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Excellent and Great co-worker relationships

We have just collated some very positive results about co-worker relationships and how people feel they get on with one another at work.

When asked to rate their current relationships on a scale from the options; Excellent, Great, Good, OK, Poor or Awful, almost 100% said they were Excellent or Great! 

To be more precise, 47% rated their relationships as Excellent and 45% Great. Only 7% said they were good and less than 1% OK. No one rated their relationships at work as Poor or Awful........ which is great news!

Here at TipTopJob, we like to promote healthy, working relationships and this survey is proof that today, relationships at work and more than good. This makes us very happy! 

#excellentrelationshipsatwork #relationshipsatwork #greatrelationships #happyatwork #coworkerrelationships


Office goss rife in London and the South of the UK

Our latest findings around office gossip compared how common it was in the workplace across the UK. 

67% of workers in London and the South said that is common and rife in their workplace leaving only 33% that do not experience it.

Workers in the North of the UK were the least gossipy of the lot with only 20% experiencing office gossip as common and rife.

We also asked those in the Midlands and East Anglia who were very closely matched like in Scotland and Wales. 54% felt it was common in their workplace around the Midlands and East Anglia areas and 46% in Scotland and Wales.

If we have not covered your location, tell us here if you find office gossip to be a common practice in your workplace?


Top Tips for changing career to become a Teacher

Deciding to leave your current career for life in the classroom can be daunting. Check out these top tips from education charity Teach First on retraining as a teacher and putting your industry experience to work in the classroom:

1) Know how to transfer your skills

You won’t be starting from scratch in a new career in teaching. Whatever your background the skills and competencies you have gained will be essential, especially for engaging and inspiring pupils. Over 20% of those who joined the Teach First Programme last year came from other careers, bringing a wealth of skills and experience into the classroom.

2) Prepare yourself for immediate responsibility

Moving into the classroom can be a challenge. Changing career through Teach First harnesses your experience and enables you transfer your skills, so be ready to demonstrate your ability to communicate and be a leader.

3) Tell us about you

Many people consider teaching as they want to give something back and share their knowledge and experience and become positive role models. Whatever your motivation be prepared to be open and transparent about your background, and don’t be afraid to ask frank questions about what teaching involves. Share your stories of leadership and overcoming challenges and communicate your enthusiasm for heading in a new direction. 

4) Look at your options

There are many different routes into the classroom. As a charity, Teach First offers a Leadership Development Programme which is focused on supporting pupils from low-income backgrounds. As part of this, our teachers are provided with a salary while they are training in schools over two years, as well as receiving a full teaching qualification (PGCE) and Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) after the first year.

Teach First recruit on a rolling basis and have a team dedicated to supporting career changers through the application process. For more information, visit their website.

You can also find the current opportunities being advertised by Teach First on TipTopJob here.

Most Common Interview Mistakes

Have you read the article in our Interview Advice section of the Career Centre around the most common interview mistakes? If you have an impeding interview, it is advisable to read this advice to ensure you do not make them....as they are quite easy to make.

Here are the Top 5 mistakes but you can click through to the article to read the rest .....

Talking negatively about anything in the interview - this can be about yourself, your current job and giving negative answers.

Arriving late!

Mobile phone going off.

Being unprepared - in terms of the answers to common questions, e.g. what are your strengths, where do you see yourself in 10 years etc and in terms of the questions to ask at the end of the interview.

Forgetting to do any research and attending without any knowledge of the company, what job you are actually going for etc.


Find the article by clicking on this link here: Most Common Interview Mistakes.

4 out of 5 would take demotion or pay cut for dream job

In a recent study, we found that 4 out of 5 individuals would take a demotion and pay cut to secure their dream job.

Taking a pay cut may not be a viable option with the current increase in the cost of living but IF it is affordable many would take the jump into a job of their dreams. Not only will moving into the perfect role help with overall job satisfaction and happiness moving forward, it could also help to path the way to further career progression in the future. At times, taking an initial step backwards can help to achieve a persons longer term goals.

This, however, can be a very difficult decision especially if you have a family, mortgage and other financial commitments. So, how can you make the decision? Here are 5 top tips to work out if you should take the leap.

1. Work out financially if it is a viable option and whether you can realistically cover the cost of living. If you can, then it is worth a shot!

2. Sit down with someone impartial and go over the pros and cons of staying at your current role versus moving on. Someone impartial will help you to think about things you may not have!

3. If the move is a total career change, then have you thought long and hard enough about whether you will enjoy the role you are going for. It is a huge decision so it is important to spend a good amount of time deciding if your skills will fit truly. Maybe consider volunteering to give yourself some practical experience.

4. If you are considering a location move, talk to your family and ensure they are all happy. This especially goes for the children, if any are involved. It may take some time for them to consider the move and come to terms with it but it is important to consider how everyone else will feel.

