TipTopJob Blog

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Are you delaying the dreaded job hunt? Find out WHY many do...

Are you one of those people who wants to change jobs or careers…but never does? Do not worry, you are not alone in feeling this way and because it is so common we wanted to find out why it is that people remain in a job and delay the process of the dreaded job search.

Our latest survey asked why people would put off applying for a new job.

We found that 51% of people had just not found the right opportunity for them. 26% did not want to leave the friends they had made at the workplace behind which is a comforting factor showing that the workplace is a fantastic opportunity to make new and good friends that you want long-last relationships with.

15% of people are put off with the time and effort that has to go into the change and so just leave it and leave it. Finally, 7% are actually scared of change.

Whatever the reason for putting off the job search, it is a hugely common issue and a daunting one for many. It can often feel overwhelming with all the information, especially the number of agencies, job boards, aggregators, organisations to visit that help you that it becomes more off-putting than actually helpful.

Well, if you are not happy in your current role and want a change, then we can help. Get over to www.tiptopjob.com where you can search for any kind of job you are looking for and apply to suitable vacancies online. As a job board, the process needs to all be done online and the client advertising the role will come back to you to let you know if you have been successful. Do not delay this job hunt anymore - no need to be scared or daunted - there is no time like the present!

We wish you all the luck in the world and hope we have something suitable for you at some point :)

