TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

Today we moved to a more secure website using HTTPS

We are delighted to announce that we have made the switch over to a more secure website. Our URL will therefore now read https://www.TipTopJob.com rather than https://www.tiptopjob.com.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP. The 'S' at the end of HTTPS stands for 'Secure'. It means all communications between our users browsers and the website are encrypted. We have made this change with our jobseekers and clients in mind to reassure them that their data is safe with us.

Anjim Qureshi, IT Services Director comments, "In order to create a good user experience, we want to be a trusted provider. We feel this important change will help us to build that all important trust in our users eyes."

If you are one of our users and have been concerned in the past about the safety of your saved information including your CV/Resumes, then you can now rest assured that you are protected.

For any webmaster that may be reading this, if you have a link to TipTopJob, then please do change the URL link over to HTTPS for us please :)

For anything else regarding this switch over, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. 

Planning on sending Valentines gifts to the workplace? Think again

If you are planning to send your loved one a Valentines day present to their workplace, then think again! 21% of people would prefer that the celebration of Valentines Day and gifts sent are left to outside of work and would NOT want anything sent into their workplace.

Embarrassment, shame, discomfort, resentment are a few feelings that may erupt from gifts being received in the workplace. Whatever the reason though, there are a substantial number of people that have the same feelings!

On the other hand though, over 30% would enjoy having flowers sent to them at work. Out of the gifts mentioned, flowers were at the top of the list! Chocolates (25%) were the second most sought after and champagne (14%) the third.

Down the bottom of the list came Smellies (7%), Candles (3%) and Balloons (2%). As a result of this, if you were considering buying one of these, our advice would be not to bother and save your money!

So, what other little things can you do on Valentines Day that will not embarrass the hell out of your loved one and potentially irritate those around them? We think, save the gifts for the evening or get them out of the way early in the morning rather than sending them to the workplace. Use technology to communicate your love, whether this is by text, email or social media if you need to be in touch within working hours. How about taking them for lunch? Valentines Day is about showing your loved one that you love them, not shouting about it to the people around you, so consider keeping it personal rather than public. Get planning lovers!


Most office romances end in long term love

We have recently issued this press release highlighting our latest findings about office romances. Take a read here....

We have all watched an office romance brew, develop, fizzle out or indeed last. With them being such a common act in the workplace and Valentine’s Day around the corner, TipTopJob investigates how office romances end up.

TipTopJob surveyed over 1000 users to find out if office romances ended in long term love, a short term fling, they were left as friends or if it was the end of a once friendship. 52% of people have witnessed an office romance end in a fairy-tale with long term love and the couple remaining together happily.

The survey also found that a quarter witnessed short term flings, slightly more (23%) ended in an amicable friendship and 17% sadly saw the end a friendship all together.

Spokesperson, Corinne at TipTopJob commented, “Office romances are not uncommon. It is important if you are getting involved in such a romance that it is handled correctly as you do not want to end up without a job. It is easy to become unfocused when you are falling for someone. We have some tips in our Career Centre should you want some advice on dealing with a blossoming office romance yourself to make sure you handle it in the best way!”


37% say being a “Good Listener” is their boss’s best GOOD trait

37% say being a “Good Listener” is their boss’s best GOOD trait

The latest survey results released by National Hug Your Boss Day and TipTopJob.com reveal that 37% feel that their boss’s best GOOD trait is being a “Good Listener”. Don’t we all like it when we don’t get shut down in the first breath but get the chance to express our points and feelings? 

The survey looked at a number of different GOOD and BAD traits over several weeks. Although being a good listener ranked the highest in the responses for those GOOD traits, 20% reported “taking responsibility” and 18% “communication” as being the best GOOD trait. On the flip side, the WORST trait was reported as being a “doubter” (there is nothing more destructive than being questioned, watched and not trusted!) with 24% selecting this option. However, 19% said their boss was “selfish”, 17% said they had a “bad temper” and 12% felt their boss was “secretive”.

National Hug Your Boss Day is being celebrated THIS Friday, the 4th September 2015 promoting healthy working relationships between colleagues, bosses and managers. They have launched a new website highlighting facts and stats, motivational articles, quotations, tests about relationships along with displays of hugs caught on camera and video over the years. Bosses, colleagues and anyone who would like to get involved can simply upload their HUGS to the Facebook page, Tweet them #hugyourboss #hugyourbossday or send an email. 

