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34% dream about finding a better paid job

Our latest findings on a survey asking what people dream about the most found that 34% dream of finding a new job that is better paid over a new role in a better company, a higher role, relocating to another Town or Country and even working for themselves.

26% dream about moving to a better company whether it is a better brand, larger/smaller number of staff or something similar. The third most popular response was moving to another Country with 17% selecting this option.

The fewest number of responses (1.4%) fell on moving to another Town showing that this option was the least attractive reason for changing a job.

14% dreamt about working for themselves and 7% moving to higher role.

What is your dream?
If you dream of moving to another Country, where is it?
Do you want to live on a beach, for example, in Thailand or a more bustling, lively City in a hot Country like Sydney, Australia? Or would you be happy with a better commission package, a 5% pay rise or a car allowance?

Let us know what your dream is……….

#dreams #careers #jobs #jobsearch #jobfairy #moremoney #recruitment #employment #opportunities

How is a job board different to a recruitment agency?

We get a lot of calls and emails from jobseekers asking us to call them back, wanting to follow up on applications, needing more information about a job etc etc so we wanted to clear up a few key factors that make "us", the job board, different to a recruitment agency....

- First off, a job board is online. It collates jobs in a list which are registered by the recruitment agencies and direct clients. The job board allows a jobseeker to apply to these jobs ONLINE only. 

- Job boards do not discuss the details of the job with the jobseeker and do not hold any further information regarding the jobs, other than what is seen on the site. They do not match a jobseeker to a job like a recruitment agency would.

- Job boards allow a jobseeker to register an account online for free and hold multiple CV's and Cover Letter's in their jobseeker accounts so these can be attached to roles when applying to them.

- You tend to see thousands of jobs being advertised on job boards rather than a smaller number held by a recruitment agency.

- Job boards will normally receive a fee from the recruitment agency or direct client for posting their vacancies on the sites.

Hopefully these points help to clear up the main difference between the two. So, if you are looking for a job, remember, you can apply for any job via a job board online. To follow up your application, you can contact the recruitment agency or direct client who are advertising the job, not the job board. Once the application has been made, it is with the advertiser of the job and has nothing more to do with the job board.

If you have any further questions about this, please do not hesitate to ask or comment below or get in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Linkedin.

Trouble sleeping? Tips on how to sleep better

Trouble sleeping? Tips on how to sleep better

How you perform at work and function throughout the day depends greatly on your sleep or lack of. Sleep can be effected by a lot of factors and there are various things you can do to help to boost the quality of your sleep to ensure you are productive, mentally and emotionally balanced. 

The amount of sleep that individuals require varies greatly from person to person, but generally, most adults require about 8 hours of quality sleep. If you know you are not sleeping well or enough, then it is about experimenting with variables in your day to day life to find out what can help it. 

A relaxing bedtime routine…

Before bed it is important to wind down and make yourself relax so you can easily fall into a deep sleep. Try to keep the bedroom for sleep time and not any other activity that may create anxiety, emotion etc It is not advisable to play computer games, work on your phone or watch an active movie just before lights out. You can make your bedroom more sleep friendly by keeping your bedroom cool and maintain it at an optimum temperature of around 18c. You can ensure there are no distracting noises, by for example, keeping your windows closed to avoid car noises and neighbours. And you need to make sure your bed is comfortable for you and if not work out whether you need to invest in harder/softer pillows or mattresses. 

It may be a good idea to write a list of things that make you relaxed and re-visit these before you go to bed e.g. have a warm relaxing bath, read a book, listen to relaxing music etc 

Food and Drink…

Food and drink play a massive part in sleep routine and they have a huge effect on your body and how it functions, especially in the hours just before bedtime. Here are some very simple tips:

- Avoid too much alcohol – it disrupts the sleep cycles and you get a much worse quality of sleep. You may have experienced waking a lot, tossing and turning and waking early. 
- Avoid caffeine – it is a stimulant and can affect people hours after consumption. If you think you may be consuming too much caffeine, cut it down or only have it before lunchtime as an experiment.
- Avoid smoking – nicotine can stimulate which will therefore disrupt sleep.
- Avoid heavy, rich meals too late – maybe try to eat earlier in the evening as some foods can take its toll on the digestive system meaning the body is working hard when it is sleep time.
- Avoid too much liquid - whether these are hot drinks, water, alcohol, fizzy or fruit juice drinks. Drinking too much before bed will mean you may need to get up in the night to visit the toilet disrupting your sleep.

