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May Statistic Summary

May Statistic Summary
Because we like to keep you informed about our leading industry sectors and countries, here is our summary of stats at the end of May....
The Charity industry saw an increase of 60% more jobseekers registering in May – this was the highest growing industry. The Legal sector had 50% growth and the Electronics sector had 31% growth.
The IT industry still has the highest number of jobseekers registering in total in one month followed by the Engineering industry.
In terms of job numbers, the Government & Public Sector saw the highest monthly change of a 122% increase. The Travel & Tourism industry increased by 95% and the Health, Nursing and Social Services sector had a 54% increase from April to May.
The Transport, Logistics & Distribution industry had the largest number of jobs registered in one month of 467,585 jobs. This was closely followed by Advertising, Marketing & PR which had 322,713 jobs registered.
We still have the most number of jobseekers registered in the UK which stands at 726,928 at the end of May. This is closely followed by jobseekers in the USA which is 605,249. India is currently our third largest Country in terms of the number of jobseekers registered.
For any further information on our current statistics, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We have statistics for every Industry and every Country we cater for. The above is a brief summary of the top Industries and Countries for jobseeker and job numbers.

41% use Linkedin as their favoured social network to find a new job

In a recent poll to find out which social network users favoured to use when finding a new job, Linkedin came out on top. 41% of respondents said they would prefer to use it over Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

TipTopJob’s survey also found that Facebook was the second most favoured social network with 32% saying they preferred it. Twitter was the least popular with only 3% of users using it and Google+, 24%.

Most people are aware that the best way to find a new job is through networking which is why the social networks have become an increasingly popular place to start given that is it so easy and available 24/7. Each of the networks bring their own merits and usefulness to the table but when it comes to looking for a job we wanted to find out what people thought about them.

Linkedin is the most obvious place to start as a professional. It allows you to link in with other people, update your own professional profile, do company searches, contact people and update your own status. It is a “business” network and therefore most commonly seen as the best place to start looking for a new job. Mike Dauncey adds, “Linkedin is more commonly used amongst certain industries like Engineering, IT and higher end roles over those blue collar workers and careers in, for example, the Health sector so it will be more popular for certain industries.”

Facebook and Twitter are more for “social” uses and allow connections of friends rather than just business associates. Although they allow you to follow companies of interest, see job postings, network etc and can be useful for some in finding a new opportunity, Linkedin seems to be the most popular choice still. Google+ is becoming ever more popular given it is a Google product and works in a similar way to the other networks.

Have you found a new job through a social network? Which one? Let us know.

Unemployment in the UK down

The total number of unemployed people in the UK is now at 2.33 million following the latest fall in the number of people not working. The unemployment rate continues to be 7.2%.
The number of those unemployed within the age group of 16-24 fell by 29,000 taking the total number at 912,000 which is the lowest level since 2011.
The official statistics show that the number of people in employment is at a new high of 30.19 million. Also, another positive statistic is that over the past year, the number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance has fallen by more than a third of a million.

You called me WHAT?!?

64% of people in London have come across a jobseeker or recruiter with a rude/hilarious/funny name. Have you?!?

We also asked those living in Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Manchester and Bristol and compared the results.

Only 3% of those in Leeds had come across a rude/hilarious/funny name in the recruitment market which was the smallest % out of all of the areas asked.

11% in Birmingham had, 9% in Manchester, 8 % in Bristol and 5% in Glasgow.

London homes the most diverse set of cultures so it is bound to have "stranger" names.

What is the rudest, most hilarious, funniest name you have come across?!?

62% of the reserved UK workforce say they wont be sending a co-worker a Valentines Day card on Friday

62% of the reserved UK workforce say they wont be sending a co-worker a Valentines Day card on Friday. 

Over the last 2 weeks, we surveyed around 500 people to ask them if they were going to send a Valentines Day card or present to a co-worker or boss. There always seems to be some “fancying” going on in the office so we wanted to know if people take it to the next step and show their love openly or secretly to that special person. This survey suggests most people don't!

38% however say that they would send a card or present which is still quite a healthy proportion of people. Watch out on Friday as you could be that special person!!!!!

TipTopJob's summary of statistics from January....

Here is a summary of some of the statistics from January in terms of Jobseekers, Jobs, Applications and Searches.

Throughout January we saw the largest increase in jobseekers in the Purchasing & Supply Chain, Charity and Legal industries. It still stands that IT, Engineering and Health, Nursing and Social Services have the highest number of jobseekers in total.

There was a 75% increase in the number of jobseekers registering in the UK from December to January. We continue to have the most number of jobseekers registered in the UK, USA, India, South Africa and Canada.

The most jobs were registered in Health, Nursing & Social Services, Advertising, Marketing & PR and IT. Electronics saw the largest increase from December to January and Transport, Logistics & Distribution and Utilities & Services saw the some of the largest increases over that period as well.

