TipTopJob Blog

Welcome to the TipTopJob blog where you will be kept up to date with news, reviews, survey results, press releases, statistics, offers and more...

Have you found a job via social media?

Our new survey is up on the website. Have you ever found a new job via social media? We are looking into which platforms are the most popular in helping individuals to secure a new role.

So, have you found a new job via social media? 

Tell us which one by selecting one of the options on THIS PAGE.

Questions to ask at the end of an interview

After finding out in a recent survey conducted by TipTopJob that most people worry about what questions they will ask at the end of the interview, we thought it would be useful to put together some questions to think about choosing to use.

Asking good quality questions after being interviewed for a new role can highlight your interest in the company and role, show your motivation, ambition and intelligence.

You must not forget that an interview is a two way street and it is just as much about you deciding whether the job is right for you as it is the company working out if you are right for them.

So with this in mind, what sort of questions could you ask?? Here are some ideas that you can take with you…..

What are the biggest challenges of the job?
This will help you decide if you are up for the challenges and how far you are willing to push yourself should you take on the role. It can also help you to prepare for any further interviews you may be invited to as well.

How many other people are you interviewing?
This will help you to gauge what competition you are up against and possibly how long you will need to wait to hear from the hiring manager about how you have done.

When are you looking to recruit?
This gives you a stronger idea on timescales and how long you will need to wait to hear if you have another interview or if you have got the job. It shows you are keen and want to know when the position can potentially be yours!

Why is the job available?
This can help you to understand why someone may have left from the role or why the role has been created. The answer to this question can help you determine what to expect from the job and if it is suitable for you.

Are you confident that I am suitable for the role?
This puts the interviewer on the spot and shows your confidence. It can help you to gauge how well you have performed and if you are in for a good chance. It could be the opportunity, if negative, to find out what you have not done right and how you can work on improving certain areas before any other interviews.

What do you love and hate about working for this company?
This can give you a great idea of the positive and negative factors relating to the company and what someone else likes/dislikes. Hearing from someone who actually works at the company is one hundred times better than reading a company website or brochure. You will get a much better feeling about the truth.

What are the most and least enjoyable parts to this role?
By asking the positive and negative you may get a more rounded answer. Although it is the opinion of the interviewer, this will still help you to understand the good and bad aspects and whether this is something you agree with and want to take on.

What training do you offer?
This shows you are interested in increasing your own skills which is something a company will be keen to see.

Is there scope for promotion?
Again this shows you want to develop yourself and that you are keen. It is another classic question to ask!

So, now you have some ideas, maybe think about those that may be most suitable to ask for your interview coming up. Good Luck!

Colleagues most annoying habits

In one of our recent survey's, we asked our users what colleagues most annoying habits were. We offered 8 options and these were the results .......

Coming in as the most annoying habit was the humming, whistling and singing (of which 23% chose) but on the other end of the scale came stealing food!!

What would you say is the most annoying habit that your colleagues portray? Tell us below...

Work from home?

Working from home has become a big thing for many people with more sophisticated technology available and to accommodate those striving to have a better work/life balance. It does however usually depend on what kind of role you do as to whether it is even an option.

We asked our users recently how often some of them did work from home. We were surprised at the responses as we did expect a larger number of responses to the one-off times and once per week options. Only 9% work from home at one-off times, 6% once per week, 5% twice per week and 12% 2 to 4 times per week.

27% actually work from home everyday BUT a much larger proportion.....40%, said they NEVER work from home.

What job do you do if you work from home? Help us understand what types of roles actually consist of more working from home :)

Drinks at work

We asked over 2,000 of our users "What is your first drink you have when you get to work?" in order to analyse the caffeine and sugar addicts around us ....

A massive 57% of people have a coffee or a tea when they arrive into the workplace. It is a very common and obvious drink choice when sitting at a desk catching up on emails and could be more common among office workers. That said, grabbing a coffee on route to a meeting in the car or walking on site with a mug of tea would not go unheard of. Drinking coffee and tea can become addictive and therefore a very difficult habit to crack!!

Second to the coffee/tea drinkers we have the purest kind....our "water" drinkers. 33% say this is the first drink they consume when arriving at the workplace and a healthy percentage of them:) How can we promote this further and encourage more to stick to water?

