TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

PRESS RELEASE: New Year, New Career, true for 95% of people

PRESS RELEASE: New Year, New Career, true for 95% of people

A recent survey conducted by TipTopJob over the last few weeks has found that 95% of respondents New Years’ resolution were to find a new job.

At the start of a new year, people are looking for positive ways to change their lives and what better way to do this than to change your job and make a fresh start. Well, that is what a huge percentage of the population are doing today (with our help) !

Not only are 95% of people changing their career, but in the first 2 weeks of January, TipTopJob saw a 56% increase in job applications across the website showing that people are proactively trying to change their career for the better.

Mike Dauncey comments, “On top of this, in the last 2 weeks we have seen our traffic more than triple in comparison to the 2 weeks before. People are really on the look-out for a new job at the moment so now is the perfect time for recruiters to post their jobs with us.”

About TipTopJob

The TipTopJob Group is a network generic and specialist jobsites that operate over 85 International jobsites around the world and covers 63 Industry sectors. For more information on our jobsites, please contact Corinne on coz@tiptopjob.com or Stuart on stuart.rea@tptopjob.com or call 01628 207350.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of our TipTopJob users!!!

Why not start the new year but conducting a new job search on TipTopJob (www.tiptopjob.com) to see if we have anything suitable for you. If not, do not forget to set up "job alerts" in your account so we can notify you of opportunities as and when they are registered. 

We cover 63 Industry sectors and 83 Countries and have around 400,000 jobs live to apply for.

We wish you every success in 2015 and hope we can help you to find a new career!

FREE Job Advertising in the UK...

Today we are happy to announce that ALL job advertising in the UK is FREE across our generic and 38 specialist jobsites.

The adjustment in strategy allows all advertisers across the UK, in any industry sector to make a use of the site at no cost for unlimited job advertising with no time limits or strings attached so we can concentrate on our International advertising services.

Recruiters need only visit the recruiter side of uk.tiptopjob.com site and start their job posting from there: http://uk.tiptopjob.com/default/client.asp. Recruiters can post single jobs directly on the site or they can forward their login details to their job posting board e.g. broadbean, logicmelon, jobmate, idibu etc and start bulk uploading through there. We are also able to take jobs via XML, CSV or HTTP if that is required.

The CV database cost is now offered at £150 per month plus £20 per additional user. The button banners are only £100 per month and can be purchased on any generic or specialist domain in the network.

For any further info do not hesitate to get in touch on 01628 207350 or email sales@tiptopjob.com.

Job boards first choice when looking for a new job...

Our most recent survey of around 1000 people over the last 2 weeks asked “When looking for a new job, where is the first place you would look?” The options we provided were; job board, recruitment agency, social network, friend network, direct, newspaper or jobcentre.

Most people clicked “job board” as the first place they would visit when looking for a new job, in fact 36%. “Recruitment agency” came in as the second most popular place to look with 24% of the responses. 13% would use their “social network”, 10% would visit their “jobcentre”, 8% would go “direct” to the employer, 7% read the “newspaper” and 3% said they would use their “friend network”.

We were surprised with the results as with so many more people using social networks today and with their increasing usage, we thought they would take more of the votes than a mere 13%. Recruitment agencies were two times more popular as a first choice and job boards almost three times more popular.

Where would you visit first? If it is a job board, then which job board is your number one?

August Statistics Summary...

Here is a brief summary relating to our top Industries and Countries based on jobseeker registrations and jobs, total figures and monthly growth.
Our top industries based on jobseeker registrations remain constant with IT holding the most and Engineering, Health, Office and Accountancy following behind. The Recruitment sector experienced the highest growth from July to August with 55% more jobseekers registering their CV’s. This was closely followed by the Property and Real Estate industry that had 49% growth in the same period.
In terms of job registrations, the Transport, Logistics & Distribution industry had the highest number of jobs being registered in August totaling 366,750 jobs. The Advertising, Marketing & PR had the second highest number of jobs being registered followed by IT. It was the Media industry that had the highest growth rate from July to August followed by Agriculture and then Recruitment.
There are no surprises when saying that the UK and the USA still have the highest number of jobseekers registered. After that, in order of the total number of jobseekers, the Countries are: India, South Africa, Pakistan and Canada.
The USA had the most jobs being registered of over 1 million in August. Germany had the second highest number of almost 100,000 jobs and the UK was the third largest.
For more detailed statistics, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on sales@tiptopjob.com or marketing@tiptopjob.com.

