TipTopJob Blog

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Work hard to impress your boss

Latest research tells us that over three quarters of employees work hard to impress their boss.

Everyone strives to please and there is no exception to relationships at work. One of the most important people in life to impress is your boss - they are the ones you have to perform well for, the one who promotes you, agrees to pay rises, does not sack you etc

We are pleased to reveal that sucking up to the boss does not come anywhere near for most.

Among the other options were.... befriending them, avoiding stress, arriving early, helping colleagues.

Did we miss any other ways you strive to impress your boss? Tell us below...

Mental health affects 30% due to workplace issues

Mental health has become a much talked about subject across the World right now so we have been investigating this delicate field within the workplace and if people felt that mental health had possibly been triggered by certain working situations. With many people working long hours, feeling stressed and struggling to maintain a healthy work life balance it would seem like there could be a link between the two.

The survey asked if people or their friends/colleagues/people they knew had suffered with mental health issues triggered by work related issues. Reassuringly, 70% said no but there were still 30% saying yes, showing us that some working environments may not be right for many. Although the response clearly shows more people stating no, which is great, there is still a large proportion (the 30%) that are suffering, most probably in silence, because of something related to work which could be avoided or addressed. On top of this, we must also account for those who do suffer with mental health issues but do not realise that it is their workplace or job causing it. An interesting statistic according to MIND, the mental health charity found that one in six people suffer from mental health in the workplace.

So, what can we as workers do to try to manage mental health or reduce the potential of it hitting us altogether? Here are some things to think about....

- Take regular breaks and go for a walk to get fresh air
- Create fun social situations with the people you work with, like lunches, drinks, bowling etc
- Listen to music to help you to unwind, de-stress
- Eat healthily and avoid excess alcohol
- Manage the work life balance by avoiding doing too many hours
- Build a to-do list that you can use to make sure you do not become overwhelmed and over-loaded
- Do not leave any problems or uncertainties to brew and always address them with your bosses or colleagues 

The MIND website, has some great ideas that we would recommend reading if this is something affecting you. Click here to have a look.


Free speech at work

In our latest survey we discovered that 46% of colleagues are able to talk freely and openly to each other whilst at work. Not only that but they feel no restriction on when or where they can have an open natter and at any point throughout the working day, personal discussions happily take place.

36% felt that they could talk openly and freely to their colleagues too but they needed to limit this to out of working hours only. Work hours equal work.

Finally, only 18% of respondents felt they could not talk to their colleagues about personal matters. Colleagues are kept at a professional arms length at all times! 

So, which category do you fall into? If you are one of the 36%, do you find yourself emailing and texting each other because of the restrictions in place within working hours or are you simply too busy to even consider a personal discussion?

Are you delaying the dreaded job hunt? Find out WHY many do...

Are you one of those people who wants to change jobs or careers…but never does? Do not worry, you are not alone in feeling this way and because it is so common we wanted to find out why it is that people remain in a job and delay the process of the dreaded job search.

Our latest survey asked why people would put off applying for a new job.

We found that 51% of people had just not found the right opportunity for them. 26% did not want to leave the friends they had made at the workplace behind which is a comforting factor showing that the workplace is a fantastic opportunity to make new and good friends that you want long-last relationships with.

15% of people are put off with the time and effort that has to go into the change and so just leave it and leave it. Finally, 7% are actually scared of change.

Whatever the reason for putting off the job search, it is a hugely common issue and a daunting one for many. It can often feel overwhelming with all the information, especially the number of agencies, job boards, aggregators, organisations to visit that help you that it becomes more off-putting than actually helpful.

Well, if you are not happy in your current role and want a change, then we can help. Get over to www.tiptopjob.com where you can search for any kind of job you are looking for and apply to suitable vacancies online. As a job board, the process needs to all be done online and the client advertising the role will come back to you to let you know if you have been successful. Do not delay this job hunt anymore - no need to be scared or daunted - there is no time like the present!

We wish you all the luck in the world and hope we have something suitable for you at some point :)


CV/Resume assistance

Have you had help with putting your CV or Resume together recently? We are looking into what kind of help you may have had and want your input :)

Our question is asking you to choose between the following options...
- Professional Service
- Friend/Family
- Internet Research
- Myself

Take THIS LINK and make your selection to help us find out the most popular choice of help.