TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

TipTopJob's summary of statistics from January....

Here is a summary of some of the statistics from January in terms of Jobseekers, Jobs, Applications and Searches.

Throughout January we saw the largest increase in jobseekers in the Purchasing & Supply Chain, Charity and Legal industries. It still stands that IT, Engineering and Health, Nursing and Social Services have the highest number of jobseekers in total.

There was a 75% increase in the number of jobseekers registering in the UK from December to January. We continue to have the most number of jobseekers registered in the UK, USA, India, South Africa and Canada.

The most jobs were registered in Health, Nursing & Social Services, Advertising, Marketing & PR and IT. Electronics saw the largest increase from December to January and Transport, Logistics & Distribution and Utilities & Services saw the some of the largest increases over that period as well.

In January, Catering & Hospitality topped the bill for the most number of applications in one month. This was closely followed by the IT and Engineering jobs posted.

South Africa generated the most number of applications in January – double that of the jobs in the UK.

Construction jobseekers conducted the most job searches on TipTopJob throughout January by almost double of the jobseekers in the Retail & Wholesale industry.

For more information on statistics, please email us at sales@tiptopjob.com or marketing@tiptopjob.com.

Thoughts on the Bulgarian and Romanian changes....

After the recent changes to allow Bulgarians and Romanians the right to work freely across the EU, we asked our users the question "How will allowing Bulgarian and Romanian immigrants to work anywhere in the EU impact other European workers’ abilities to find a new job?".

The results have just come in and 50% of our users feel there will be a positive impact on other European workers abilities to find a new job. 29% believe that it would create no change and 21% felt there would be a negative impact.

Studies have predicted that it could mean a shift in labour wages for lower paid workers which would mean a negative impact to those in lower paid jobs. All predictions/suggestions are speculation though and it is difficult to know exactly what affects there will be until it happens.

How do you think these changes will affect jobseekers? Let us know your thoughts....

95% say their New Years' resolution is finding a new job

95% of people say that finding a new job is their New Years’ resolution this January, finds a recent survey by TipTopJob.com. The survey asked over 1,000 users of the site.  That leaves only 5% of people who have a New Years’ resolution related to something else.

January is always the busiest month when people are determined to organise their life and set themselves goals for the year. Putting off finding a new job is the easy option as it can be a difficult process but why not in January, when you are feeling motivated, get a plan into place and make things happen?

Have you already made it happen? Are you in the process of making this happen?

If you need some help putting your CV together, check out our Career Centre today for some useful hints and tips: https://www.tiptopjob.com/displaycontent/sectionid/15/contentid/796_-career-centre

Live jobs go over 500,000

We are very pleased to announce a record breaking figure for our job count. We are currently standing at an impressive 531,275 live jobs.

Our jobs can be found across any of the 83 countries from around the world, from Europe to Australasia and in any of the 61 industry sectors that we cover.

To check out these jobs now, you can search online at: 

To post a job to our network, you can click here: 

Where do you think it is best to sit in your office?

A recent poll that we carried out of over 1,000 jobseekers asked where would they rather sit in an office. We wondered if there would be some sucking up to the boss un-covered here.....and.....

we were right! 28% would actually prefer to sit next to their manager in the office. Although this was not the top answer, it was the second most popular response.

35% would however prefer to sit in the middle of their co-workers, which is of course the most obvious answer.

Other responses include:
- Near the big bosses office - 14%
- Near the entrance - 12%
- At the back - 8%
- By the exit - 3%

Tell us where you sit and if you could change this, where would you prefer to sit???

Jobseekers visit job boards before other methods

In a recent survey by TipTopJob, it was found that most jobseekers would visit a "job board" in the first instance when looking for a new job.

The survey asked 847 jobseekers where they would you go first when looking for a new job.  28% of respondents said "job boards". This highlights how job boards have become more common place in today's jobseeker market and more well-known given that jobseekers visit them directly. This figure would certainly not have been so high 5 years ago.

27% said they would visit a "search engine" first which of course may lead to a jobseeker then finding a job board but also other methods like job aggregators or recruitment agencies.

16% of jobseekers would go to a "recruitment agency" first, 14% would go "direct" and 4% would use their "friends or acquaintance network".