5. Be confident once the decision is made. Even if you have a small wobble it is important not to outwardly show these nerves or worry and to knock them on the head straight away. If you have spent enough time making the decision to change your role, this should not even be an issue.

Good luck!


Jobs cost over £3,000 a year

Have you seen in the news this morning that having a job will cost you more than £3,000 per year for UK workers?

Some latest research has found that UK workers are paying £91 billion or £3,405 each per year to have a job which works out to be about 16% of the average worker's net income. 

Public transport, fuel, mortgages, childcare costs and the cost of food and drink have all risen and contribute to this fact.

What do you think about this? Are you finding costs rising and it a struggle?




What are the different types of Recruitment Tests?

Throughout the recruitment process there are a number of ways you can be tested by a prospective employer. Such tests allow the employer to identify and recognise your potential and they help you to identify and develop your specific skills to match job requirements. Here is a quick introduction to some of the tests you may come across in your recruitment and selection process.

Ability And Aptitude Tests

Ability and aptitude tests measure specific skill sets and the resultant score gives an indication of existing ability or potential to learn skills required for the job. They evaluate a particular ability such as numerical, verbal, diagrammatic etc. Often the tests are multiple-choice and administered under exam conditions. Practicing tests will help to increase your familiarity with them and can be found on the Internet. These tests get more difficult towards the end, so it is important not to rush them, to think carefully and to go back to those you cannot answer.

Psychometric And Personality Tests

Psychometric and Personality tests assess individual preferences in behaviour, attitude and values by your responses to questions or statements. These tests are un-timed and have multiple answers with each of the questions relating to different aspects of your personality, such as team-working ability, leadership preferences. The tests must be answered honestly as they are trying to fit you into a job role and if you try to guess what the employer wants, you may find yourself in a job that does not suit you!

For any of these tests the key is to remain positive! Your job offering is not solely based on these tests - they are only used as one part of the recruitment process which is good but they should be treated and approached like any other assessment you encounter. Prepare thoroughly, follow the instructions carefully and read the question! Always ask for feedback as this can give you an opportunity to develop your weak areas for the future!

You can practice aptitude tests with our partner on their website.

And you can find more articles about Psychometric testing on our website here.

44% use holiday allowance to look after children

In our latest survey we asked if people took "holiday" from their quota at work to look after their children through half terms, Easter, Christmas and Summer holidays.

We all know that holiday camps, kids clubs and child-minding can add up to total more than what you could be earning so unless there are grandparents on standby, many have to use their "holiday" allowance to care for their children through the holidays.

Although our survey found that 56% of employees DO NOT take their holiday allowance, a massive 44% DO!

If you are part of this 56% of people, what do your children do through the holidays? Do they attend holiday camps and kids clubs, do you do parental swaps or do you have grandparents, family or friends to help out?

Let us know below.

And finally, take a moment to answer our next survey question on the homepage of our website about your dream job.


QS World MBA Tour – Istanbul

Whether it is to start your own business, take the next step in your current role, manage large scale international companies or just a complete change of your career, an MBA can give you this opportunity.

If you are ready to move forward in your career, but wondering which MBA program would best suit you, don’t miss a face to face meeting with the world's most top business schools at the QS MBA Event.

Meet them at Istanbul Congress Centre on Saturday 27th February between 13:45 and 18:00.


Simply REGISTER HERE for free to attend QS MBA event.


  • Meet face-to-face with the world’s most prestigious business schools’ admissions directors
  • Attend info sessions about "Understanding the GMAT" and "Getting into Business School"
  • Free copies of the QS MBA guide to first 100 attendees
  • Apply for scholarships worth $1.7 million, available exclusively to event attendees
  • Find out about exclusive study loan rates from AKBANK representatives

Participating Business Schools:

Imperial, Sauder, ESADE, HEC, HHL - Leipzig,  IE, Quinlan School of Business - Loyola , Vlerick, Southampton, Asia School of Business with MIT Sloan, Özyeğin, California Lutheran, MIP, EAE...


Free Job Advertising for Recruitment Agencies

For any Recruitment Agency with multiple job vacancies, we are offering you the chance to post UNLIMITED jobs across our network of sites for a 30 day basis to gauge whether we are right for you.

Whether you have 2 jobs or 10,000, the free job advertising trial is suitable for you!

All of our industry sectors are included in the trial, whether your roles are sector specific e.g. JUST IT, or they are span across all industries, it still applies.

All jobs posted will appear on TipTopJob PLUS the relevant industry specific sites e.g. theITjob.com. The jobs will appear in Search Engines, across our partner sites, social media and weekly newsletters.

There are no strings or ties. It is a simple 30 day trial. If it does not work for you, the account expires and we leave you alone.

So, are you interested in trying the network out with your unlimited jobs? If so, please email sales@TipTopJob.com requesting your FREE TRIAL with the reference "Free_Blog" and we will get the account set up right away.