TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

Career Change Opportunity anywhere in the UK

One of our valued and long standing clients, The Training Rooms, is currently recruiting for 2014 intakes into the leisure industry for "personal trainers". This is a perfect opportunity if you are someone who has dreamt of having a job that offers the flexibility to work full or part time. Maybe if you are currently working in sales or retail and wish you could do something you really enjoyed, this could be the perfect option.
After applying, you will be offered an exclusive place on a full or part time fast track training scheme with an immediate start. Once the course is completed a support team help to arrange guaranteed interviews with the UK’s leading companies who are in urgent need for personal trainers. There are more than 500 UK health clubs including:

• Fitness First
• Pure Gym
• DW Sport Fitness
• Virgin Active
• Steiner (Cruise ship placements)
• Mark Warner Holidays (Overseas placement)
• David Lloyd Health Clubs
• Nuffield Health

Your salary will average an OTE of GBP20K-GBP30K.
If you want to apply for this opportunity, you can take this link to one of the jobs registered on our site and apply today: https://www.tiptopjob.com/search/jobs/31952253_-uk-wide-trainee-personal-trainers-required-london-ttr-ttj532-south-london-south-london-london-uk-united-kingdom-_job.asp
We have 720 jobs registered on our site in every Town around the whole of the UK. You can scroll through the jobs for The Training Rooms here and find your location before applying but it does not matter which location you apply to them through.... https://www.tiptopjob.com/search/jobsearchresults/agencyid/1013308_-ttr-pt-ltd

Just over 1 month until National Hug Your Boss Day

National Hug Your Boss Day will be upon us next month, Friday 22nd August 2014. Are you gearing up to give your boss a big hug?
With just over one month to go, we are still asking questions related to relationships at work and will have some interesting statistics for you once the results are collected. To help us with this data, make sure you answer our survey question currently being asked on our websites.
We are currently asking “Does your boss....1. Motivate and spur you on? 2. Cause your stress and headache? 3. Make you feel devalued and want to quit?”

Thank you for your input and do not forget to get a snap of hugs in your office and upload them to our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/National-Hug-Your-Boss-Day/217675401587682 or email them to us at marketing@tiptopjob.com.

TipTopJob June Statistics Summary

Here is a summary of our top Industries and Countries from June 2014...

Industry Statistics
In June the IT and Engineering industry attracted the highest number of jobseeker registrations. The Retail & Wholesale and Charity sectors grew by the largest % in the monthly period.
The Transport, Logistics & Distribution industry had the largest number of jobs registered in June of just under 500,000. This was closely followed by the Advertising, Marketing & PR industry which had almost 300,000 new jobs registered in the same period.
The IT industry saw the most number of applications in June followed by the Secretarial, Office & Administration industry and then the Engineering sector.
Country Statistics
The UK still contains the largest total number of candidates followed by the USA and then India.
There were 1.2 million jobs registered in the USA in June. Germany has the second largest number of jobs registered followed by the UK. Nicaragua was fourth in the list followed by the Netherlands and then Canada.

Have you been made redundant?

Being made redundant is a highly stressful situation so we have put together some useful pointers on what you should bear in mind if you are faced with it...

- Redundancy is difficult not only for you but for the employer who has to make that decision to go through the process and actually do it. 

- Other people in the company will also be feeling it whether they are also being made redundant or not .

- It is difficult for everyone. 

- It should not be taken personally. 

- Ask questions so you understand what is going on and you know where you stand. 

- Speak to professionals so you feel comfortable with the process and know what to expect.

- Think ahead and start searching for a new job straight away. You can start going for interviews whilst you are working your notice period. 

- You are not alone. Redundancies happen all of the time. It is stressful and traumatic but there are many resources to help you get back on track. 

- Try to think positively and that you will find a new job. There will be something else out there for you and it may in fact be a blessing in disguise.

Redundancy can happen for a number of reasons, such as, when a merger occurs, companies suffer big losses or reduced profits, there is competition or maybe there is a requirement for different skills within a company. Whatever it is, it will not be down to your skills and abilities and redundancy should not effect your confidence to do your job properly.

If you have suffered, you can seek professional advice to help you get through it but normally your company will assist you in finding a new opportunity.

MBA Access Partnership

We are extremely pleased to announce the continuation of our partnership with Access MBA in the forthcoming events.


