TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

So, what can TipTopJob offer candidates?

As a jobseeker, what should you expect from TipTopJob and what can you do to make sure you get the best out of our services?

When registering with TipTopJob it is advisable to include as much information in your profile as possible. This will allow recruiters to be able to find you more easily when searching on our database. Ensuring you have your most up to date CV on your account is the most important part as it is the CV that the recruiter will be wanting to view.

Within your account, you are able to save up to 5 CV's and 5 Cover Letters so make the most of this facility by saving your adapted versions of each so that when you come to applying for additional jobs you are making your life easier.

You can use the easy "Search" facility by entering in the requirements on the jobs you are looking for and search the over 400,000 live jobs registered on the site. You can search by location, industry, keywords and job type.

Once you have done a search, you can save this as an "Email Alert" in your account so that when available jobs that match your criteria are registered, they are sent out straight to your inbox. This delays any time in you having to come back to search for jobs again and you can click through to apply for the jobs straight away.

Our site also offers a comprehensive "Career Centre" where you can seek out useful advice on topics such as, "CV writing", "Cover Letter writing", "Interview advice" etc This has recently been updated with new articles and advice.

TipTopJob has pages and groups on all social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin so make sure you are kept up to date with news, reviews and more by liking/following/joining us.

Our mobile site also allows you to search for jobs on the go so if you are using your mobile, make sure you have changed your settings.

Don't forget, our services to jobseekers are entirely free.

We are always keen to improve our service to you so please get in touch with any useful feedback. We would love to hear from you here or send us an email to marketing@tiptopjob.com.
