in an office environment, a much larger number of people are not. Why is this? Why are employers not speaking to their employees and respecting their wishes?

In some instances, really it comes down to the industry and job in which these employees are working within. How can an IT support worker who deals with on-site issues throughout a day possibly work from home. On the other hand though, a telesales person could quite happily do their job from home without the need for social interaction with colleagues. Also, being around other people throughout the day is much more sociable and allows for quicker and more comprehensive communication with colleagues.

How does working at home affect an individuals productivity? It is hard to give a blanket response to this question as when we have spoken to people in the past, some are massively self-motivated, able to get their job done without any distraction at home but others find any reason not to knuckle down. Employers are frightened at not being able to monitor daily tasks sometimes as not everyone works as hard when left to their own devices.

What are your thoughts and views on this subject? At the end of the day, should it be based on a case by case basis depending on the individuals personality, work ethic, self-motivation and more? We think so! 


Valentines Day is approaching

So, with Valentines just under a month away, we are asking our visitors, what gift they would prefer to receive 'at work' from their loved one. Does anything come to mind? Champagne, chocolates, flowers?

To help us to gather data to find out what people prefer, CLICK HERE to cast your vote.....

Do not worry, if receiving gifts means you would die in your arms, we have an option for "Nothing". So, do tell us how you really feel :)


Tips to survive the office Christmas party

With the Christmas party season kicking off this week, we thought it suitable to review some tips to surviving it and investigate whether employees "hated them and do not go", "go but prefer not to" or totally "love it and always go"! 

Our latest study found that 47% of employees do actually LOVE a Christmas party and always attend. Well, why not? It is an excuse to socialise with your work colleagues, enjoy food and drinks paid for by the company and have a night out!

On the other hand though, 25% unfortunately hated the thought of going to their Christmas party and find an excuse not to go. Are you one of these employees? Come on, tell us what your excuse is this year? On top of this, 28% go because they feel that they have to but prefer not to.

If you are one of those people avoiding the celebrations at Christmas with your work colleagues  have a read over the following tips to help with surviving the night:-
- drink a glass of water with every alcoholic drink;
- have a cut off time - pre-book your taxi home and stay safe;
- make sure you either eat before you go out or eat the food that is provided;
- do not go overboard with your choice of outfit and reveal too much flesh;
- pace yourself with the amount you drink and avoid any shots;
- stay away from office politics and gossip as it can get out of control on a night out when everyone relaxes;
- enjoy some dancing but avoid provocative dancing with your work colleagues and bosses;
- avoid posting onto social media throughout the evening;
- try to steer the conversation away from work.

If you can keep some of these pointers in mind, you are sure to enjoy your Christmas party without facing any uncomfortable situations. Have fun, stay safe and be merry!

christmas party survive it


I am NEVER late for work

A few weeks ago we asked the users on TipTopJob, how many times each week they were late for work.

When breaking down individuals arrival at work, we felt there are four different types of people....
1. those who are always at least 10 minutes early, never rushing or stressed.
2. those who walk in dead on start time and never before.
3. those who are literally running in, hair wind swept panting either on time or just after.
4. those who are notoriously late with one excuse or another.

Our latest survey run over several weeks, found that 73% say they are NEVER late for work. Excellent figure and we are delighted that these are the people using TipTopJob :)

Sadly though we did discover a % of people who are late, whether that was 1,2,3,4 days or every single day of the week. 13% admitted they are late 1 or 2 days each week, 5% 3 to 4 days and 9% say they are late every single day!!!!

So tell us, do you work with these late comers? And if so, how are they disciplined at work? Is it acceptable to be late in some companies and does it just not matter? What would happen to you if you were late at work? 

Companies restrict career progression

Most employees find that it is "The Company" that hinders career progression over anything else. In our latest survey we asked what most employees find holds them back from moving their careers forward out of a number of given options including "The company", "The Role", "Colleagues", "The Boss", "Their Skills" and "Their Confidence".

37% of responses selected "The Company" as the main reason for hindering their progression. Second to this were the individuals "Skills" of which 22% responded. Next, 14% selected "Confidence" from the options available - amazing that so many people have a lack of confidence that holds them back in their career!!

"The Role", "Colleagues" and "The Boss" were at the bottom of the pile. Only 6% chose "Colleagues", 8% "The Boss" and 12% "The Role".

Whatever the reason, career progression is so important to keeping an individual interested in their job and willing them to work for the company for the longer term rather than just the short term. The fact that most employees are stating that it is "The Company" holding them back shows that there are potentially no opportunities to progress within the company they are working for so the only option for promotions or advancements would be to move elsewhere. Have you got experience of a company hindering your career progression? Tell us the details here....

Free speech at work

In our latest survey we discovered that 46% of colleagues are able to talk freely and openly to each other whilst at work. Not only that but they feel no restriction on when or where they can have an open natter and at any point throughout the working day, personal discussions happily take place.

36% felt that they could talk openly and freely to their colleagues too but they needed to limit this to out of working hours only. Work hours equal work.

Finally, only 18% of respondents felt they could not talk to their colleagues about personal matters. Colleagues are kept at a professional arms length at all times! 

So, which category do you fall into? If you are one of the 36%, do you find yourself emailing and texting each other because of the restrictions in place within working hours or are you simply too busy to even consider a personal discussion?

66% say they carefully select social media posts

Our latest findings reveal that 66% of employees carefully select what they post onto their social media profiles as they fear it will negatively affect their chances at work. 48% of this figure feel that it therefore restricts their use of social media.

21% of the employees say it is does not stop them and it does not worry them at all. 

Social media is being used everywhere, not just for personal uses but business as well so it is hard to draw a line for some employees if they are using it as part of their job. Surely, someone with access to Facebook who is posting company updates, will sneak the odd peak at their personal profile? No? Should there be some leeway on personal use anyway in an office or does giving an inch turn into a mile?

Well it varies depending on the industry and job role really. Working in the marketing and media industry would require regular use of social media across all platforms. But when working in recruitment there would be constant use of Linkedin required but not so much on Facebook and Twitter. At the end of the day, it is down to the company and what their rules and regulations are. Our advice would be to not take advantage of your situation or you may have to deal with more serious consequences. 

What are your thoughts on social media in the workplace? Should it be allowed or is it a distraction?



How many hierarchies do you have to report through?

32% of employees exist in a company with 4 or more hierarchies of reporting. Latest research into the number of hierarchies within businesses also found that 25% have 3, 23% have 2 and 20% have 1.

The graph below illustrates the results of the survey highlighting the differences between the number of bosses and the number of hierarchies. We can clearly see that there are more employees with just the 1 boss that they report into and there are more companies using 4 or more levels of hierarchy.


12% report to 4 or more bosses

With National Hug Your Boss Day fast approaching, we are turning around our survey questions rapidly to gather lots of interesting data to report. Do help us by casting your votes on the homepage of the website.

Last week, we asked how many bosses you report into. Surprisingly, we found that 12% report into 4 or more bosses. 

However, more obviously, there were 54% of people who only report into the 1 boss, making it a little easier for them.

26% report into 2 bosses and 8%, 3.

Having many tiers a hierarchy is fairly common practice but the number of bosses you directly report to is different and can clearly vary from company to company. 

So, all of you out there that report into more than the 1 boss, would you prefer to have just 1 boss to report to or do you find multiple reporting OK?! Do tell us here.....