Corinne Hutchinson, Marketing Manager at TipTopJob.com comments, “National Hug Your Boss Day is a light bit of fun to have when there is so much stress of everyday work and life. On a more serious note though, National Hug Your Boss Day and TipTopJob want to highlight the importance of good relationships at work and help everyone to get to a point where they are comfortable and happy with colleagues and managers/bosses. Do not forget to join in the fun this Friday 4th September by taking a picture of your hugs and sharing them with us. If you have any queries about the day, do not hesitate to get in touch at hugyourboss@tiptopjob.com.” 


For more information about National Hug Your Boss Day, please check out the website www.nationalhugyourbossday.com, find us on Facebook or Twitter or email hugyourboss@tiptopjob.com. National Hug Your Boss Day was created by TipTopJob, the International network of Generic and Specialist jobsites in 85 Countries and 61 Industries. For more information, please contact coz@tiptopjob.com. 

71% of European workers admit to swearing at their boss!

In the latest survey results released by National Hug Your Boss Day in association with TipTopJob.com, 71% of European workers admit to swearing at their boss. This is in strike contrast to those surveyed in Asia where only 10% admitted to it.

The survey quizzed employees across 5 Continents around the world. 52% in America admitted to using bad language in front of their boss, 23% in Australia and 13% in Africa.

As well as surveying global employees, the UK was split into territories. Employees in London & The South of England were the most rude with 82% admitting to swearing at their boss! Those in the North were the second most bad-mannered employees with 62% selecting YES followed by 61% in Scotland. Only 30% in the East swore, 42% in Wales, 54% in the West and 55% in Ireland. Could this be related to the longer hours’ people in London work and the more stress they are put under do you think?

National Hug Your Boss Day was created in 2008 by TipTopJob.com to promote healthy working relationships. It is being celebrated this year on Friday 4th September and calls for colleagues and managers to simply catch a hug on camera and share it! Corinne Hutchinson comments, “With most of your waking hours spent at work with colleagues and managers, we feel that it is best to create a happy environment to encourage morale and motivation which in turn will increase productivity in the workplace. Do not forget to get involved on the 4th and help promote this worthy cause.”


For more information about National Hug Your Boss Day, please check out the website www.nationalhugyourbossday.com, find us on Facebook or Twitter or email hugyourboss@tiptopjob.com. National Hug Your Boss Day was created by TipTopJob, the International network of Generic and Specialist jobsites in 85 Countries and 61 Industries. For more information, please contact coz@tiptopjob.com. 

PRESS RELEASE: FREE Unlimited Job Advertising offered Globally by TipTopJob

PRESS RELEASE: FREE Unlimited Job Advertising offered Globally by TipTopJob

TipTopJob have launched a new 3 Tier Package System Worldwide that allows all recruiters based anywhere around the World to post jobs for FREE through the basic package option.

The success of the launch of the free job postings across the UK in October for TipTopJob has led the company to follow suit in all Countries.

The BASIC package option provides the client with FREE unlimited job postings and the enhanced STANDARD and PREMIUM packages include a lot more of the “bells and whistles” whereby jobs are promoted on other sites PLUS both packages include access to the CV/Resume database.

Mike Dauncey, CEO, comments, “This is a great way for Clients to really benefit from all of the services we have on offer. Any package can be easily ordered/bought online.”

The enhanced services include Email Alerts; Aggregator exposure; Social Media inclusion; Client Logos; Account Management; HTML Corporate Pages; HTML newsletters; Featured Jobs and more.

Mike Dauncey, goes on, “It is clear what is included when looking at the “Recruiter” homepage on each of the Country domains. Prices vary from Country to Country.”

For more information on the new package options please give us a call on +44(0)1628 207350 or email sales@TipTopJob.com

56% of organisations do NOT currently employ ex-military staff

theExMILITARYjob’s research into ex-military family, careers and employees have found in their latest survey that 56% of companies do not currently employ ex-military personnel into their organisations showing that there could be a lot more done by everyone to help our ex-military back to work. 

17% of companies have employed 1 or 2, 7% have employed 3 to 5, 4% have employed 6 to 10 but on a more positive note, 16% have employed more than 10. Although this 16% is extremely positive, the 56% is a huge figure and shows that more organisations could be doing their bit to help the campaign we are heading up. 

