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TipTopJob and theExMILITARYjob.com take next steps to helping our troops back to work

TipTopJob and theExMILITARYjob.com have recently teamed up with UK Homes 4 Heroes and are supporting the Forces’ Motorsport Charity, Mission Motorsport, by providing placements and re-training for soldiers, sailors and airmen.  The theExMILITARYjob.co was created in order to Help our Heroes back to work, as we know first-hand just how difficult it is transitioning from the Forces to Civvy Street.

Now that British Troops have been withdrawn from Afghanistan, and with the size of the UK Forces decreasing until 2020, there is an opportunity to assist our wounded, injured and sick as well as regular servicemen and women find second careers and a new life after their lives in the Services. We have a duty of care to Help our Troops back to work that bit quicker and that is what we are doing with a website devoted to their employment needs. 

TipTopJob created www.theExMILITARYjob.com and have engaged with businesses nationwide to get the website not only populated with job opportunities but also with commitments to retrain our troops to help them transition to mainstream civilian life. 

Leading by example, TipTopJob and theExMILITARYjob.com have offered placements to wounded, injured and sick personnel in their own TTJ head office in sales and administrative roles as career stepping stones to being placed into permanent roles anywhere in the 83 countries where we are present.

Mike Dauncey, Chief Executive of TipTopJob states, “Action is required and action is what is being taken by TipTopJob, leading by example. theExMILITARYjob.com will be providing free recruitment job advertising on the jobsite – no strings attached – and are encouraging everyone and anyone to get involved in this worthy cause to recruit one of the many ex-forces into an apprentice role, temporary, contract or permanent placements. ”

Major James Cameron, Founder and CEO of Mission Motorsport, “We are delighted that TipTopJob and www.theExMILITARYjob.com are providing such quality support to ex forces personnel and great to know that such a passionate organisation are actively promoting opportunities for our guys and girls. The fact that they are also offering opportunities within their own company is a true measure of their commitment to this initiative”. 


theExMILITARYjob.com is a specialist jobsite for ex-military personnel offering free recruitment advertising across the UK. It is part of The TipTopJob Group of generic and specialist jobsites that operate over 85 International jobsites around the world. Register online taking a few simple steps and have your jobs live in minutes. We are working in support of UK Homes 4 Heroes and Mission Motorsport. For more information please contact Corinne Hutchinson (Marketing/PR) on coz@tiptopjob.com or Stuart Rea (Sales) on stuart.rea@tptopjob.com or call 01628 207350.
