TipTopJob Blog

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Jobs for Danone on TipTopJob

Danone is a multinational food products corporation with 4 business lines that include fresh dairy, water, early life nutrition and medical nutrition. The company is currently recruiting for over 500 roles that are registered on the TipTopJob website.

Danone are recruiting Worldwide! It is simple to find the jobs on the TipTopJob website and go on to apply online. Just make sure you have updated your CV/Resume and that it is relevant to the role you are applying for.

Danone are a huge global company and a great corporation to be involved with.

Here are the Countries they are recruiting within: Saudi Arabia, Poland, Morocco, Turkey, France, Japan, Czech Republic, the USA, Denmark, Netherlands, the UK, Brazil, Singapore, Hungary, Germany, Iran, Argentina, Canada, Russia, Italy, Belgium, Egypt, Mexico.

And these are the industries covered: IT, Marketing, Sales, Graduate, Management, Outdoor, Sales, Engineering, HR, Accountancy and more.

To scroll through the list of jobs for Danone, CLICK HERE.

TipTopJob partnership continues with Access MBA

We are really excited to be entering another season in partnership with Access MBA. We first began our partnership back in 2013 and have continued to work together ever since. This fall, we begin by promoting the upcoming events across Western Europe.

Access MBA was established in 2004 as an independent media agency that provide personalised services for international business schools and prospective students. They work with the top 200 business schools across the world and connect with students at over 100 international events each year.

Here at TipTopJob, we are able to promote these events within each of the Countries as well as Internationally to our database of active and passive jobseekers. In return, Access MBA are able to market the TipTopJob job hunting services to their network of students.

For this coming fall, Access MBA are currently promoting the following events:-
London on 26th September 2016
Dublin on 27th September 2016
Brussels on 29th September 2016
Paris on 1st October 2016
Zurich on 3rd October 2016
Geneva on 4th October 2016
Vienna on 6th October 2016
Rome on 8th October 2016
Lisbon on 11th October 2016

You can click on the links above to find out more about each and register to attend the event.

We look forward to working alongside Access MBA for the foreseeable future. For anyone with any questions or queries about the events, please do get in touch with us here.



Desktop, Tablet or Mobile access to jobs via the internet: A Global Comparison

Have you ever wondered whether job searching via the Internet in Kenya is dominated by mobile access and how it compares to the users across the UK? Or if the residents in the USA sit at a desktop computer looking for a new job more than those in Russia? No need to wonder any longer as we can now reveal some interesting stats and facts illustrating the differences between 186 Countries across the Globe.

So, it turns out that the Internet users in Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Gabon, Cuba and Chad use desktops to search for jobs more so than mobiles and tablets. In fact, 97% of people in Kyrgyzstan use a desktop computer. 93% in Russia, 89% in Gabon, 86% in Cuba and 86% in Chad.

Mobiles were used the most in Sudan, Kenya, Palau and the Falklands. 94% of users in Sudan chose a mobile over a desktop or tablet.

Interestingly, Internet users in New Caledonia were the only users more likely to use Tablets. In St Lucia, Jersey, Guadeloupe and Greenland, tablets were used more than any of the other Countries analysed.

The UK and the USA rank right in the middle when it comes to its usage of the desktop and mobile. The UK found 57% using a desktop versus 33% a mobile and the USA, 52% versus 43%, respectively. A similar result was found in Australia with slightly more internet users choosing a desktop in comparison to a mobile; 49% v’s 41% and India; 50% v’s 48%.

The stats turned on their heads for a few other Countries where there were more mobiles being used. For example, in the UAE, 43% chose a desktop to job search over 53% a mobile. In South Africa; 38% v’s 51% and Japan; 43% v’s 49%.

The data comes from the usage of TipTopJob over the last 6 months and compares the sessions from 186 Countries. You can see a full breakdown in the chart below.

Source: TipTopJob.com

PRESS RELEASE: FREE Unlimited Job Advertising offered Globally by TipTopJob

PRESS RELEASE: FREE Unlimited Job Advertising offered Globally by TipTopJob

TipTopJob have launched a new 3 Tier Package System Worldwide that allows all recruiters based anywhere around the World to post jobs for FREE through the basic package option.

The success of the launch of the free job postings across the UK in October for TipTopJob has led the company to follow suit in all Countries.

The BASIC package option provides the client with FREE unlimited job postings and the enhanced STANDARD and PREMIUM packages include a lot more of the “bells and whistles” whereby jobs are promoted on other sites PLUS both packages include access to the CV/Resume database.

Mike Dauncey, CEO, comments, “This is a great way for Clients to really benefit from all of the services we have on offer. Any package can be easily ordered/bought online.”

The enhanced services include Email Alerts; Aggregator exposure; Social Media inclusion; Client Logos; Account Management; HTML Corporate Pages; HTML newsletters; Featured Jobs and more.

Mike Dauncey, goes on, “It is clear what is included when looking at the “Recruiter” homepage on each of the Country domains. Prices vary from Country to Country.”

For more information on the new package options please give us a call on +44(0)1628 207350 or email sales@TipTopJob.com

New Partnerships...

We are pleased to announce two new partnerships with global aggregators.

Our jobs will now be available to search on Jobbaloon across Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, New Zealand, Sweden, UK and the United States.

And njobs.com across France, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK.

We are continuously looking for partnerships to increase the number of applications to our advertised jobs and drive traffic to our websites. There are more partnerships in the pipeline and will be revealing those as they go live - watch this space!