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Most office romances end in long term love

We have recently issued this press release highlighting our latest findings about office romances. Take a read here....

We have all watched an office romance brew, develop, fizzle out or indeed last. With them being such a common act in the workplace and Valentine’s Day around the corner, TipTopJob investigates how office romances end up.

TipTopJob surveyed over 1000 users to find out if office romances ended in long term love, a short term fling, they were left as friends or if it was the end of a once friendship. 52% of people have witnessed an office romance end in a fairy-tale with long term love and the couple remaining together happily.

The survey also found that a quarter witnessed short term flings, slightly more (23%) ended in an amicable friendship and 17% sadly saw the end a friendship all together.

Spokesperson, Corinne at TipTopJob commented, “Office romances are not uncommon. It is important if you are getting involved in such a romance that it is handled correctly as you do not want to end up without a job. It is easy to become unfocused when you are falling for someone. We have some tips in our Career Centre should you want some advice on dealing with a blossoming office romance yourself to make sure you handle it in the best way!”


8 Top Tips on how best to manage a blossoming office romance

Office romances can quite often end in tears, with someone losing their job, friendships ending or someone getting hurt. Here are 8 top tips on how best to manage your office romance if one is blossoming for you:


Keep the pillow talk to your personal time. You colleagues and managers do not want to witness the whispering of sweet nothings when they are trying to concentrate at work, in the kitchen or even in the corridor. It can make colleagues feel uncomfortable and it can be the start of the gossiping.


Do not get involved with a married person as you will have additional consequences to deal with, especially when families are involved. As soon as you find this out, steer clear because even though you could end up happy, it may upset others in the process.


Be careful who you tell, especially at the beginning. You never know who the office gossip is and who knows who. You do not want to be top of the gossip list and you certainly do not want your personal life being shared openly with those you are working with professionally. If you do not know colleagues very well, be careful, as their opinion about you can be quickly tainted and it could create jealousy.


Check if your company has any rules or regulations about office relationships as you do not want to be fired because of liking someone. Check your contract. There are no laws around office romance but your company may have their own rules to abide to..


Avoid emailing your romancer. Emails are traceable and easily forwarded or sent to unintended persons. Keep the personal stuff to phone messaging and talking outside of the workplace.


Make sure that you are the only one. Sometimes people can be flirty and show as interest in someone but then a new recruit comes along and this behaviour transfers and they become flavour of the month. Be sure that he/she is not just having a bit of fun with flirty office banter but that they are really interested in you before you fall madly in love.


 Do not change your appearance. This is a clear sign to many that you are interested in someone and if you are trying to keep it low key, this is definitely something to take note off. It is obvious to many when someone starts to make more effort and looks different all of a sudden! Wear similar clothes to what you normally do and for women avoid any extra make-up, perfume and hair-dressing.


Take things slowly and make sure that person is right for you before you declare your love, move in, spread the word and become an official couple.

Our survey found that 50% of people have witnessed an office romance ending with long term love so it is clear that this could happen to you. With our useful tips, you can manage the process of a blossoming romance but also help yourself if you are not so fortunate enough for it to last, that it does not end with too much heartache and upset. Good luck.

Corporate Jargon Explained

You are sitting with your friends having a catch up when they start talking in riddles and using abbreviations or random words you have never heard before! Corporate jargon otherwise known as corporate lingo, workplace jargon, business speak to name a few is often commonplace among large corporate companies and especially those originating in the USA. For some, it can be frustrating to be lost among such language so we have collated some common terms and provided you with an explanation for each. There are many references to such jargon which include using abbreviations, nouns, verbs and adjectives. Here they are………. 


COB – close of business

CSW – completed staff work

EOD – end of day

FTE – full-time equivalent

FY – fiscal year

HIBBIS – heads in beds, butts in seats

KPI – key performance indicators

NDA – non-disclosure agreement

PCP – previous corresponding period

POS – point of sale

PQQ - pre qualification questionnaire

RFP - Request for Proposal

RFQ - Request for quote

RIF – reduction in force

SBU – strategic business unit

SME – subject matter expert

TCO – total cost of ownership

TTT - this time tomorrow

WC – week commencing

WE – week ending

YTD – year to date  


Blue sky thinking: Idealistic or visionary ideas 

Cascade: Array of possible actions to take in response to a problem: protocol

Check in the box: complete the task

Flavor of the month: the current popular activity/person as directed by the company/client/management

