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Majority take it upon themselves to make CV Tip Top

Our latest press release has been issued today which is titled, "Majority take it upon themselves to make CV Tip Top". Here is the full press release......

Two thirds of people rely on themselves to update their CV, a recent study has found. This may involve an individual updating it on their own accord or using the Internet to research the necessary steps.

The study asked over 1,000 jobseekers what kind of help they have received in their most recent update of their CV.

A third of the respondents had paid to use a professional service. With many organisations around today who will charge a small amount to review and update a CV, it is quick, easy and affordable to use this option. Some even offer a free CV review which can used as a guide to improve what is already there. Only 9% turn to friends and family to seek similar help.

Corinne Hutchinson from TipTopJob, states, “Whether you are seeking help from someone else or not, it is important to take time to update your CV regularly and do it well. Updating your CV shows recruiters what your latest skills and experiences are and shows you are keen to find new employment….right now! The main advice here is to not leave your CV for too long without updating it. This also applies to Linkedin profiles. In fact, it is even more important to keep these details updated given they are so publicly available.”

