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Serious post-holiday blues? How to re-focus after a holiday!

Serious post-holiday blues? How to re-focus after a holiday!

You have just returned from your annual holiday with friends and family whether it be in the Sun, Countryside, Slopes or similar and you cannot seem to switch that flick in your head back to work-mode. You are swimming in emails, you are jet-lagged, you are re-living the days from holiday, you are missing your afternoon nap or you have just experienced that dreaded over-packed train or extra 40 minute traffic jam in the motorway!

Whatever it may be, do not fret, we know the feeling and we are here to help. Here are some top tips on how to get re-focused and back into the flow.

#1. First things are first.
Allow yourself several days or at least a week to catch up on all of your emails and conversations with colleagues and managers. Do not jump into new assignments/projects straight away to over-load yourself! Talk about your holiday and get it all off your chest early on. You may find it easier to arrive early to work in the first week to address your emails, voice messages and just generally to catch up!

#2. Stay revived and refreshed.
Holidays are a great way to relax, unwind, refresh and re-vive yourself. See this as a refreshing new start and allow yourself to bring innovative ideas to the table and begin any new resolutions you may have.

#3. Routine is key.
Get yourself into a strict routine to help yourself settle back into things. Set your alarm to get up at the same time every day, eat lunch at the same time and make sure you leave work on time to start with. It may also help to structure your day so attend to certain tasks/projects/jobs at set points throughout the day and do your best to stick to them. This can help to manage the workload and stop yourself from flitting from job to job.

# 4. Planning.
Start your day off by planning what you will be doing that day and creating a list of tasks to do. Finish off by completing any unfinished tasks and re-setting your desk for the next day. This way you will not get stressed out with too much going on and each day will be a fresh, new on.

# 5. Treat yourself.
Take yourself off for some retail therapy at lunchtime to give yourself that little boost or maybe grab a gourmet coffee on the way into work. Anything to make you feel a little better – decide what it is and do it!

# 6. Plan your next trip.
Most of us need a holiday in order to get our heads down, work hard and to use as a goal. It is a great motivating factor so book in the next holiday and work towards it.

# 7. Start something new.
This could be a good time to start a new hobby, join a gym or exercise class. Keep yourself occupied so you are happy and have enough to do that you do not end up feeling depressed you are not still away on holiday.

# 8. Perspective.
Just remember, everyone feels the same when they return from holiday – you are not alone. You want to quit your job, you cannot concentrate nor motivate yourself – whatever it is! But please do just keep reminding yourself that it is just a temporary feeling and within no time at all you will be back into the swing of things.

