TipTopJob Blog

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41% grow to love their boss more and more

A great result found here that employees who join a company grow to LOVE their boss more than when they first joined the company. It shows that sometimes those arrogant, bossy, bullish, selfish, micro-manager type qualities that are first displayed, fade away and the real "nice" qualities start to glow. Maybe it is just time that is required to get to know their boss which allows their true personality to shine and allows employees to feel comfortable to work along side them.

Our latest findings found the following stats:

- 41% loved their boss more
- 29% liked them more
- 23% felt the same at the beginning of their employment to today
- 4% dislike them more
- 4% hate them more

At least we only have a small number of people that grow to dislike or hate their boss more than when they first started but we wonder what exactly they dislike/hate. Any responders out there that can let us know?


Tips to survive the office Christmas party

With the Christmas party season kicking off this week, we thought it suitable to review some tips to surviving it and investigate whether employees "hated them and do not go", "go but prefer not to" or totally "love it and always go"! 

Our latest study found that 47% of employees do actually LOVE a Christmas party and always attend. Well, why not? It is an excuse to socialise with your work colleagues, enjoy food and drinks paid for by the company and have a night out!

On the other hand though, 25% unfortunately hated the thought of going to their Christmas party and find an excuse not to go. Are you one of these employees? Come on, tell us what your excuse is this year? On top of this, 28% go because they feel that they have to but prefer not to.

If you are one of those people avoiding the celebrations at Christmas with your work colleagues  have a read over the following tips to help with surviving the night:-
- drink a glass of water with every alcoholic drink;
- have a cut off time - pre-book your taxi home and stay safe;
- make sure you either eat before you go out or eat the food that is provided;
- do not go overboard with your choice of outfit and reveal too much flesh;
- pace yourself with the amount you drink and avoid any shots;
- stay away from office politics and gossip as it can get out of control on a night out when everyone relaxes;
- enjoy some dancing but avoid provocative dancing with your work colleagues and bosses;
- avoid posting onto social media throughout the evening;
- try to steer the conversation away from work.

If you can keep some of these pointers in mind, you are sure to enjoy your Christmas party without facing any uncomfortable situations. Have fun, stay safe and be merry!

christmas party survive it


National Hug Your Boss Day

National Hug Your Boss Day is fast approaching and due to be celebrated on Friday 9th September. Will you get involved this year? We hope so!

The philosophy behind National Hug Your Boss Day is to promote healthy working relationships with not only your boss but also your colleagues. We figure that if you are working alongside your boss and colleagues for on average 8 hours every week day, then you may as well enjoy spending that time with them.

We have been collating interesting facts and stats over the years and we will be releasing some more for 2016 before we celebrate on Friday 9th. Help us to build some interesting data by answering the survey questions on the homepage of TipTopJob which are currently changing regularly.

We also have a Facebook page and Twitter page that you can follow to keep abreast of information as well as a dedicated website with pages for Facts, In The Press, Articles, Quotes, Picture Gallery, Video Gallery and more.

New articles surrounding motivation and relationships will be live before Friday 9th to help with supporting, building and developing relationships at work. Keep your eyes peeled.

To celebrate this year, all we want you to do is give your boss or colleagues a BIG hug. Capture it as a picture or video and share it with us on social media using the hashtags #nationalhugyourbossday #nationalhugyourboss #hugyourboss. It could not be simpler and it will add to some fun at work :) Help us spread the word. 


National Hug Your Boss Day