As well as looking at how many ex-military are being employed into companies, we asked several other questions. One investigated family relations who had served in the military of which 37% had had a family member serve at one time and another looked into if anyone knew “anyone” else who had served in the military and is currently looking for work. 46% responded saying YES they did! This stat shows that there are a lot of ex-military out there looking for a new career after returning from service. 

We want to help bridge this gap between the number of companies employing ex-military staff and those ex-military personnel looking to find a job/career. This is where theExMILITARYjob.com comes in and we want to encourage companies to recruit ex-military into their roles by posting jobs on to the site and we want to match these to the ex-military jobseekers. Stuart Rea comments, “As an ex-military serviceman myself, I know how hard it is to settle back into civilian life. We are all very passionate here about making this work and helping in every way we can! We are pleading with companies out there to post their jobs.” 

theExMILITARYjob is the specialist job board ex-military personnel, part of The TipTopJob Group. For more information about the site, please visit the site or email us on sales@theExMILITARYjob.com. 

TipTopJob launch 3rd affiliation in the Philippines

We have just issued our latest press release about our official launch in the Philippines........

PRESS RELEASE: TipTopJob launch 3rd affiliation in the Philippines

TipTopJob unveil their services in the Philippines as their 3rd country to officially launch under the affiliate scheme. 

The site will offer clients the opportunity to advertise jobs on the generic jobsite TipTopJob or any of the 35 specialist jobsites in the network onto the ph.TipTopJob.com local domain. 

Already the Philippines candidate database is over 150,000 strong and consists of over 400 active vacancies. Johnson & Johnson, Ericsson, SAP, 3M, Adidas are all currently recruiting on the ph.tiptopjob.com domain. 

The affiliate scheme allows businesses to sell TipTopJob in an allocated location as an add-on to their current services and earn commission on every sale made. “We are still on the lookout for other companies to take on the affiliate scheme in any other Country” says Mike Dauncey, CEO. “It is a fantastic opportunity for companies to build on their current revenue quickly”. 

For more information on the affiliate scheme, please see biz.tiptopjob.com or email affiliate@tiptopjob.com. For more information on advertising vacancies in the Philippines, please contact ph.sales@tiptopjob.com

20% of people have had sex in an office fling

In a recent survey conducted by TipTopJob, it was found that 20% of people have taken their office fling to the furthest step and had sex with another individual at work.

TipTopJob asked over 1000 respondents if firstly, they believed in love at the workplace and if office romances really exist. 54% believe so yet 46% do not.

Furthermore we looked at how far individuals have taken their office fling. On a sensible and reassuring note, 71% have never had an office fling and sadly no fling has developed into a relationship. On the other hand however, 6% have had a cuddle, 3% have had a kiss and more interestingly, 20% have actually had sex!

Stuart Rea, International Sales Director comments, “With Valentine’s Day this weekend, we thought it necessary to talk about workplace relationships and the extent of them.” He continues, “Funnily enough we have several ‘relationships’ going on in our office but no ‘office flings’ as far as we know at the moment! The day before Valentine’s Day this year is Friday 13th, unlucky for some, lucky for others. Will you get lucky this year?!? :) ”

Read the press release on our website:
https://www.tiptopjob.com/displaycontent/sectionid/27/contentid/1510_-20-have-had-sex-in-an-office-fling …

PRESS RELEASE: TipTopJob launch Portugal and France

PRESS RELEASE: TipTopJob launch Portugal and France

Through the TipTopJob affiliate scheme, TipTopJob launch in Portugal and France to offer job advertising at competitive rates. 

pt.TipTopJob.com and fr.TipTopJob.com are the local TipTopJob domains for each Country allowing advertisers to post vacancies attracting local talent as well as taking advantage of the potential for Global advertising. 

Companies located in Portugal and France are now officially licenced to sell the TipTopJob services in their allocated location. 

The affiliate scheme allows businesses to sell TipTopJob in an allocated location as an add-on to their current services and earn commission on every sale made. Mike Dauncey comments, “The network consists of 83 Country domains that are open to the affiliate scheme and it is an amazing opportunity for anyone wanting to build revenue for themselves quickly as we already have a database of registered jobseekers looking for work in every Country.”

For more information on the affiliate scheme, please see biz.tiptopjob.com or email affiliate@tiptopjob.com.