Everyone is different so it is important to experiment with the tips above to see if anything works for you. Some people find that a light snack before bed can help them to sleep and feel calm but others may find that food can give them indigestion and make sleep more difficult. 


The body needs to exercise and this can help sleep for some people. It is not advisable to exercise too late in the day as it can stimulate the body and make the body less able to relax and unwind when you lie down. If you cannot go running, cycling or do a class at the gym, try a more relaxing exercise like yoga or Pilates or just walking, housework or gardening but remember to stay active! 

Find your natural sleep schedule and keep it…

It can help your sleep quality if you get yourself into a regular sleep schedule that is maintained. Going to bed at the same time every night and waking naturally at the same time every morning is key. You will need some time to experiment with this over some weeks and get your body into the cycle but you can begin by making sure you go to bed every night at the same time for a duration of time. If you miss out on a few hours, you could catch up on the sleep in the day but do not do this too late in the day or you will end up not being able to go to sleep at the same time. If you are tired before bed time then try to distract yourself by washing the dishes or speaking to a friend on the phone until it is time to unwind for bed instead of falling asleep on the sofa early. 

Light and Melatonin…

Melatonin is a hormone released by the body based on the amount of light it is exposed to. It makes you sleepy, so in theory, your body should release more at night when dark. There are some key points to remember to try to increase light exposure in the day and boost melatonin at night:

- Spend more time outside in the day
- Try to make your workplace light
- Keep curtains/blinds open at home in the day
- Do not wear sunglasses all day
- Do not use the TV, computer or phone just before lights out or any backlit device 
- Use dull lights in the bedroom
- Keep the bedroom dark with good heavy curtains/blinds
- If you have to get up in the night, avoid turning on the light 

Getting back to sleep in the night…

It is quite normal to wake in the night but some people find it difficult to get back to sleep. This is important to ensure you are not losing those quality hours of sleep your body needs. If you wake up, do your best to avoid light which will stimulate your body and any technological device. Try not to start thinking about the jobs you have to do the following day. If you have woken up worrying about something, then make a quick note so as to get it off your shoulders and quickly get back to relaxing again. Avoid getting stressed and anxious about the fact you are not asleep. It is difficult at the time, but just try to relax and do some visualisation, meditation or just think of something that makes you relaxed instead of desperately trying to make yourself sleep!

Many people suffer from distracted and poor sleep, so it is about experimenting to find what you need and how YOU can sleep better. Everyone is different so what works for one person will not necessarily work for another. If you are someone who worries, gets stressed and anxious due to everyday life, then it may be worth looking into what it is that is on your mind and dealing with that in the first instance.

We hope that some of the above advice has been helpful and you can at least begin to start experimenting with techniques to get your sleep back on track. It will certainly have a knock on effect on how you perform and function at work.

June Stats Summary

At the end of June, we discovered the following highlights when looking at candidate and job registrations.....

- We ended June with 4,028,417 candidates and 2,093,995 CV's registered Worldwide.

- There are 350,000 live jobs to search through.

- The "Retail & Wholesale" industry brought the highest numbers of jobseekers throughout June with 3,268 registrations.

- The "Transport, Logistics & Distribution", "Secretarial,Office & Administration" and "Health, Nursing & Social Services" industries closely followed behind with high jobseeker numbers.

- The "Information Technology" industry is still the largest in terms of jobseekers standing at 476,263.

- The "Catering & Hospitality" industry had the highest number of jobs posted in June - a total of 962,086 jobs. 

- The "Advertising, Marketing & PR" and "Transport, Logistics & Distribution" industries came next in line for job counts.

For any further information regarding the TipTopJob statistics, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

National Hug Your Boss Day

National Hug Your Boss Day has been confirmed to take place on Friday 4th September 2015.

The day is a fun opportunity to share workplace hugs demonstrating healthy relationships among work colleagues and managers.

The day has been celebrated since 2008 and each year more and more companies and individuals get involved.

The website can be found here: http://www.nationalhugyourbossday.co.uk/.

You will also find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/National-Hug-Your-Boss-Day/217675401587682.

And on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HugYourBossDay. #hugyourboss #hugyourbossday.

Do not forget to take a picture of you hugging your manager or colleagues and share them with us. In the lead up to National Hug Your Boss Day, we will be asking a series of relationship questions on the TipTopJob website so please do vote to help us build a valuable picture.

