TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

Majority take it upon themselves to make CV Tip Top

Our latest press release has been issued today which is titled, "Majority take it upon themselves to make CV Tip Top". Here is the full press release......

Two thirds of people rely on themselves to update their CV, a recent study has found. This may involve an individual updating it on their own accord or using the Internet to research the necessary steps.

The study asked over 1,000 jobseekers what kind of help they have received in their most recent update of their CV.

A third of the respondents had paid to use a professional service. With many organisations around today who will charge a small amount to review and update a CV, it is quick, easy and affordable to use this option. Some even offer a free CV review which can used as a guide to improve what is already there. Only 9% turn to friends and family to seek similar help.

Corinne Hutchinson from TipTopJob, states, “Whether you are seeking help from someone else or not, it is important to take time to update your CV regularly and do it well. Updating your CV shows recruiters what your latest skills and experiences are and shows you are keen to find new employment….right now! The main advice here is to not leave your CV for too long without updating it. This also applies to Linkedin profiles. In fact, it is even more important to keep these details updated given they are so publicly available.”


June Stats Summary

At the end of June, we discovered the following highlights when looking at candidate and job registrations.....

- We ended June with 4,028,417 candidates and 2,093,995 CV's registered Worldwide.

- There are 350,000 live jobs to search through.

- The "Retail & Wholesale" industry brought the highest numbers of jobseekers throughout June with 3,268 registrations.

- The "Transport, Logistics & Distribution", "Secretarial,Office & Administration" and "Health, Nursing & Social Services" industries closely followed behind with high jobseeker numbers.

- The "Information Technology" industry is still the largest in terms of jobseekers standing at 476,263.

- The "Catering & Hospitality" industry had the highest number of jobs posted in June - a total of 962,086 jobs. 

- The "Advertising, Marketing & PR" and "Transport, Logistics & Distribution" industries came next in line for job counts.

For any further information regarding the TipTopJob statistics, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

TipTopJob launch 3rd affiliation in the Philippines

We have just issued our latest press release about our official launch in the Philippines........

PRESS RELEASE: TipTopJob launch 3rd affiliation in the Philippines

TipTopJob unveil their services in the Philippines as their 3rd country to officially launch under the affiliate scheme. 

The site will offer clients the opportunity to advertise jobs on the generic jobsite TipTopJob or any of the 35 specialist jobsites in the network onto the ph.TipTopJob.com local domain. 

Already the Philippines candidate database is over 150,000 strong and consists of over 400 active vacancies. Johnson & Johnson, Ericsson, SAP, 3M, Adidas are all currently recruiting on the ph.tiptopjob.com domain. 

The affiliate scheme allows businesses to sell TipTopJob in an allocated location as an add-on to their current services and earn commission on every sale made. “We are still on the lookout for other companies to take on the affiliate scheme in any other Country” says Mike Dauncey, CEO. “It is a fantastic opportunity for companies to build on their current revenue quickly”. 

For more information on the affiliate scheme, please see biz.tiptopjob.com or email affiliate@tiptopjob.com. For more information on advertising vacancies in the Philippines, please contact ph.sales@tiptopjob.com


Hooray!!! We are now accepting PDF CV’s into Jobseeker accounts. It may have been a long time coming but it is here and we are very pleased to announce this functionality.

You will still have the option to upload it in a word document (.doc) if that if your preference but the .pdf option is now available.

Upload your PDF CV today


Statistics Summary for January

Industry Stats - Jobseekers
Leading industries on TipTopJob in terms of jobseeker numbers remain to be IT, Engineering, Health and Office. The Ex-military and the Charity industry however saw the largest growth from December to January.

Industry Stats - Jobs
The Catering industry has the highest number of jobs being registered in January followed closely by the IT and Health industries. The largest growth was seen in the Ex-military industry.