TipTopJob ranked in Top 10 for Twitter Followers Growth

We were contacted by SIGNL this week to let us know that TipTopJob is ranked in the Top 10 for Twitter Followers Growth, which is obviously brilliant news and something that we want to share.

We ranked #7 of 1,463 Recruiting by SIGNL companies by SIGNL in July 2014.

SIGNL's algorithm analyzes millions of data points including web/mobile traffic, social buzz, company growth, and more to identify companies with the highest momentum.

TipTopJob’s page is updated with new jobs, new clients, employment news, reviews, survey results, PR activity and more. If you are not already following us on Twitter, you can do so by following this page: https://twitter.com/tiptopjob. 

For more information on this you can click through to the SIGNL site: http://signl.com/award/public/tiptopjob/recruiting-2013-dec-b-twitter_follower.

Just over 1 month until National Hug Your Boss Day

National Hug Your Boss Day will be upon us next month, Friday 22nd August 2014. Are you gearing up to give your boss a big hug?
With just over one month to go, we are still asking questions related to relationships at work and will have some interesting statistics for you once the results are collected. To help us with this data, make sure you answer our survey question currently being asked on our websites.
We are currently asking “Does your boss....1. Motivate and spur you on? 2. Cause your stress and headache? 3. Make you feel devalued and want to quit?”

Thank you for your input and do not forget to get a snap of hugs in your office and upload them to our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/National-Hug-Your-Boss-Day/217675401587682 or email them to us at marketing@tiptopjob.com.

39% think the directive management style is the most motivating

In a surprising recent survey conducted across our network of sites, we found that 39% of those responding felt that the “directive – do it my way” approach to management was more motivating over any other style. It was the most popular response by 12%.

Second to the “directive” approach was the “participative – everyone has input” which we thought would actually take the first position. 27% felt that was the most motivating.

The “pacesetting – do it myself” approach was the least popular with only 4% of respondents choosing it and the “affiliative – people first, task second” ended up with 6%.

11% chose the “authoritative – firm but fair” and 13% chose the “coaching – developmental” option.

When putting this question together, the obvious answer to what motivates you the most would be the “participative – everyone has input” in our eyes but it seems that people need more direction than that to motivate them at work.

What do you think ?

Top 10 Searches on TipTopJob

If you are interested in knowing what people are searching for on TipTopJob, then here is our Top 10!

1. dotnet developer
2. architect
3. sales customer service advisor
4. agricultural engineer
5. area manager
6. assistant branch manager
7. art antiques dealer
8. architectural designer
9. architectural technician
10. architectural drafter.

You can check out the illustration here: https://www.tiptopjob.com/viewnewsstory/storyid/4329_-top-10-search-terms.

We cover 61 Industries so if your search/keyword does not appear here then do not fret. We have millions of searches being made. If you are more interested in a specific industry simply get in touch with us to ask marketing@tiptopjob.com.

41% use Linkedin as their favoured social network to find a new job

In a recent poll to find out which social network users favoured to use when finding a new job, Linkedin came out on top. 41% of respondents said they would prefer to use it over Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

TipTopJob’s survey also found that Facebook was the second most favoured social network with 32% saying they preferred it. Twitter was the least popular with only 3% of users using it and Google+, 24%.

Most people are aware that the best way to find a new job is through networking which is why the social networks have become an increasingly popular place to start given that is it so easy and available 24/7. Each of the networks bring their own merits and usefulness to the table but when it comes to looking for a job we wanted to find out what people thought about them.

Linkedin is the most obvious place to start as a professional. It allows you to link in with other people, update your own professional profile, do company searches, contact people and update your own status. It is a “business” network and therefore most commonly seen as the best place to start looking for a new job. Mike Dauncey adds, “Linkedin is more commonly used amongst certain industries like Engineering, IT and higher end roles over those blue collar workers and careers in, for example, the Health sector so it will be more popular for certain industries.”

Facebook and Twitter are more for “social” uses and allow connections of friends rather than just business associates. Although they allow you to follow companies of interest, see job postings, network etc and can be useful for some in finding a new opportunity, Linkedin seems to be the most popular choice still. Google+ is becoming ever more popular given it is a Google product and works in a similar way to the other networks.

Have you found a new job through a social network? Which one? Let us know.