Put the date in the diary. Friday 4th September 2015.

Happy hugging :)

How best to build healthy relationships with co-workers

Relationships at work are key to motivation, enjoyment and productivity for the business. You have to spend most of your working day with your co-workers, so let’s see how you can build and better these relationships.

People communicate in their preferred method, whether that is by email, face to face, phone or instant message so if you know that someone prefers a face to face discussion, take that approach over calling or emailing them. Work with what you have and what you know.

Email etiquette
Always try to include the people that matter in on an email and explain the reason for including them. Try not to send an email to a co-worker in an emotional state, flying off the handle about something that has just happened, cc’ing your boss in. Wait until a situation has cooled down and try discussing with your co-worker directly. Be sure to have a clear subject line so your email does not get lost amongst the spam!

Try yourself first
If you have a question for someone in HR or IT or elsewhere, try to see if you can have that questioned answered before going straight to them. For example, if you need to know how much holiday you have, check your contract first and then if you are not sure visit HR to get that confirmed. Sometimes, others may get frustrated that they are having to answer questions that are already written in available documentation with all the questions answered and will likely say “what is the point in having them if they are not being used?!!”.

Courtesy to others
Instead of ignoring the person who enters the office after you in the morning, who politely greets you with “morning”, be polite and greet them back. Be aware that you are working around these people for the majority of the day and you do not want to upset them or give them a reason to dislike you. Avoid burping, do not take other peoples food and drink, try to wrap up smelly left over food so it does not stink the office out for the afternoon and avoid leaving the toilets in a mess. When talking to others, address them by their name and avoid any potential sexual/racial upset. A little common courtesy goes a long way.

Welcome the new
Think about how you felt on your first day and how it would make you feel if your new co-workers welcomed you into your new role nicely. When a new employee is hired, welcome them and make them feel like they are part of the team from the outset.

It is important not to pester other co-workers should you need something doing. If they are busy with someone else, try not to hang around until they have finished as it puts pressure on them. Likewise, if someone is eating their lunch or having a break, try to avoid discussing a work related issue until they are back into work mode. This also goes for bumping into someone at the weekend or evening. You do not want to become that annoying, pestering guy!

Monitor social media
In order to safeguard your job and professionalism, it is probably better not to engage in social media relations with co-workers.  Think about maybe using Linkedin for business connections and keeping Facebook for your friends and family. Drunk pictures and inappropriate behaviour will not go down well with some people that you do not know very well and have to keep a level of professionalism with.

Avoid moaning at work
It will appear unprofessional and negative to moan about what is going on at work. It is normal to vent but ideally keep that for when you are “not” there and “not” with your co-workers. It is especially important for a manager or leader to avoid negativity in front of their employees as this gives a bad vibe that travels around the workplace.

Honesty & Trust
Honesty and trust go a long way with everyone, not only in the workplace but through life in general. If something has happened it is better to own up as you will get more respect than lying and being found out at a later date or others finding out and whispering about you. Trusting your co-workers will lead to a more healthy relationship and allow you be able to put more focus on your own task and let others do their thing.

Although some of these areas seem to be common sense, they should give you more understanding of how other people work and how to build and better your relationships with others. If you have any other ideas OR if you have any working examples on how any of the above points have helped you, let us know below…

Protecting yourself online

With cyber-crime bigger than ever and scammers using more and more sophisticated methods to make money, you need to be careful even when you are searching for a new job. Here are a few things to bear in mind when using a job board….


- Do your own research around a company who has registered a vacancy and only apply to the job if you are happy that they are legitimate.


- Never transfer money to a company or get involved in currency exchange.


- Be careful about work from home schemes as these are generally an easy way to scam people as they will ask for money upfront. 

- Do not provide your credit card number, bank account number, sort code, National ID number, passport number or any other personal information until you are 100% that the prospective employer is real.


- Be especially vigilant of re-shipping scams where you will be asked to receive packages and re-send them on.


- Be especially vigilant of money laundering scams and job descriptions that demonstrate them. Job descriptions may ask for people to process payments and transfer money. They can quite often stand out due to the use of broken language.


We hope that you have managed to avoid any dealings with fraudsters but if you have unfortunately been a victim of online fraud, you need to report this to your local police. We do our utmost to remove any obvious scammers from our websites to protect our jobseekers. If you are in doubt about a job that you have seen online, please feel free to get in touch with us and we will do our best to help.