Hub: an idea which other ideas are linked to

Joined-up thinking: Discussing the viewpoints of each organization and coming to an agreement or compromise

Kill two birds with one stone: doing one action will result in achieving two goals

Low-hanging fruit: Tasks that have the greatest positive effect for the least effort, used when promoting new projects to show the advantages

One belly button to push: Reduced number of suppliers

Raft of measures: A collection of proposals or schemes

Tent pole: the task or item most likely to delay a project or consume the most resources

Silver bullet: One solution for everything

Under-pinning: The foundations of an idea, which helps another related scheme or proposal

Womb to tomb: An idea or program that is killed before it has a chance to grow or flourish 


Baked In: Same as "included," in principle. Something which has been "baked in" is implied to be impossible to remove

Boil the Ocean: An effort or task which is perceived by the speaker to be impossible or impractical

Build Capacity: Take actions which produce no useful output immediately, but increase the amount of useful work which can be done in the future

Cover all directions of the compass: Try to make things acceptable for all stakeholders

Create the storyboard: Outline what the solution will look like

Deep dive: Get into the detail

Eating one's own dog food: Use the same product that is sold to your customers, especially if it's a bad product

Land and expand: To sell a small solution and then grow it within the client's environment

Moving forward: Making progress on an idea or scheme

Pick the low-hanging fruit: Go for the easiest option

Power to the elbow: Get additional backup information to make your case stronger

Pushing the envelope: Going outside normal boundaries to achieve a target or goal

Sing from the same hymn sheet: Show a united front or everyone understanding and saying the same thing to customers or service users

Touch base: To meet up with a colleague to discuss progress 


Cross-Functional: resume jargon, music to management's ears

In the loop: knowing what's going on and being kept informed

Off the shelf: buying in a product or service already completed 

You can also read this article on our website.

Trouble sleeping? Tips on how to sleep better

Trouble sleeping? Tips on how to sleep better

How you perform at work and function throughout the day depends greatly on your sleep or lack of. Sleep can be effected by a lot of factors and there are various things you can do to help to boost the quality of your sleep to ensure you are productive, mentally and emotionally balanced. 

The amount of sleep that individuals require varies greatly from person to person, but generally, most adults require about 8 hours of quality sleep. If you know you are not sleeping well or enough, then it is about experimenting with variables in your day to day life to find out what can help it. 

A relaxing bedtime routine…

Before bed it is important to wind down and make yourself relax so you can easily fall into a deep sleep. Try to keep the bedroom for sleep time and not any other activity that may create anxiety, emotion etc It is not advisable to play computer games, work on your phone or watch an active movie just before lights out. You can make your bedroom more sleep friendly by keeping your bedroom cool and maintain it at an optimum temperature of around 18c. You can ensure there are no distracting noises, by for example, keeping your windows closed to avoid car noises and neighbours. And you need to make sure your bed is comfortable for you and if not work out whether you need to invest in harder/softer pillows or mattresses. 

It may be a good idea to write a list of things that make you relaxed and re-visit these before you go to bed e.g. have a warm relaxing bath, read a book, listen to relaxing music etc 

Food and Drink…

Food and drink play a massive part in sleep routine and they have a huge effect on your body and how it functions, especially in the hours just before bedtime. Here are some very simple tips:

- Avoid too much alcohol – it disrupts the sleep cycles and you get a much worse quality of sleep. You may have experienced waking a lot, tossing and turning and waking early. 
- Avoid caffeine – it is a stimulant and can affect people hours after consumption. If you think you may be consuming too much caffeine, cut it down or only have it before lunchtime as an experiment.
- Avoid smoking – nicotine can stimulate which will therefore disrupt sleep.
- Avoid heavy, rich meals too late – maybe try to eat earlier in the evening as some foods can take its toll on the digestive system meaning the body is working hard when it is sleep time.
- Avoid too much liquid - whether these are hot drinks, water, alcohol, fizzy or fruit juice drinks. Drinking too much before bed will mean you may need to get up in the night to visit the toilet disrupting your sleep.

Everyone is different so it is important to experiment with the tips above to see if anything works for you. Some people find that a light snack before bed can help them to sleep and feel calm but others may find that food can give them indigestion and make sleep more difficult. 