Country Stats – Jobseekers
The UK attracted the highest number of jobseekers in January and has the largest database out of the full list of Countries. Mexico however attracted the second largest number of jobseekers followed by India throughout January but the USA still remains to hold the second largest number in the database.

Country Stats – Jobs
The highest number of jobs posted were into the USA through January, followed by Germany and then the UK.

Summary of Jobseeker and Jobs Stats by Industry in October

Jobseekers by Industry
Our “Recruitment” industry sector attracted the highest number of jobseekers throughout October bringing the total number of candidates registered to 22,500. There was a super 75% increase from the number of registrations in September.
The “Charity” industry was second largest to grow with a 67% increase in the number of jobseekers registering compared to September.
So far, our new industries have attracted the following jobseekers in less than one month:
- Ex-military = 47
- Military = 34
- Oil and Gas = 180
Jobs by Industry
The “Sports, Leisure and Lifestyle” industry attracted over 200% more jobs to the site throughout October and had over 10,000 jobs registered within it.
“Transport, Logistics and Distribution” had over 48,000 jobs registered which was a 93% increase from September.
Our new industries also gained a decent number of jobs:
- Ex-military = 64
- Military = 562
- Oil and Gas = 4
For more specific statistical data, please contact coz@tiptopjob.com.

Competition Time

Here at TipTopJob, we are running a competition on our Facebook page until the Friday 19th December to win 1 of 3 Christmas Presents.

So what can you win and how?

All you need to do is...

1. LIKE our Facebook page to enter into the competition to win a KINDLE FIRE. Our Facebook page can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tip-Top-Job/459197140530.

2. SHARE our Facebook page to enter into the competition to win an iPad mini. Our Facebook page can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tip-Top-Job/459197140530.

3. REGISTER on TipTopJob to enter into the competition to win a NEW Widi iPad. Click here www.TipTopJob.com to register.

It really is that SIMPLE. Just simply like, share or register and you can be a winner just in time for Christmas. Winners will be announced on Monday 22nd December 2014.

Jobinventory spotlight on TipTopJob

Jobinventory have recently put together a review on TipTopJob for their blog. A series of questions were answered and here is the result of the review....

Today we will take the opportunity to learn a little more about JobInventory ContributorTipTopJob. TipTopJob is a  major job employment site, both here in the United States, and also Internationally.  JobInventory is proud to include all of the U.S based TipTopJob listings within our Index. TipTopJob is unique in that it is actually a network of both generic and specialist job sites. It is this powerful combination that allows TipTopJob to proudly proclaim themselves tobe  the number one International Job Board network for worldwide job search. So, without further ado…


Hello, and thanks for sitting down with us.

First, to get things started, could you just tell us a little about TipTop Job and what it does?

TipTopJob is an unique network of generic and specialist job sites that cover 83 countries and 61 industry sectors. The group offers services that facilitate a match between job advertisers, employers and jobseekers. In addition to our main website TipTopJob.com, our network of sites include 35 specialist job sites, which can be found listed here: Specialist Job Boards and Job Sites

And what specific type of services/resources do you provide to job seekers?

In addition to our online job search and CV/Resume uploading, we also offer many great advise type services through our Career Centre and affiliated Partners. These services include CV/Resume writing, psychometric/recruitment testing, skills training and development, and more. Check out a full listing of our many job seeker services here on our Career Centre page and here on our Partners page.

Tell us a little about your background -how/when did TipTopJob begin, and how has it evolved over the years?

TipTopJob was launched in 2002 by Michael Dauncey, who is the Chairman of the Company. Anjim Qureshi was the Project Manager and Chief Architect of the system. Then in 2004, in response to marketplace demand for niche job sites, we launched industry specific job sites such as theITjob.com and theSALESjob.

And then we were really off and running,
2012 – Reached 3 million candidates registered on the database
2012 – Voted number 1 for worldwide search
2012 – Reached 1.8 million unique visitors per month
2014 – Reached 500,000 live vacancies

How would you describe the main target audience for the services you provide?

