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Job boards first choice when looking for a new job...

Our most recent survey of around 1000 people over the last 2 weeks asked “When looking for a new job, where is the first place you would look?” The options we provided were; job board, recruitment agency, social network, friend network, direct, newspaper or jobcentre.

Most people clicked “job board” as the first place they would visit when looking for a new job, in fact 36%. “Recruitment agency” came in as the second most popular place to look with 24% of the responses. 13% would use their “social network”, 10% would visit their “jobcentre”, 8% would go “direct” to the employer, 7% read the “newspaper” and 3% said they would use their “friend network”.

We were surprised with the results as with so many more people using social networks today and with their increasing usage, we thought they would take more of the votes than a mere 13%. Recruitment agencies were two times more popular as a first choice and job boards almost three times more popular.

Where would you visit first? If it is a job board, then which job board is your number one?
