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New Work From Home jobs in Germany on TipTopJob

We have a new Work From Home role on TipTopJob advertised by +Q Marketing Services. 

The role is home based and can be done anywhere across Germany.

In the role, there will be responsibilities for service and product quality analysis for the +Q Marketing clients - various distributors, retailers and global service providers. As an employee you will have to analyze production flow, quality of the provided service, arrange further product delivery and ensure that our clients will receive excellent service experience that we are known for.

The role requires basic knowledge of English and German language and good computer skills, knowledge of MS Office package.

To find out even more about the role, please click here. This role is based anywhere in Germany but there are jobs advertised in specific locations as well.

If you think this role is suitable for you, please register and APPLY online today.

You can find the full list of jobs here.
