TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

44% only ever done their CV the once

Latest research discovers that 44% of jobseekers have only ever put their CV together, just the once. Does this tell us that many jobseekers only compile their CV, apply for the one job and then are lucky enough to be offered it? Wouldn't that make job hunting easy!

Further to this, 34% have created somewhere between 2 and 5 CV's when applying for a job. This relates to the CV being varied according to the similar but different roles being applied for at the same time. 

13% have created more than 10 CV's - WOW! And 9% have put together between 5 and 10 CV's.

So, how many have you done? Have you found that you are re-creating many CV's so you only ever send one CV to one company? This is how we advise jobseekers to go about their job applications to ensure they are really targeting their applications according to the job and role. So if this is YOU, well done and keep it up! 

If you require some advice on putting together a new CV, head over to our Career Centre on the website. It has plenty of great articles to help with many topics surrounding CV writing. 

Results are as follows:
- Only once = 44.4%
- twice = 14.5%
- 3-5 times = 19.5%
- 5-7 times = 6.4%
- 7-10 times = 2.4%
- >10 times = 12.9%



Today we moved to a more secure website using HTTPS

We are delighted to announce that we have made the switch over to a more secure website. Our URL will therefore now read https://www.TipTopJob.com rather than https://www.tiptopjob.com.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP. The 'S' at the end of HTTPS stands for 'Secure'. It means all communications between our users browsers and the website are encrypted. We have made this change with our jobseekers and clients in mind to reassure them that their data is safe with us.

Anjim Qureshi, IT Services Director comments, "In order to create a good user experience, we want to be a trusted provider. We feel this important change will help us to build that all important trust in our users eyes."

If you are one of our users and have been concerned in the past about the safety of your saved information including your CV/Resumes, then you can now rest assured that you are protected.

For any webmaster that may be reading this, if you have a link to TipTopJob, then please do change the URL link over to HTTPS for us please :)

For anything else regarding this switch over, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. 

New articles live

We are pleased to announce that a number of new articles are now live on the National Hug Your Boss Day website. In our attempt to highlight relationship issues at work and resolve problems, we have written some advisory articles for you.

You will find articles for the managers/bosses and more for the employees.

Head over to the National Hug Your Boss Day website and click through to the "Motivational Articles" page. You will find articles on a multitude of topics, for example, "5 ways to manage your boss effectively", "How to deal with your employees office affair", "Clear signs that your boss is taking advantage of you", "10 things that really annoy your boss and solutions", "What behaviour is acceptable at work", "Sure signs you have a great boss" and more.

If you want to see something specific that we have not covered, please feel free to email us directly. We would love to hear from you. 

We hope we can help many of you out there to deal with relationship issues at work and make them better to allow your working life to be more enjoyable :) Let us know if we have helped you deal with or overcome anything.

Tweaks to site

You may have already noticed some tweaks to the site...

Now you can click through to our Instagram account and Blog right from the icons at the top right of the homepage. You will now find icons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Instagram and our Blog which will link directly to the accounts.

Underneath these icons, we have a new image that allows Clients to click through to pay and post for 1 job online.

And finally, on each job vacancy, there is a new button at the top of the job description that allows the jobseeker to click to apply making it easier to find the APPLY button :)

If you would like to see any tweaks, changes or additions to the site, please do get in touch with us and let us know what you think....

Here are the changes....