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Struggling with your work life balance? Here is how to reset!

We have all been guilty of working too hard, not giving ourselves enough breathing space and time to relax that we end up falling ill and not performing at work to the best of our abilities. If this sounds like you, then read on for some top tips on how to press that all important reset button and start afresh.

Striking a healthy balance between work and personal life it tricky at the best of times but when your head is all over the place, you are working over 12 hour days, you forget to eat lunch and rarely get a moment to yourself, you need to be strong and take a few steps back. Here is how…

With your limited time, you have probably thrown any kind of exercise routine out of the window but it is one of the best things to get your blood pumping and combat stress. If you cannot do your regular gym session or team sport, then try to incorporate some kind of home based plan like short HIIT session, DVD or take the opportunity to walk or cycle to work, run up the stairs etc. Whatever it may be, make yourself do it!

Bedtime Routine
Starting a regular bedtime routine can help your body relax and get itself ready to sleep and……sleep well. Whether it is taking a relaxing bath, resetting your to-do list or reading, try to get into a regular pattern and get yourself to bed at the same time each evening if you can.

Morning Routine
Again trying to get into a regular routine is important for the body. Each morning start on a positive note as it can help set you up for your busy day ahead. Maybe get yourself up a little earlier to do your exercise routine, start the day with a hot water and lemon, do some admin before leaving for the office. Again whatever it is, try to keep it regular so you a ready for the day and feeling motivated!

Communication with your boss
Being able to cope with your daily routine and jobs will be helped by effective communication with your boss. If you are struggling to meet a deadline or you do not understand something, then being able to open up and speak to your boss will overcome any stress in comparison to if you are afraid to talk to them or you are hiding something. Ensure you understand what is expected of you for each task so that you can work effectively to make your boss a happy one J You want to both be on the same page.

Relaxation/quiet time
Work out what makes you feel relaxed and do it. This will vary from person to person but it is important to find something that allows you to switch off from your busy world and take some quiet time alone. This could be as simple as reading your favourite book, colouring in, listening to music or taking a bath. It is a great way to de-stress and hugely important to find what works for you!

There are many ways to reduce stress and re-set yourselves and new methods that are being introduced in today’s very busy, hectic, technological lifestyles. Try to find what works for you and make yourself take that time out. At the end of the day, if you can manage your stress levels, you will be a happier and more productive person.

If you are struggling with your current role, feel overwhelmed all of the time, cannot cope and you do not think this is ever going to change, then why not change your job and find something more suitable for you and hugely less stressful? You can conduct a job search here to kick start your job search and have a look at what other options you have....