The body needs to exercise and this can help sleep for some people. It is not advisable to exercise too late in the day as it can stimulate the body and make the body less able to relax and unwind when you lie down. If you cannot go running, cycling or do a class at the gym, try a more relaxing exercise like yoga or Pilates or just walking, housework or gardening but remember to stay active! 

Find your natural sleep schedule and keep it…

It can help your sleep quality if you get yourself into a regular sleep schedule that is maintained. Going to bed at the same time every night and waking naturally at the same time every morning is key. You will need some time to experiment with this over some weeks and get your body into the cycle but you can begin by making sure you go to bed every night at the same time for a duration of time. If you miss out on a few hours, you could catch up on the sleep in the day but do not do this too late in the day or you will end up not being able to go to sleep at the same time. If you are tired before bed time then try to distract yourself by washing the dishes or speaking to a friend on the phone until it is time to unwind for bed instead of falling asleep on the sofa early. 

Light and Melatonin…

Melatonin is a hormone released by the body based on the amount of light it is exposed to. It makes you sleepy, so in theory, your body should release more at night when dark. There are some key points to remember to try to increase light exposure in the day and boost melatonin at night:

- Spend more time outside in the day
- Try to make your workplace light
- Keep curtains/blinds open at home in the day
- Do not wear sunglasses all day
- Do not use the TV, computer or phone just before lights out or any backlit device 
- Use dull lights in the bedroom
- Keep the bedroom dark with good heavy curtains/blinds
- If you have to get up in the night, avoid turning on the light 

Getting back to sleep in the night…

It is quite normal to wake in the night but some people find it difficult to get back to sleep. This is important to ensure you are not losing those quality hours of sleep your body needs. If you wake up, do your best to avoid light which will stimulate your body and any technological device. Try not to start thinking about the jobs you have to do the following day. If you have woken up worrying about something, then make a quick note so as to get it off your shoulders and quickly get back to relaxing again. Avoid getting stressed and anxious about the fact you are not asleep. It is difficult at the time, but just try to relax and do some visualisation, meditation or just think of something that makes you relaxed instead of desperately trying to make yourself sleep!

Many people suffer from distracted and poor sleep, so it is about experimenting to find what you need and how YOU can sleep better. Everyone is different so what works for one person will not necessarily work for another. If you are someone who worries, gets stressed and anxious due to everyday life, then it may be worth looking into what it is that is on your mind and dealing with that in the first instance.

We hope that some of the above advice has been helpful and you can at least begin to start experimenting with techniques to get your sleep back on track. It will certainly have a knock on effect on how you perform and function at work.

National Hug Your Boss Day

National Hug Your Boss Day has been confirmed to take place on Friday 4th September 2015.

The day is a fun opportunity to share workplace hugs demonstrating healthy relationships among work colleagues and managers.

The day has been celebrated since 2008 and each year more and more companies and individuals get involved.

The website can be found here: http://www.nationalhugyourbossday.co.uk/.

You will also find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/National-Hug-Your-Boss-Day/217675401587682.

And on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HugYourBossDay. #hugyourboss #hugyourbossday.

Do not forget to take a picture of you hugging your manager or colleagues and share them with us. In the lead up to National Hug Your Boss Day, we will be asking a series of relationship questions on the TipTopJob website so please do vote to help us build a valuable picture.

Put the date in the diary. Friday 4th September 2015.

Happy hugging :)

Late boozy nights mid week? Stimulant drinker?

In our recent double whammy survey, we asked if you had turned up to work “drunk” from the night before and secondly if you need stimulant drinks to get you through the working day.

The first survey looking into “drunk working” found that luckily 82% had NEVER done this. Unfortunately there were still 8% that do this on a regular basis and 10% that have done it once or twice. Once or twice is acceptably especially after a big work do, birthday or Christmas party. Do you know someone who falls into that 8% who regularly look bleary eyed and do you think it effects their work productivity?

The second survey asking about drinking stimulant drinks like red bull and monster at work found that a larger amount of people DO NOT drink them. 76% to be exact. However, 24% DO drink these caffeine/sugary drinks to help them get through the working day. Unfortunately, the people drinking these drinks will suffer from a number of side effects like shaking, agitation, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, palpitations and they have a dangerous ability to get people addicted to consuming them.