We will be supporting the events in Zurich on the 6th October 2014 and Prague on the 3rd December 2014 on the back of the Warsaw event in April and the UAE events in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.


The Access MBA Tour is a series of One-to-One events which connects qualified candidates with admission directors during personal, face-to-face meetings. This innovative event concept started a decade ago and has since set the standard for educational events in the industry.


If you want any further information on Access MBA or the partnership we have with them, do not hesitate to get in touch.

39% think the directive management style is the most motivating

In a surprising recent survey conducted across our network of sites, we found that 39% of those responding felt that the “directive – do it my way” approach to management was more motivating over any other style. It was the most popular response by 12%.

Second to the “directive” approach was the “participative – everyone has input” which we thought would actually take the first position. 27% felt that was the most motivating.

The “pacesetting – do it myself” approach was the least popular with only 4% of respondents choosing it and the “affiliative – people first, task second” ended up with 6%.

11% chose the “authoritative – firm but fair” and 13% chose the “coaching – developmental” option.

When putting this question together, the obvious answer to what motivates you the most would be the “participative – everyone has input” in our eyes but it seems that people need more direction than that to motivate them at work.

What do you think ?

May Statistic Summary

May Statistic Summary
Because we like to keep you informed about our leading industry sectors and countries, here is our summary of stats at the end of May....
The Charity industry saw an increase of 60% more jobseekers registering in May – this was the highest growing industry. The Legal sector had 50% growth and the Electronics sector had 31% growth.
The IT industry still has the highest number of jobseekers registering in total in one month followed by the Engineering industry.
In terms of job numbers, the Government & Public Sector saw the highest monthly change of a 122% increase. The Travel & Tourism industry increased by 95% and the Health, Nursing and Social Services sector had a 54% increase from April to May.
The Transport, Logistics & Distribution industry had the largest number of jobs registered in one month of 467,585 jobs. This was closely followed by Advertising, Marketing & PR which had 322,713 jobs registered.
We still have the most number of jobseekers registered in the UK which stands at 726,928 at the end of May. This is closely followed by jobseekers in the USA which is 605,249. India is currently our third largest Country in terms of the number of jobseekers registered.
For any further information on our current statistics, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We have statistics for every Industry and every Country we cater for. The above is a brief summary of the top Industries and Countries for jobseeker and job numbers.

Win 3 Months of Advertising on TipTopJob

Over the next week, we are running a competition for all Clients using TipTopJob to enter into a World Cup Competition to win 3 month's of FREE job advertising.

This is how it works....

Pick a number between 1 and 32. Your number relates to one Nation taking part in the World Cup. If your Nation wins the World Cup, you win our Competition and receive 3 MONTH’S OF FREE JOB ADVERTISING.

The rules:
- You need to be using TipTopJob currently.
- You choose one number between 1 and 32.
- Your number equates to a World Cup Nation in our table.
- The company that was allocated the Nation who wins the World Cup, wins our Competition.
- The winner is granted 3 month’s of FREE job advertising on TipTopJob after their current advertising contract lapses.
- One entry per company.

To enter, simply email sales@tiptopjob.com as soon as possible with your number. Be quick as there are only a limited number of places available.

Good luck!

Boss Meet Up = Motivation

Our latest survey results reveal that 78% of people find that having a meeting and catch up with their boss about their work and progress helps them to stay motivated.

We tend to agree! Taking the time to go over the work you have been doing with another helps to re-set and re-focus. It can help to iron out issues and it is a good time to have any outstanding questions answered. Having a meeting with your manager may involve the praise and recognition everyone needs to spur them on at work as without that, it is easy to lose interest in daily tasks.

Many other motivating factors at work come from communication that a catch up with a manager brings. This may include the simple ease of communication with a boss, trust, inspiration and respect.

Everyone is different when it comes to what motivates them at work but what is clear is that most people need to have that regular catch up with their boss whether it is face to face or on the phone.

What do you think?

Refer a friend to receive FREE advertising

Do you know any company recruiting? 

Are you an advertiser?

We are currently offering a great “REFER A FRIEND” offer. Here is the deal:

- If you refer a company who buys a service from us, you get a MONTH’S FREE advertising. 
- If you refer a company who trials a service from us, you get a WEEK’S FREE advertising. 

Get in touch at sales@tiptopjob.com with the PROMO CODE RG963 if this is something that could interest you and another company….