There is current considerable concern about the sugar and caffeine that is being consumed across the World but this survey gives some refreshing evidence to show us that not many respondents drink fizzy caffeine, fizzy non-caffeine drinks, nor squash. Energy drinks did appear in the list however with 5% of our users unfortunately consuming them as their first beverage. 

What do you drink when you first arrive at work? Do you feel you need a caffeine or sugar boost? Or are you able to dodge this very dangerous addiction?

Most jobseekers look for a new job as they want more money

In our latest survey question about searching for a new job, we found that most respondents want more money and that is why they are searching for a new role. 27% of jobseekers selected “More Money” in the questionnaire.

Second to that was a “Career Change”. 18% were looking for a new role to change careers and try something new. 16% “Disliked Colleagues/Manager” and that was why they were job searching.

The other options and response rates were:

- Bored/don’t enjoy current role – 14%

- Re-locating – 10%

- Sacked/asked to leave – 8%

- More responsibility – 5%

- Better career prospects – 2%

Why are you looking for a new job? Is there another reason not listed above?

Is money always on the top of your agenda?

Late boozy nights mid week? Stimulant drinker?

In our recent double whammy survey, we asked if you had turned up to work “drunk” from the night before and secondly if you need stimulant drinks to get you through the working day.

The first survey looking into “drunk working” found that luckily 82% had NEVER done this. Unfortunately there were still 8% that do this on a regular basis and 10% that have done it once or twice. Once or twice is acceptably especially after a big work do, birthday or Christmas party. Do you know someone who falls into that 8% who regularly look bleary eyed and do you think it effects their work productivity?

The second survey asking about drinking stimulant drinks like red bull and monster at work found that a larger amount of people DO NOT drink them. 76% to be exact. However, 24% DO drink these caffeine/sugary drinks to help them get through the working day. Unfortunately, the people drinking these drinks will suffer from a number of side effects like shaking, agitation, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, palpitations and they have a dangerous ability to get people addicted to consuming them.

Our advice would be to keep those boozy nights to the weekend so you are not struggling to cope with a day at work and avoid those caffeine/sugary drinks that can spike your blood sugar levels and cause you to suffer from various other side effects.

20% of people have had sex in an office fling

In a recent survey conducted by TipTopJob, it was found that 20% of people have taken their office fling to the furthest step and had sex with another individual at work.

TipTopJob asked over 1000 respondents if firstly, they believed in love at the workplace and if office romances really exist. 54% believe so yet 46% do not.

Furthermore we looked at how far individuals have taken their office fling. On a sensible and reassuring note, 71% have never had an office fling and sadly no fling has developed into a relationship. On the other hand however, 6% have had a cuddle, 3% have had a kiss and more interestingly, 20% have actually had sex!

Stuart Rea, International Sales Director comments, “With Valentine’s Day this weekend, we thought it necessary to talk about workplace relationships and the extent of them.” He continues, “Funnily enough we have several ‘relationships’ going on in our office but no ‘office flings’ as far as we know at the moment! The day before Valentine’s Day this year is Friday 13th, unlucky for some, lucky for others. Will you get lucky this year?!? :) ”

Read the press release on our website:
https://www.tiptopjob.com/displaycontent/sectionid/27/contentid/1510_-20-have-had-sex-in-an-office-fling …

PRESS RELEASE: TipTopJob launch Portugal and France

PRESS RELEASE: TipTopJob launch Portugal and France

Through the TipTopJob affiliate scheme, TipTopJob launch in Portugal and France to offer job advertising at competitive rates. 

pt.TipTopJob.com and fr.TipTopJob.com are the local TipTopJob domains for each Country allowing advertisers to post vacancies attracting local talent as well as taking advantage of the potential for Global advertising. 

Companies located in Portugal and France are now officially licenced to sell the TipTopJob services in their allocated location. 

The affiliate scheme allows businesses to sell TipTopJob in an allocated location as an add-on to their current services and earn commission on every sale made. Mike Dauncey comments, “The network consists of 83 Country domains that are open to the affiliate scheme and it is an amazing opportunity for anyone wanting to build revenue for themselves quickly as we already have a database of registered jobseekers looking for work in every Country.”

For more information on the affiliate scheme, please see biz.tiptopjob.com or email affiliate@tiptopjob.com.