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7 signs it is time for a career change

Are you feeling less satisfied with your current job? Less drive to get up in the morning to get into work? Do your daily tasks feel like they never end or are your colleagues driving you crazy? Whatever the reason may be, there will become a point where you need a change of direction resulting in a full on career change, not just a change in your job role. So, what signs tell you that it is time?

1. Job Satisfaction
Where you once felt satisfied with each daily task you completed, now you do not. Each job you do drags on and on and it is more about getting it done than actually enjoying the job you are doing. Less enjoyment of day to day activities is a huge sign that it is time for a change. Try to work out which parts of the job may satisfy you still and then cross check that against other careers where you may be able to transfer some skills.

2. Work/Life balance
Some careers will never provide you with the work life balance you desperately crave and even changing your level within the industry will not change the working hours or flexibility you desire. This could be a very difficult decision to make but if it is a better balance that you are after, a career change is probably the answer. It will mean a reduction in income but it will result in a happier you.

3. Passion and belief
When you have lost your passion and belief in your company or job then you are at the end of the road. You cannot seriously continue to be excited about your day to day activities when you do have that drive you once had. Maybe this relates more so to an organisation that has a certain kind of culture that does not fit with your personality and so means you need to look elsewhere for a new environment that makes you feel more comfortable.

4. Boredom, lack of energy
There could be some aspects of your career that result in you being bored to death. You lack any kind of energy, cannot get up in the morning and dread the commute to work. If you are getting this negative kind of feeling and the days just drag on, it is a clear sign for a change. Try to pinpoint exactly what it is that brings you down so you can ensure when making a career change, that you avoid these aspects in your next role. Work out what makes you feel energised and excited and pick out the careers that you think will fit.

Click here to our Career Centre to finish reading the full article.

We currently have some exciting opportunities to get into teaching if you are interested in a Career Change. You can see the roles registered for Teach First here.