In January, Catering & Hospitality topped the bill for the most number of applications in one month. This was closely followed by the IT and Engineering jobs posted.

South Africa generated the most number of applications in January – double that of the jobs in the UK.

Construction jobseekers conducted the most job searches on TipTopJob throughout January by almost double of the jobseekers in the Retail & Wholesale industry.

For more information on statistics, please email us at sales@tiptopjob.com or marketing@tiptopjob.com.

Do I want to be a Chemical Engineer?

Are you a thinking about what career you are going to take? Do you know you want to become an engineer but not sure which specialist route you should take? Or do you want a career change to get into Chemical Engineering and want to find out more?

Whichever your situation, we should hopefully be able to help you make some informed decisions. Here is some info on chemical engineering and there is even more to read on our website.

So, what is chemical engineering? Chemical engineering involves working with pioneering valuable new materials and techniques, such as nanotechnology, fuel cells and bio-medical engineering. Chemical engineers would work in many industries including, for example, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, energy, food and drink etc They are mainly involved in designing and developing and operating industrial processes for all kinds of products.

As far as entry requirements go, the normal route is to have a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) which is a three year course or a Master of Engineering (Meng) which is a four year course. The preferred subjects would be in biochemistry/chemistry/engineering but other subjects that would be considered include applied chemistry, polymer science, environmental engineering, biomedical engineering and nuclear engineering. To gain chartered status, as a graduate with BEng, you would need to do a period of further study and work experience however those with Meng would only need some kind of work experience. Some employers would consider a foundation degree or HND if a degree or masters has not been obtained.

Some of the most important skills are:
- Interest in chemistry, maths and engineering;
- Excellent communication skills;
- Excellent project management skills;
- Good team working skills;
- Good leadership and management skills;
- IT skills;
- Attention to detail;
- Innovation and creativity.

As a guide, starting salaries for graduate engineers are around £28,000. Experienced chemical engineers may recieve around £53,000. High level engineers can earn over £70,000. Salaries vary depending on the sector, location, size and type of organisation. You would be expected to work a normal office based 35-40 hours per week but some over-time is likely.

Many companies offer internal training programs for graduates to make sure they get the wide range of experience to develop a career as a professional engineer. IChemE benchmark many of these schemes, known as accredited Company training schemes (ACTS). IChemE offer a number of training events and is the professional body for chemical engineers. You can visit their website for further information. Some employers offer on the job training and programmes that help you to work towards CEng status.

You can find this information on our website as well as the details of the role: https://www.tiptopjob.com/displaycontent/sectionid/15/contentid/1411_-chemical-engineer-job-profile-description.

Hopefully this information has been useful to you but if you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at TipTopJob and we will endeavour to help all of our jobseekers in any way we can. Please email us marketing@tiptopjob.com.

Thoughts on the Bulgarian and Romanian changes....

After the recent changes to allow Bulgarians and Romanians the right to work freely across the EU, we asked our users the question "How will allowing Bulgarian and Romanian immigrants to work anywhere in the EU impact other European workers’ abilities to find a new job?".

The results have just come in and 50% of our users feel there will be a positive impact on other European workers abilities to find a new job. 29% believe that it would create no change and 21% felt there would be a negative impact.

Studies have predicted that it could mean a shift in labour wages for lower paid workers which would mean a negative impact to those in lower paid jobs. All predictions/suggestions are speculation though and it is difficult to know exactly what affects there will be until it happens.

How do you think these changes will affect jobseekers? Let us know your thoughts....

95% say their New Years' resolution is finding a new job

95% of people say that finding a new job is their New Years’ resolution this January, finds a recent survey by TipTopJob.com. The survey asked over 1,000 users of the site.  That leaves only 5% of people who have a New Years’ resolution related to something else.

January is always the busiest month when people are determined to organise their life and set themselves goals for the year. Putting off finding a new job is the easy option as it can be a difficult process but why not in January, when you are feeling motivated, get a plan into place and make things happen?

Have you already made it happen? Are you in the process of making this happen?

If you need some help putting your CV together, check out our Career Centre today for some useful hints and tips: https://www.tiptopjob.com/displaycontent/sectionid/15/contentid/796_-career-centre

Merry Christmas

We would like to wish all of our users a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope that you all take a well deserved break over the next week or so.

Our offices will be shut at the end of play on Monday 23rd December 2013 and we will re-open on Thursday 2nd January 2014.

For anyone wanting to search and apply for jobs, there is nothing stopping you. The site will still be available and there are still over 500,000 jobs to search through. Why not use your free time to update your CV and upload it into your account and apply to a new job ready for the new year?

As for any advertisers, the site is still there are available to use.

We hope you enjoy your Christmas break and look forward to a busy 2014.

From all of us at TipTopJob