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95% say their New Years' resolution is finding a new job

95% of people say that finding a new job is their New Years’ resolution this January, finds a recent survey by TipTopJob.com. The survey asked over 1,000 users of the site.  That leaves only 5% of people who have a New Years’ resolution related to something else.

January is always the busiest month when people are determined to organise their life and set themselves goals for the year. Putting off finding a new job is the easy option as it can be a difficult process but why not in January, when you are feeling motivated, get a plan into place and make things happen?

Have you already made it happen? Are you in the process of making this happen?

If you need some help putting your CV together, check out our Career Centre today for some useful hints and tips: https://www.tiptopjob.com/displaycontent/sectionid/15/contentid/796_-career-centre