Our advice would be to keep those boozy nights to the weekend so you are not struggling to cope with a day at work and avoid those caffeine/sugary drinks that can spike your blood sugar levels and cause you to suffer from various other side effects.

Boss Meet Up = Motivation

Our latest survey results reveal that 78% of people find that having a meeting and catch up with their boss about their work and progress helps them to stay motivated.

We tend to agree! Taking the time to go over the work you have been doing with another helps to re-set and re-focus. It can help to iron out issues and it is a good time to have any outstanding questions answered. Having a meeting with your manager may involve the praise and recognition everyone needs to spur them on at work as without that, it is easy to lose interest in daily tasks.

Many other motivating factors at work come from communication that a catch up with a manager brings. This may include the simple ease of communication with a boss, trust, inspiration and respect.

Everyone is different when it comes to what motivates them at work but what is clear is that most people need to have that regular catch up with their boss whether it is face to face or on the phone.

What do you think?

National Hug Your Boss Day is confirmed for Friday, 22nd August 2014.

It is official, National Hug Your Boss Day is confirmed for Friday, 22nd August 2014.
National Hug Your Boss Day was created in August 2008 by TipTopJob.com. It was created in order to promote the awareness of relationships between managers and employees and between colleagues. In a nutshell, we believe that if you are someone who gets on with your boss, then you will be more motivated and productive at work.
We want to promote good working relationships in the workplace as at the end of the day, you spend most of your waking life at work. If you are someone who gets on with your boss and colleagues then you are going to be far happier at work than those who do not. We want to offer advice to those who do not have these healthy relationships as we believe it is vital to a company’s success.
Over the years, we have conducted much research and asked hundreds of questions about hugging your boss, relationships with bosses/colleagues and more to come up with some interesting findings.
This year we want to raise the awareness of employee relations within companies who have staff who do not work in the same office whether it is being located in different offices across the Country or World and only communicate via email, intranet, MSN, Skype and telephone. We want to find out if this situation changes how you feel about your boss and if it fundamentally changes your drive and motivation.
Our website allows you to play a game to find out who your boss is, take a test to find out how good your relationship is with your boss, check out “hugging” pictures of companies who already support the day and read serious articles about motivation at work for both the employer and employee.
We celebrate on National Hug Your Boss Day by asking everyone to take pictures or videos of “hugging” your boss and uploading them to the Facebook page or emailing them in to marketing@tiptopjob.com. To take part that is all we ask….
This year we are running a competition to find the BEST boss. Let us know why your boss so GREAT? We will be sending out a bottle of champagne to the BEST BOSS of 2014. We want to hear your reasons so get in touch with Corinne on coz@tiptopjob.com and tell us why your boss should WIN!!!!!

62% of the reserved UK workforce say they wont be sending a co-worker a Valentines Day card on Friday

62% of the reserved UK workforce say they wont be sending a co-worker a Valentines Day card on Friday. 

Over the last 2 weeks, we surveyed around 500 people to ask them if they were going to send a Valentines Day card or present to a co-worker or boss. There always seems to be some “fancying” going on in the office so we wanted to know if people take it to the next step and show their love openly or secretly to that special person. This survey suggests most people don't!

38% however say that they would send a card or present which is still quite a healthy proportion of people. Watch out on Friday as you could be that special person!!!!!

Did anyone see "National Hug Your Boss Day" ?

Did anyone see "National Hug Your Boss Day" in the news on the 23rd August? Here at TipTopJob, we were all to happy to have a hug with our bosses and colleagues. We created the day back in 2008 to promote workplace relationships.

On a couple of the surveys we had run prior to the 2013 National Hug Your Boss Day we found that most people backed up our theory. 86% of respondents said that if they were happy with their boss that they are more productive. Second to this, top of the list of options to the question "What makes you more productive at work?" was "Good Working Relationships".

Another interesting survey result found that 55% of women would prefer to hug another woman. When asking men the same question, 62% would prefer to hug a woman.

Hug of the month went to Choice FM, whose photo you can see on the homepage of the website. CBS 42's Kate Muse and Kaitlin McCullet celebrated the day by hugging their news Director, Bill Payer.

You can check out more hugs sent in this year in the Gallery on the website:

And more interaction on our Facebook page:

We would love to hear of any more hugs we missed so do let us know if they are not currently shown and we hoped you all enjoyed the day this year. We look forward to celebrating again next year :)