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A clear demand for creating rewards and incentive schemes

Our latest study asked workers what they thought could improve their relationship with their boss. There was a clear majority of people who felt that creating rewards or incentive schemes would help.

We also gave the options; socialising outside of work, discussing/airing problems/issues and regular meetings as alternatives to what we felt may improve an employees relationship with their boss.

The results were as follows:

Socialising outside of work - 5% 
Discussing/airing problems/issues - 10%
Regular meetings - 16%
Creating reward/incentive schemes - 69%

Here at TipTopJob, we thought that through socialising with your boss that it could improve the relationship but the results tell us that not many agreed :)

Amazingly, creating reward/incentive schemes was the most popular! Maybe employees felt that if they were rewarded and incentivised they would have more communication, feedback, guidance, respect and therefore feel closer to their boss which would then build a good relationship with them.

We would love to hear what you think about these results. Tell us here....

Modern offices create motivated staff

In our latest study looking at styles of offices and motivation, we can reveal some interesting correlations between modernised work space and motivated staff.

82% of respondents say their offices are modernised and updated which is reassuring however that still leaves 18% of workers who are still operating in the 80's. Of these unfortunate soles, 84% said they would feel more motivated with a new, refurbed, modernised office.

So, the answer to this is to remind/suggest those at the top how important your office is to you and your feelings whilst at work. The more you nag, the more chance you will have of it happening. Yes it costs money, but what better investment than one that in turn creates a motivated and productive workforce. If you get a chance to discuss what motivates you, make sure you are clear to mention how important your surroundings are to you. Just take a look at the pictures below where you can see a before and after and the potential your office has of improving for the better. We know what we would choose!!! 

6% cannot stand their colleagues

Our latest review on how colleagues felt about each other sadly found that 6% cannot actually stand who they work with. Even though 6% is not a huge number, it is still a proportion of individuals who do not enjoy working alongside their colleagues. 

On the happier note, a total of 74% fortunately "liked" or "loved" them (of that 74%, 33% LOVED their colleagues). This is great news for the morale, motivation and productivity of those organisations because if colleagues actually like each other, they will enjoy being around each other, be happier in their daily activities and therefore ultimately the company wins all around.

So, what is the advice to those who hate their co-workers? If it is really making you feel unhappy at work and you cannot concentrate on your work, then maybe it is worth talking to your manager/boss about changing your seating arrangements so you are either away from those you do not like or with people that you prefer to be around. 

If there are multiple people that you cannot stand at work, then maybe it is worth considering a change in your role or even company. Maybe the industry you are in does not suit your personality and fit in with the kind of people you want to be surrounded by. Hopefully, it does not require a job or career change, but if it does, do not forget to check out the roles we have on our site and apply online there. 

Here is an illustration of the full survey results that we found....