Anyone looking for a new job in any industry sector in any country.

What is it that makes TipTopJob so unique?

We own a network of specialist job sites as well as our generic TipTopJob site. This means that clients benefit from our specialist, niche traffic, as well as from the volumes originating from the generic site. This also allows jobseekers to use whichever of the sites they prefer the look and feel of. Meanwhile, clients benefit by the ability to advertise their jobs across any of our network of job sites, and from using multiple job boards from a single client account. We believe no one else can offer the opportunity to advertise on a generic site AND a specialist job site in just one transaction. We also help clients with International advertising in 83 countries. On our site clients have the ability to advertise for candidates in any country by using our country specific domains (e.g. uk.tiptopjob.com, es.tiptopjob.com, etc.) and jobseekers can register their accounts on the localized site where they are based.

What would you tell millions of job seekers about your service?

We are the number one International job board network, with over 500,000 live vacancies to search through in 61 Industries. We let you know when jobs are registered through our Email Alert system and you can save up to 5 CV’s and cover letter’s in your account to be able to customize applications to specific jobs. We have something for everyone!

What would you like to say specifically to employers?

We are a unique network of sites that can help any recruiter with localized or International job advertising. We can filter applications so those outside of the location restrictions are not sent. We also provide other advertising services including CV search, banner advertising, and email marketing.

Please add anything else you think our readers may be interested to know, or be surprised to learn about TipTopJob.

  • TipTopJob is not just a generic international job board, it allows users to utilize a specialist site if they prefer.
  • TipTopJob can be found on all social networks and has pages on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn to like, add, and follow.
  • TipTopJob is also the founder of National Hug Your Boss Day which runs in August every year to promote good working relationships.

Well, it’s been great learning all about TipTopJob and the many services you provide. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us!

You can also read the blog here: http://blog.jobinventory.com/contributor-spotlight-tiptop-jobs/

August Statistics Summary...

Here is a brief summary relating to our top Industries and Countries based on jobseeker registrations and jobs, total figures and monthly growth.
Our top industries based on jobseeker registrations remain constant with IT holding the most and Engineering, Health, Office and Accountancy following behind. The Recruitment sector experienced the highest growth from July to August with 55% more jobseekers registering their CV’s. This was closely followed by the Property and Real Estate industry that had 49% growth in the same period.
In terms of job registrations, the Transport, Logistics & Distribution industry had the highest number of jobs being registered in August totaling 366,750 jobs. The Advertising, Marketing & PR had the second highest number of jobs being registered followed by IT. It was the Media industry that had the highest growth rate from July to August followed by Agriculture and then Recruitment.
There are no surprises when saying that the UK and the USA still have the highest number of jobseekers registered. After that, in order of the total number of jobseekers, the Countries are: India, South Africa, Pakistan and Canada.
The USA had the most jobs being registered of over 1 million in August. Germany had the second highest number of almost 100,000 jobs and the UK was the third largest.
For more detailed statistics, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on sales@tiptopjob.com or marketing@tiptopjob.com.

TipTopJob June Statistics Summary

Here is a summary of our top Industries and Countries from June 2014...

Industry Statistics
In June the IT and Engineering industry attracted the highest number of jobseeker registrations. The Retail & Wholesale and Charity sectors grew by the largest % in the monthly period.
The Transport, Logistics & Distribution industry had the largest number of jobs registered in June of just under 500,000. This was closely followed by the Advertising, Marketing & PR industry which had almost 300,000 new jobs registered in the same period.
The IT industry saw the most number of applications in June followed by the Secretarial, Office & Administration industry and then the Engineering sector.
Country Statistics
The UK still contains the largest total number of candidates followed by the USA and then India.
There were 1.2 million jobs registered in the USA in June. Germany has the second largest number of jobs registered followed by the UK. Nicaragua was fourth in the list followed by the Netherlands and then Canada.