Mike Dauncey, comments, "Interestingly, 10% said they would use "social media" in the first place. Although social media is not the most obvious place to go to look for a new job, it will become more mainstream in the future (especially in the younger generation) as more recruiters and direct clients use the social networks to advertise and recruit and as people use the social media sites to network about potential roles amongst friends and acquaintances."

Did anyone see "National Hug Your Boss Day" ?

Did anyone see "National Hug Your Boss Day" in the news on the 23rd August? Here at TipTopJob, we were all to happy to have a hug with our bosses and colleagues. We created the day back in 2008 to promote workplace relationships.

On a couple of the surveys we had run prior to the 2013 National Hug Your Boss Day we found that most people backed up our theory. 86% of respondents said that if they were happy with their boss that they are more productive. Second to this, top of the list of options to the question "What makes you more productive at work?" was "Good Working Relationships".

Another interesting survey result found that 55% of women would prefer to hug another woman. When asking men the same question, 62% would prefer to hug a woman.

Hug of the month went to Choice FM, whose photo you can see on the homepage of the website. CBS 42's Kate Muse and Kaitlin McCullet celebrated the day by hugging their news Director, Bill Payer.

You can check out more hugs sent in this year in the Gallery on the website:

And more interaction on our Facebook page:

We would love to hear of any more hugs we missed so do let us know if they are not currently shown and we hoped you all enjoyed the day this year. We look forward to celebrating again next year :)

New Look Career Centre

A few weeks ago we re-launched our Career Centre with an easier to view layout so jobseekers can quickly find advice about various aspects related to finding a new job, working life and their career. There are sections dedicated to advice about writing CV's, cover letters, interviews, recruitment tests, working life, redundancy, legal and money, training and re-location.

There are some new books in the Career Bookshop that can be purchased via Amazon that are inspirational and highly useful. And the Career Clinic allows jobseekers to send in a career-related question for it be answered.

A new section with "job profiles/descriptions" will be added soon that will help jobseekers identify what is involved in some popular jobs so they can decide if it is really for them.

Check out the new Career Centre here: 

We welcome any feedback about our new Career Centre and would love to hear from you. Let us know here or email us at marketing@tiptopjob.com.

46% Think It Is NEVER Acceptable To Hug Your Boss

With National Hug Your Boss Day fast approaching, it has been reported this year that 46% think it is NEVER acceptable to hug their boss.

A recent study conducted by TipTopJob went on to find that only 5% would hug their boss when their boss praised them, 15% would hug their boss on “hello” or “goodbye” but 19% would when they got a promotion.

National Hug Your Boss Day is being held on Friday 23rd August 2013. The day was launched back in 2008 to promote workplace relationships and highlight the importance of getting along with your boss/manager.

A secondary survey asked individuals if they were a “pro” or “anti” hugger. Corinne Hutchinson, comments, “A massive 73% said they were a “pro” hugger. So, given this huge figure, we are asking people to get hugging, get snapping and submit their photos online on our Facebook page. There is a competition running for the best hug this year.”

National Hug Your Boss Day was created by TipTopJob.com, an online Job Board with over 400,000 live jobs across the world. Please contact us for more information coz@tiptopjob.com.


40% of UK citizens could last 6 months with savings when 70% of Indian citizens couldn’t last more than 1 month

In a recent survey conducted by TipTopJob.com, it was found that 40% of UK citizens could last 6 months or more on their savings if they were to lose their job. On the other hand, in the UK, the same number (40%) couldn’t last more than a month.

The findings went on to survey jobseekers and employees across the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, India and South Africa.

A huge 70% of citizens in India have less than one month’s savings. In Australia 54% could only last one month, in the USA 52%, in Canada 38% and South Africa 44%.

In India, only 10% could last more than 6 months but this was closely followed by 13% of individuals in Canada. In South Africa, 22% of people could last more than 6 months.

Across the world, with people being careful with what they are spending it is not surprising that there is not a higher % that could last more than 6 months. However, with the economic problems, in some cases maybe individuals have felt they have had to save their money in case they were to lose their job.

Mike Dauncey, comments, “A thought-provoking survey and interesting results comparing Country to Country. We will repeat this survey each year to see how the results may differ as time goes on. I am sure we will see an increase in the % of those able to last 6 months or more as time goes on.”