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Questions to ask at the end of an interview

After finding out in a recent survey conducted by TipTopJob that most people worry about what questions they will ask at the end of the interview, we thought it would be useful to put together some questions to think about choosing to use.

Asking good quality questions after being interviewed for a new role can highlight your interest in the company and role, show your motivation, ambition and intelligence.

You must not forget that an interview is a two way street and it is just as much about you deciding whether the job is right for you as it is the company working out if you are right for them.

So with this in mind, what sort of questions could you ask?? Here are some ideas that you can take with you…..

What are the biggest challenges of the job?
This will help you decide if you are up for the challenges and how far you are willing to push yourself should you take on the role. It can also help you to prepare for any further interviews you may be invited to as well.

How many other people are you interviewing?
This will help you to gauge what competition you are up against and possibly how long you will need to wait to hear from the hiring manager about how you have done.

When are you looking to recruit?
This gives you a stronger idea on timescales and how long you will need to wait to hear if you have another interview or if you have got the job. It shows you are keen and want to know when the position can potentially be yours!

Why is the job available?
This can help you to understand why someone may have left from the role or why the role has been created. The answer to this question can help you determine what to expect from the job and if it is suitable for you.

Are you confident that I am suitable for the role?
This puts the interviewer on the spot and shows your confidence. It can help you to gauge how well you have performed and if you are in for a good chance. It could be the opportunity, if negative, to find out what you have not done right and how you can work on improving certain areas before any other interviews.

What do you love and hate about working for this company?
This can give you a great idea of the positive and negative factors relating to the company and what someone else likes/dislikes. Hearing from someone who actually works at the company is one hundred times better than reading a company website or brochure. You will get a much better feeling about the truth.

What are the most and least enjoyable parts to this role?
By asking the positive and negative you may get a more rounded answer. Although it is the opinion of the interviewer, this will still help you to understand the good and bad aspects and whether this is something you agree with and want to take on.

What training do you offer?
This shows you are interested in increasing your own skills which is something a company will be keen to see.

Is there scope for promotion?
Again this shows you want to develop yourself and that you are keen. It is another classic question to ask!

So, now you have some ideas, maybe think about those that may be most suitable to ask for your interview coming up. Good Luck!
